Monday, April 28, 2014

Snip, Snip Revenge by Medeia Sharif now available - and the generosity of the online writing community

SNIP, SNIP REVENGE by Medeia Sharif
YA Contemporary, Evernight Teen
Release Date April 25, 2014

Beautiful, confident Tabby Karim has plans for the winter: nab a role in her school’s dramatic production, make the new boy Michael hers, and keep bigoted Heather—with her relentless Ay-rab comments—at bay. When a teacher’s lie and her father’s hastiness rob her of her beautiful hair, her dreams are dashed. The fastest barber in Miami Beach has made her look practically bald. 

With all her pretty hair gone, Tabby doesn’t believe she fits the feminine role she’s auditioning for. Michael is still interested in her, but he’s playing it cool. Heather has taken to bullying her online, which is easier to do with Tabby’s ugly haircut. Tabby spearheads Operation Revenge, which proves satisfying until all of her problems deepen. After messing up, she sets to make things right.

Author Bio
I’m a Kurdish-American author who was born in New York City, and I presently call Miami my home. I received my master’s degree in psychology from Florida Atlantic University. After becoming a voracious reader in high school and a relentless writer dabbling in many genres in college, I found my niche writing for young people. Today I'm a MG and YA writer published through various presses. In addition to being a writer, I'm a middle school English teacher. My memberships include Mensa, ALAN, and SCBWI.

Find Medeia

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Medeia was also sweet enough to feature my book, How to Publish and Promote Your Book Now, for her W Post on Saturday. 

And I was Randi Lee’s Featured Blogger on Sunday.

Medeia and Randi Lee, thank you!

That is what makes the online community of writers and authors so wonderful. We are all willing to help one another. Even more so than in the real world sometimes. Online we are so willing to share the joys of another.

And that’s such a beautiful thing.

Do you find this community just as giving?


  1. Congrats to Medeia! So excited for her.

    And I so agree how supportive the online community is. Everyone's support has helped me so much during these challenging times I'm going through.

  2. I totally agree with you, Diane! This community is fabulous, dawling, simply fabulous!

  3. I love the premise for Medeia's book. I'll also be spotlighting her and her book soon!

    Sheri at Writer's Alley

    Home of Rebel Writer CREED 2014
    Mighty Minion Bureau Team #atozchallenge

  4. Congratulations, Medeia on the release of your book. Wishing you much success.

    Diane, I've been so amazed at how the online community comes together. Bloggers are willing to lend a hand to promote a book, answer a question, give support in a time of crisis and celebrate with you when times go right. It's a wonderful thing.

  5. Medeia, you grabbed onto the perfect age for this. We do look at hair as a badge of beauty, don't we? Online bullying? right out of the headlines. :-) Congratulations!

    Diane, this is a caring community.

    Sia McKye Over Coffee

  6. Way to go Medeia!!!

    And yes, I don't know where I'd be without awesome people like...YOU.

  7. Congratulations, Medeia!
    This community has helped me so much.

  8. Very true! New follower here, from Randi's featured post. The online community is surprisingly more supportive than the outside world, well, for the most part. :D

    Great to meet you, Diane.


  9. I enjoyed Medeia's first book and this one sounds like a winner as well.

  10. Best wishes to Medeia!

    It's a wonderful community for sure. Wish I'd had access to something like this many years ago.

    Wrote By Rote
    An A to Z Co-host blog

  11. Medeia's so wonderful. It couldn't have happened to a more deserving person. I do love the support for writers in the blogging community these days. It's stronger than ever!

  12. I love that Medeia gives the world a look at the Muslim girls in the US. Congrats to her on this one!

  13. The cover is fabulous, Medeia. Congratulations. I hope it's a huge success. Hi, Lee!

  14. I;m so happy to see Medeia's book everywhere! :D

  15. Yes, this is an extremely special and supportive environment!!!!

  16. Medeia's book sounds very promising! Girls really do use their hair as a badge of honor at that age. I'll have to check it out.

  17. Congrats to Medeia on her new release. Here's hoping the message in the book takes it to the top of the bestseller lists.

    And to answer Diane's question. Yes, the blogging/writing community is awesome.

  18. Sounds like a wonderful book!

    The online community of writers is so wonderfully accepting and encouraging and supportive. It's been a tremendous help to me.

  19. Thank you so much for posting this and helping me out. Yes, I love the blogging community.

  20. Theres a lot of goodness in the blogsphere with friendly writers only too happy to share.

  21. The blogging world is filled with generous people. Had a student when I taught who had long beautiful hair and then had it cut off by her father for punishment. Medeia's book sounds very interesting.

  22. Hi Diane,

    I delighted to see that Medeia has been featured on your site.

    And pleased that she has been released. Start again. And pleased that her latest book has now been released.

    Yes, you writers and authors n'stuff, help each other, support each other, encourage each other.

    Community spirit is a wonder to behold.


  23. Isn't Medeia's cover art stunning? I'm going to feature it this Saturday too.

  24. Yes, I, too, find the blogging community very supportive.

  25. Way to go, Medeia!!! The online community just wraps every writer up in a huge support system - it's great!

  26. Congrats to Medeia! I love the cover on this. It sounds like an awesome revenge story. :)

  27. Oh, darn posted before I was finished - I totally agree that the writing community is so helpful and supportive. :)

  28. This speaks to me. My hair thinned because of meds I was taking and it affected how my self-esteem deeply.

    Agree with everyone else - love our online community!!

    AJ's wHooligan in the A-Z Challenge

  29. This community rocks, and all I have to do is point at this post to prove it. And congrats on Medeia's book! I've seen it pop up all over. :)

  30. I am constantly amazed at the giving spirit of the people I've met here. It's the warmest, happiest place on the internet. :)

    Congrats to Medeia!

  31. Congrats to Medeia!!!
    And to you for being featured :)

  32. Congrats to Medeia!! I love this community of writers and authors. Although I'm very new to this blogging community, I've been impressed by how everyone "takes care of" each other. What a wonderful thing! I'm still trying to figure out how to get in on all the cover reveals and such. I'd love to feature authors on my blog. If you know how, let me know.... :)

  33. Major congrats to Medeia!

    I love to help others and feel bad if I missed out somehow. But it is a great community. :)

  34. Medeia's book sounds cute!!

    Yes, the community of writers is awesome. I feel as if I've known many of them all my life because they're so easy and kind.

  35. I just love how, on the whole, the blogger community is so supportive. Medeia's book sounds great. I'll check it out on Amazon.


  36. Medeia's book sounds really good.

    Thanks for all your support during A to Z!

    Mary Montague Sikes

  37. AnonymousMay 01, 2014

    pretty nice blog, following :)

  38. Congratulations to Medeia. I saw her book featured on another blog recently. It's great that the writing community is giving her support.

  39. L--you're so great! I love your comments and how much you give to this community--and your appreciative post is further testament to this. I'd gladly feature you every day!! :)

  40. HI, L. Diane...

    ABSOLUTELY!!!! Our community is THE BEST!!!!!! Everyone is willing to lend a hand if they can.

    IN the almost four years I've blogged, I have received amazing amounts of sincere blogger friendship and love.....

    I thank God every day for this community. I truly save my life when my business failed in 2009 when the economy crashed....

  41. AnonymousMay 04, 2014

    This writing community is one reason why I've kept blogging since 2009 -- I've learned so much, been supported and encouraged, and always have opportunities to return the favor. May the 4th be with you!

  42. I LOVE Medeia!!! She's such a supportive, wonderful, person in this community. Huge congrats to her! (And ditto with you, Diane---you are SO one of these people) :)

  43. Congrats to Medeia!
    Truth be told? I'd never have continued blogging/writing and now even working on publishing my book, if it wasn't for the online writing/blogging community.
    The warmth and generosity is unbelievable - and yet 99% of people haven't ever met...
