Monday, October 27, 2014

A Lizard's Tail and Things That Scare Fat Gary, the Minion

I read Bish Denham's latest book and completely enjoyed it! A Lizard’s Tail is a charming story and told much like a fable. It reminded me of Watership Down and the stories the rabbits told of Prince El-ahrairah.

Marvin’s adventure changes him and introduces him to many new friends. The story is about cooperation and friendship. It’s also about preconceived notions, vanity, and expanding one’s knowledge.

The characters are charming. I loved both El Grekko and the Great Old Iguana.

This would be not only a wonderful book to read to your kids, but one you would enjoy reading, too!

From the moment he hatches, Marvin P. Tinkleberry knows he is destined for greatness. For one, he has a marvelous, well-groomed tail. For another he can puff out his throat pouch in the most spectacular way. Maybe the other lizards in his colony don't take him seriously, but he knows the truth. It lives in the marrow of his bones; he's going to be a hero.

When a feral cat threatens the lives of all who live at Stone Wall in the Garden by the Sea, Marvin knows it's HIS destiny to get rid of the fearsome beast. Travelling Over the Hill to find help should be as easy as snapping up a sleeping moth. But it doesn't take long for Marvin to see that the world beyond Stone Wall is not the same as his pampered life back at the garden. From the deadly Sucker Cactus Forest to deadly mongooses, danger lurks around every corner and Marvin will have to decide if he's willing to be the hero he's long bragged about being.

Buy it now on Amazon

Bish Denham was raised in the U. S. Virgin Islands. Her mother's side of the family has lived in the Caribbean for over one hundred years and she still has plenty of family there whom she visits regularly.

She says, "Growing up in the islands was like living inside a history book. Columbus named the islands, Sir Francis Drake sailed through the area, and Alexander Hamilton was raised on St. Croix. Then there were the pirates who plied the waters. Life for me was magical, and through my writing I hope to pass on some of that magic."

Bish has known many lizards in her life. Marvin and Leeza are based on two that lived in her bedroom.

She is the author of Anansi and Company: Retold Jamaican Folk Tales which you can find on

Find Bish: Blog / Facebook / Goodreads / Twitter

I started this series on Facebook - Things That Scare Fat Gary. My husband came up with the idea and we had fun taking the photos. I thought I would share one of them with you.


  1. That would scare me too, Fat Gary.

    Congrats to Bish on her new release!

  2. Bish's book sounds so good. Congrats to her on her new book.

  3. Bish is a great writer!
    Better run, Fat Gary.

  4. That knife would scare me too!

    Thanks for the wonderful review, Diane!

    Natalie, my story was fun to write.

    Alex, I'm honored you think I'm a good writer, thanks.

  5. Fat Gary is right to be scared!
    Congrats to Bish - the lizards sound awesome :)

  6. Congrats to Bish! Wishing her all the best.

    Cute pic. Thanks for sharing. :)

  7. Congrats to Bish!

    That minion pumpkin is just amazing! He did a fantastic job.

  8. Love this review. I agree with the captain. Bish is such a funtastic writer. Fat Gary. Bahahaha.

  9. Good luck to Bish and Things That Scare Fat Gary! Who doesn't like geckos and iguanas? I know I don.

  10. Congrats to Bish. And that is one scary knife.

  11. Bish, you're welcome. I'll post it later today on Amazon.

    Jay, my husband is a great artist.

  12. Great review!

    Heading to Facebook. Want to make sure we're friends over there.

  13. A Lizard's Tale sounds cute. I really like the cover!

  14. I love animal characters.

  15. I enjoyed Bish's book, too. A fun and lively adventure!

    As to Fat Gary, his pumpkiness is charming and I'm sending a rescue team. Hold on Fat Gary.

  16. Hi Diane .. you've given a great review here and I've bought it .. so I definitely need to get reading it. Great imagination shown for Marvin ...

    Love your Thing that Scare Fat Gary ... hideously foul!!

    Cheers Hilary

  17. Congrats to Bish, I love this book.

    And I love that photo! It made me giggle.

  18. Bish's book looks like it's fun for all ages.
    Poor Fat Gary - about to lose a bunch of weight, in a most painful manner.

  19. Oh, man, those photos are hilarious. Your husband may be a genius :). I hope you share other photos here (I don't do Facebook :P).

  20. Sounds like a great story. Wish Bish lot's of success.

    Poor Fat Gary

  21. Oh! Fat Gary is adorable. Bish's book sounds adorable too. Thanks for the review.

  22. Thanks everyone who stopped by!

    Marvin's doing his best to protect Fat Gary from that knife, Diane!

  23. Bish's book does sound like a charming story!

    And, I've been enjoying those "scare" pics on facebook. :)

  24. Congratulations to Bish. A Lizard's Tail sounds like a delightful read for all ages. I don't blame Fat Gary for being scared. I would be too.

  25. Bish, I hope he doesn't lose his tail again.

  26. Wonderful sounding book and great photo. A smile to start my day. Thanks!

  27. That pumpkin is CUTE!
    Bish's story DOES sound delightful! And her book covers are equally delightful!
    Congrats Bish!

  28. OMG! I love the pumpkin! I have also seen Bish's story. I hope she does well.

  29. I have seen this book EVERYWHERE! :D Congrats, Bish!

    Fat Gary is cute!

  30. That pumpkin is hilarious and the book sounds wonderful.

  31. Congrats Bish! The story sounds fun!

  32. Roll away, Fat Gary! Roll away!

  33. A comparison to Watership Down is enough to get me interested. And that minion, love it! :)

  34. That book sounds cute!

    Love the pic!!

  35. Major congrats to Bish!

    I liked the photo w/ the easter rabbit or whatever it was. That really made me laugh.

  36. HAHAHA! Things that Scare Fat Gary sounds hilarious. They are on your facebook page?

  37. Congrats to Bosh!

    I love Fat Gary!

  38. I've interviewed Bish. She is a charm!

  39. Congratulations and best of luck, Bish! (I love your name!)

    Aww, poor little Minion. (adorable!)

    I have yet to read Watership Down. I really need to put that on my list.

  40. Happy Halloween, Diane! The lizard book reminds me of the lizards we saw in Puerto Rico several weeks ago. They hung out at the restaurant where we dined and waited for morsels of food to drop. Then they would sometimes beat out the birds to grab them.

  41. I hope to read Bish's book over the weekend or next week.

    I loved your FB pics.

  42. Awesome photo! And way to support a fellow writer, Diane.

  43. Congrats to Bish!
