Friday, April 18, 2014

Catching Up and Spunky the Cat Update

First, thanks to Alex J. Cavanaugh for featuring me on Thursday. That was a big surprise.

I didn’t post on Monday due to a project I was working on. I knew I wouldn’t be able to visit other bloggers if I did, so I thought it was easier to just skip the day. I appreciate everyone who went back and commented on my comments post. The “Great post!” ones cracked me up.

I’m not participating in the Challenge here this year, but I am contributing to the Insecure Writer’s Support Group website. The posts are short and sweet, designed to encourage and inform. We also invite you to share your own A to Z posts over at the Facebook IWSG.

I’ll be back here on Monday. In the meantime, I’ll give you an update on Spunky. He had surgery the first week of February to remove a cancerous tumor. Twenty-two staples, three weeks with a cone, and six weeks in a crate to contain his activity. Longest six weeks of our life!

The cancer is in his bones, so it will take him eventually. But for now, we are glad he can be with us a little longer.

One of his nicknames is Captain Fuzzy Pants. When he came home from his surgery, I said he was missing half his pants:

But now I am happy to report, he is Captain Fuzzy Pants once more!

I’ll end with a photo of our handsome boy:


  1. So glad to see Spunky has his fuzzy pants back. I know you'll enjoy every second you have left with him and he'll be treated wonderfully. He's beautiful. I love his express in the last photo.

  2. Hi, L. Diane.

    Such a cutie... I LOVE black cats. I had a gorgeous black Norwegian Forrest kitten for a week... I LOVED her, she was so smart and funny, but I had to return her, sadly. My allergies were so bad I almost died. So no kitties for me....

    Hopefully, when I sell my condo, I can get a cut puppy again... I LOVE animals of all kinds!

  3. He's absolutely beautiful, L! I'm sorry to hear that the cancer reached his bones, but I'm also happy to hear that he'll be with you a while more. Pets are more than 'mere pets' to me--they're family and I'm glad you're family will be sticking around for a spell!!

  4. Glad to hear someone is catching up. I'm still catching up from 6 years ago.

    Wrote By Rote
    An A to Z Co-host blog

  5. Hi Diane
    That was so sad about Spunky. I'm pleased to see he's doing all right now.
    We haven't had cats for some time because we live too near a main road. I do miss having a cat. It's good to bring a cat and a dog up together, too. We used to have a neighbour with five cats and our dog was their best friend!
    Spunky looks like Rambo who lives at the back of us.

  6. Mason, he is such a beautiful cat.

    Michael, I hope you get your puppy soon.

    Randi Lee, he is one of the family.

  7. Awww, so regal and relaxed.

  8. My in laws are in a similar boat with their cat. She's not going to be with us much longer. Glad yours is doing better. :)

  9. Spunky looks great. I love how animals just recover. They don't stay stuck in the past. Just enjoy Spunky for all the time you get. Thanks for the update!!!

  10. Glad the Captain has his fuzzy pants back! And happy to feature you.

  11. Having been through several surgeries, emergency room visits and ultimately final vet visits with my beloved friends over the years I totally understand. I;m so glad to see Mr. Fuzzy Pants back in action- give him lots of cuddles for me!

  12. Cap'n Fuzzy Pants is handsome indeed. My wife introduced me to the joys of cat ownership only a few years ago. Now I don't know how I ever lived without them.

  13. I'm a cat lover, and your boy looks beautiful. We had to give our cat shots for diabetes for four years after his diagnosis. Our vet said we had kept our cat alive much longer than most once they are diagnosed.

    We had him for 14 years or so, total. And thanks, for taking the time to drop by my blog!

  14. Yay for Captain Fuzzy Pants! I'm glad he's feeling better!

  15. I bet he's happy to have his hair back!

    BTW, I'm finally reading your book! How long has it been sitting in my pile? A year? Oy! You've got some great advice in it. When I'm done, I'll write a review for you.

  16. Cat always look like they've just come into money. Love his nickname.

  17. He looks great with his pants back on. :) (What an odd thing to type! Lol.) Enjoy your time with him. :)

  18. So pretty and alert. With a name like Spunky, we get a clue on his personality.

    I'm glad he's doing better. And Yes, you take the time you have and cherish it, don't you?

    Sia McKye Over Coffee

  19. Aww, he is quite a handsome lad. Glad to see he's got his pants back, and I hope he has many, many more happy days ahead of him.

  20. Poor kitty. Poor family.

    I'm tempted to write "Great post" and go away, but I won't. I'm hoping your little Spunk gets to stick around for a good while.

    True Heroes from A to Z

  21. What a trooper. It's amazing how much cats can endure, when they're spunky like their humans/parents.


  22. Spunky - just like you Diane!
    He's quite smug in the last pic... like he knows something we don't... ha!

  23. Spunky is looking pretty good right now. Sorry to hear the cancer is in his bones though.

    I wouldn't mind having a cat again but Matt isn't keen on them.

  24. David, it's so hard knowing he won't be with us for years and years.

    Beverly, another of his nicknames is the Love Bug - for a good reason!

    Bob, my husband never wanted cats until we got Calvin and Hobbes right before we married. Now he loves them.

    DG, Hobbes was diabetic and I gave her shots for seven years. She died just shy of 16.

    Sherry, thank you!

    Rachel - LOL!

    Robyn, he bounced back really fast from the surgery.

  25. What a cute kitty! Cats always look weird when they're shaved, and they know you're laughing at them :P. I'm glad you can enjoy some more time with him.

  26. Aw, that's so sad about the Spunkster. But it is good that he can be home with you and that his pants grew back.

    LuAnn Braley
    AJ's Hooligans @AtoZChallenge
    Back Porchervations

  27. I've missed seeing your regular posts. Spunky looks much better with his pants and without the shade.

  28. Hi human, Diane,

    That is most upbeat news about your beloved cat, Spunky. The name of your cat is most fitting.

    Thank you for not pawticipating in the A to Z!

    Pawsitive wishes,

    Penny, the friendly host of the Alphabark Challenge! :)

  29. Captain Fuzzy Pants is gorgeous!
    I am so happy he is thrilling and doing well~
    I will have to stop by and see what I have missed over at FB. You are a busy bee-I hope life is treating you well!

  30. Glad to see such a pretty kitty will be able to stick around a bit longer for you all.

    Cherish the time :)

  31. We recently lost a cat that was part of the family for 16 years. I'm so happy you get more time with your kitty. May he live for decades more.

  32. Hurrah for Spunky! Love the pants. I lost my fifteen year old kitty in November. I had known it was coming because her kidneys were full of stones. It really made me appreciate and spoil her in her last year.

  33. JE, we did have to laugh a little.

    Susan, the cone of shame was awful.

    Gary and Penny, no A to Z for me.

    Ella, he's a pretty boy.

    Mark, we will.

    Frank, we hope so.

  34. Hi Diane .. so pleased Spunky is nearly back to his normal self and you can enjoy him being around a while longer - sad to know - but I reckon he'll be one spoilt cat now!

    Enjoy Easter with him around and the six weeks of ensuring he got healthy before the big release .. he does look happy now ... happy days - cheers Hilary

  35. Hi, Diane,
    Happpy to know Spunky is doing better. He does look like the king of the castle in that last picture.

  36. Glad to hear you have your boy back.

  37. My cat looked funny with a shaved arm due to an IV. Your cat is very handsome.

  38. Hope you have a wonderful time with Spunky for the time you have left. Looks like he's taking everything in his stride!

  39. Oh my, this must be so hard for you. Spunky is a beautiful cat.

  40. aww! i know how it is to have the furry part of the family shaved, in a cone, and helpless. glad you guys are making it through and recovering!

    happy easter!!

  41. Awe I'm sorry to hear the cancer got into his bones. :-(

    It's amazing how fast cat hair grows. My one kitten got run over with a car a few weeks ago, and had to get pins in his hip and knee, so the vet had to shave him. But it was only a matter of a few weeks before his leg matched the rest of his body.

  42. He's a beautiful cat. Glad his pants have grown back. I always wanted a kitten but my husband and all our kids are allergic.

  43. I absolutely love the pic where he has his arms extended, that "Aren't I gorgeous, darling!" look on his face! Thanks for sharing this special guy with us!

  44. What a beauty! I love cats. We have 3 and one is very very old. She's deaf and has arthritis bad. The vet said when we're ready, he'll come and put her to sleep. I know we should, but as soon as I think about it, she seems to perk up. Prancing around like a kitten. Shish.
