Monday, November 24, 2014

Oh How I Miss You Blogfest and Character Building at the IWSG

I’m over at The Insecure Writer’s Support Group site, outlining how to build a character through the handout I use for my characterization sessions.

Oh How I Miss You Blogfest

Hosted by Andrew Leon, Alex J. Cavanaugh, and Matthew MacNish.

The bloggers you miss and the ones you would miss.
List one to three bloggers you really miss.
List one to three bloggers you would really miss if they stopped blogging.
And then go let them know!

The three bloggers I really miss:

Julie Luek - she announced that she wouldn’t be blogging anymore at her main blog, A Thought Grows, but she hasn’t posted at her other BLOG since this past summer. She was a woman of faith and had such a great attitude. Miss you, Julie.

Ella - Her blog, Ella’s Edge, has been quiet this year, with only an occasional post. She’s recently posted a few poems, so I hope she is back. Ella is so creative and crafty. I love seeing what she’s created for us every time she posts. Miss you, Ella.

Gary - He blogs at Klahanie, but those posts have been few and far between lately. He recently moved and I’m sure he’s struggling with the changes. I miss seeing Penny, his cute little dog, every week. She is a Superstar, and so is Gary. Miss you, Gary -we are here for you.

The three I would miss:

Karen Walker - We met through a blogging class many years ago and connected right away. She moved to Albuquerque, NM just months before I moved away, so we just missed meeting in real life. She is a wonderful writer and her posts at Followign the Whispers are so honest and transparent. She recently had a medical procedure done and I hope it won’t interfere with her blogging, because I would miss her dearly.

Jo - She blogs at Jo on Food and Travels, and she’s someone I’ve had the pleasure of meeting in real life. She lived in N. Carolina for many years before moving to Canada, so we know a lot of the same locations. She always posts a recipe and I’m always trying to figure out a way to make it vegan. She’s posted daily for so long and it would be so empty if she quit.

Sheena-kay - Her blog is Queen Sheena, and when you visit, you’re always greeted by this wonderful smile. She lives in Jamaica, so it’s interesting to hear about the world through the eyes of someone living in another country. She’s also a writer and I look forward to her upcoming books. I’ve enjoyed getting to know her and hope Sheena-kay continues to blog for a long time.

Who would you name that you miss or would miss?


  1. Diane, you've introduced me to some new bloggers here! I would definitely miss Karen if she stopped blogging.

  2. Awesome you try to convert the recipes to vegan. I just got a great book Chole's Kitchen, that's vegan.

    Awesome blogfest.

  3. I don't know all your choices - I'll have to come back after work and meet them :)
    Gary is one of my favourite bloggers too!

  4. These are some really great bloggers to highlight! I would really miss Sheena-Kay!

  5. Oh my gosh, only three? That's hard to do. I'd miss you, that's for sure. I'd also miss Alex, the Beer Boys, Robyn (aka the chocolate lady), and so many others….hard to just pick three...

  6. Natalie, I'm pretty good at making a recipe vegan. There are always alternatives.

    Elsie, I think everyone would miss Alex.

  7. Some great choices. It's been so long since Julie posted anything.
    Thanks for participating in our blogfest!

  8. Thanks Diane. I too don't know most of your blogs. Gary and Penny of course. It's nice to know I would be missed. I would also miss your blog although I didn't take place in this blogfest.

  9. There are bloggers I miss too. It's weird how we get attached to them and they could me on the other other side of the world, but their personality shines all the way here.

  10. I used to enjoy reading Julie at A Thought Grows. I felt sorry when she posted she wasn't writing on that blog anymore. I followed her in the other blog but it seems she has been too busy lately.
    Gary and Penny, I have missed them too. First the moving and then the adapting time, I guess. Hopefully they come back to their regular posting.
    And absolutely agree that the web wouldn't be the same without Jo's tasty recipes! Don't think she is quitting soon, though. Thankfully. :) Dragon Hugs!

  11. I'm not sure if I know these bloggers. Well, except Sheena-kay. She's great!

  12. Hey, Diane,

    Yes. I also miss Julie as I enjoyed reading her posts. Hsven't been keeping up with things so not aware that the others have stopped. I'd miss Sheena-Kay too if she stopped blogging.

    Great post over at the IWSG site.

  13. I really love Jo's blog as well. And just like you, I'm try to figure out how to make her recipes vegan.

  14. Jo, just keep posting your recipes and I'll keep making them vegan.

    Holly, that's it exactly.

    Karen, has it been that long? And yet seems like I've know you for far longer.

    Vanessa, I didn't know you were a vegan.

  15. I'm going to check out some of those new blog sites! :)

  16. Thanks for sharing your choices! I've found a couple new blogs to follow!

  17. I still keep up with Julie on Facebook. She's so awesome.

    Other than Sheena-Kay, the others are new to me. New places to check out!!!

  18. I've missed Julie too and noticed Ella's Edge hasn't been active. Enjoyed your post at IWSG.

  19. I always enjoy Ella, too, and you're right--far less around recently. I know Karen, too, but will have to check out these others...

  20. I agree - Sheena-Kay is wonderful. :)

  21. I know a couple of those; I'll have to check out the others.

  22. There are many I'd miss if they stopped blogging, and many I miss because they did. I often wonder what's become of them.

  23. I would miss you because your blog is full of useful tips for writers!

  24. Jay, let her know we miss her.

    Clarissa, thank you!

  25. I've been missing Gary, too. I think he's on his way back, though.

  26. These sound like interesting bloggers. I know Karen and I would miss her too. I'd also miss you as your posts are always so informative and entertaining. Thanks!

  27. I love it when Gary posts. I miss Old Kitty and Golden Eagle.

  28. I would miss you! And Jeanette at Wings on Mirth and Worth, and the two bloggers I keep up with at my photo blog. Just getting back into my writing blog and still have not reconnected but working on it!

  29. Gary is a wonderful person!
    Happy Thanksgiving holiday, Diane!

  30. I didn't know about Julie and Ella, and I'm sad to learn this. Thanks for the info, though. I'll pay them a visit.

    I'd miss too many to list here. The list would most certainly include Spunk On A Stick.

    Have a great Thanksgiving. xo

  31. Hmmm, my list would be too long! I've made so many friendships through blogging and I cherish each one. Happy Thanksgiving!

  32. I'm vegetarian so I'm always looking at recipes to figure out how I can do them without the meat. :)

    I have noticed that Gary hasn't been posting as much.

    I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, L. Diane!

  33. I missed Gary too. And I don't think he liked being away from us either. Glad he and Penny the Jack Russell dog and internet superstar are back.

  34. I mean "modest internet superstar"...

  35. Julie!! She was my babe. Luckily I get to chat with her on FB.

  36. I am reminded of some very good bloggers. I too would miss Sheena, and it's sad to see Julie MIA. I'll have to visit her. :)

  37. Hi Diane,

    Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar informed me to head on over here.

    I really miss Julie's blogs. I must check out Ella's site.

    As for that the third one you mention, that is very kind of you. Penny would probably self-pawmote at this time, however, I would never dream of doing that.

    Thanks for the mention of those you would miss. Penny and I are very familiar with Jo, the other two, not so much. Shall check everything out that I can.

    I miss a blog titled "Crazy Brunette Chick." I also know why she stopped her crazy blog. Huge respect to her.

    Thanks to those who noted my blog in the comments and thanks to you, Diane. Thanks to everybody, no matter what.

    Gary :)

  38. I follow practically evey blogger you highlighted and I adore them. And I would/do miss them too. Spot on with this post, Diane.

  39. Great choices. I hadn't realised Julie wasn't posting, but I enjoy her blog too. I'm sure Gary will get back to more regular posting now his move is completed.

  40. I agree about everyone you listed. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  41. Excellent list. Queen d Sheena is great.

  42. I miss Julie too! She's still on facebook occasionally, but I miss her loving thoughtfulness about life and writing.

  43. I really should visit some of these fine folks.
