Wednesday, March 05, 2014

The Insecure Writer's Support Group

It’s time for another edition of The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, hosted by Ninja Captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Something neat happened at the Oscars (and the Golden Globes) that most people missed. For those of you wondering if your work will be remembered, this will give you hope.

In 1971, the band Electric Light Orchestra released their first album. It produced one hit, a little-known song called 10538 Overture.

They went on to have much bigger hits, including Mr. Blue Sky, Don’t Bring Me Down, and Hold on Tight. But 10538 Overture would not be forgotten.

That first hit resurfaced four times on their various greatest hits albums.

It appeared again on Def Leppard’s album YEAH, where the band covered some of the songs that influenced them.

Last year it was featured in the movie American Hustle.

And at both the Grammy’s and the Oscars, 10538 Overture was American Hustle’s theme song.

Not bad for a 43-year-old song that most people have never heard!

So if you’re wondering if your book will be remembered or have relevance many years down the road, just remember 10538 Overture.

And so you will remember it, here’s a live performance video:

If you’re curious, this is Def Leppard’s version:

I’ll never forget it, because it’s my favorite song by ELO and in my top 10 favorite songs of all time. (And hearing Def Leppard, one of my favorite bands, perform it was pure Heaven!)

Think you’ll be remembered now, too?

My next post will be on Monday - it’s National Wormhole Week and we are hosting a blogfest called “Wormfest.”

Hosted by Stephen Tremp, (celebrating his upcoming release, Escalation) Alex J. Cavanaugh, and myself.

Rules are simple:
Name one thing where science advances mankind, and one where technology will go too far and set us back. They can be the same thing or different.

Sign up HERE
See you on Monday!


  1. I do like ELO...and this song, although I haven't heard it too often. Sounds like I'll be hearing it more, since it's getting a revival with American Hustle. Nice to think that our work can find an audience even decades later.

  2. I love it when a great song is revived. Love ELO.

  3. Love that song and great reminder!

  4. I'm looking forward to 2014 Wormfest! And I love those ELO clips on YouTube. One of my favorite bands of all time.

  5. Very cool and hopeful too.

  6. Denise, they were the first band I ever fell in love with.

    Stephen, mine too!

  7. ELO rocks!

    And talk about staying power. I do love the song, but I think I've only heard it a couple of times.

    Def Leopard's version is really good too.

  8. Definitely hear Beatles influence in ELO song. Love Def's version too. Beatles influence has lasted all this time too and into the future it seems. You brought up such a good reason for us to put our best work out there whatever we do. We never know who might be inspired now and in the future to be a writer or be a better person,etc from reading our work.

  9. Great song! It's been ages since I heard it. And Def Leppard... I have long admired the drummer who kept drumming after loosing an arm. There's inspiration for you!

  10. Missed this at the Oscars (and haven't seen American Hustle)~ what a cool thing to happen with a song. Glad it's getting more well-deserved attention!

  11. You just never know what will catch on, what will be remembered. I still remember stuff from TV shows and movies from way long ago…and I have no idea why. :)

  12. I am surprised that Alex hasn't commented yet... ELO is one of his favorite bands (as I am sure you know).

    I love the message of this post... even the things we do that don't seem to stand out at the time.... Well that is not necessarily the measure of what will last or what is great.

    If we need further proof, look at how many creative people (authors, artists, actors, dancers) only achieved an iconic status long after they were gone. So many never lived to appreciate their success.

    I remember in a class in college that Shakespeare only wrote plays to finance his career as a poet. He was certain that he would be remembered for his poems... as he was sure that was where his greatness was. Turns out he was wrong... those plays that were just a means to an end are the thing that we think is amazing. And his poems... well, the only people that read those are English majors who take a class on Shakespeare. And the opinion by all is that they are fairly underwhelming. However, his plays.... delicious.

  13. Love ELO. Always have. This is my greatest dream that I will write something that will jump generations.

  14. Like Denise, I too like it when a great song is revived.

  15. I cannot tell you how inspiration this post was to read. It just filled me with this sense of, "yeah, I can do it. I will be remembered!"

    (Let's hope it's in a good way haha!)

    AJ's wHooligan in the A-Z Challenge
    co-host IWSG

  16. Jay, Def Leppard did a good job with it.

    JQ, both came from England.

    Bish, he is amazing to watch in concert.

    Robin, I wonder if Shakespeare would be disappointed?

    Elsie, hopefully in a good way!

  17. ELO were a great band. Cool song too.

    Moody Writing

  18. Watched the song, I don't know it, but it's amazing how good music lasts through the years.

    I signed up for the wormhole blogfest. Thanks for the reminder. My blog has pretty much been a dead zone lately.

  19. It's been a long time since I heard that song. (Yes Robin, I do like ELO.)

  20. I love that song. Don't know if I'll be remembered or not as an author. Maybe more as a teacher.
    Looking forward to Wormhole fest. Already have my ideas ready.

  21. Songs like that remind me of the radio days (before TV). Good music never dies.
    I did the Wormhole Fest last year, but the instructions were clearer. Now I don't have A CLUE what to do... so I haven't signed up.
    I'll give it some more thought...
    Writer In Transit

  22. Michelle, I still haven't thought of anything for the Wormfest either.

  23. I've heard of the Def Leppard but didn't know it was a revival.

    So if you’re wondering if your book will be remembered or have relevance many years down the road, just remember 10538 Overture. <<-- Love this!

  24. There is never any accounting for things that hang around even if they are never actually famous. Other things which become big hits in their day can disappear into limbo.

  25. Great song. Haven't heard it in ages.

  26. Wanting to be remember is something I think we all strive for. And it's great to know it can happen. :)

  27. I can't think anyone will want to read my books years down the line. Bit how strange about that piece of music?


  28. Thanks for the inspiration.

  29. That's a very cool circle that song has made! I loved it in American Hustle.

  30. When I was in hs or middle school, one of those, ELO was huge. Everyone had their double album. I did. My brother did. Everyone we knew did. :)

  31. An encouraging thought. Thanks, Diane. There's hope yet. :)

  32. I don't know that song. Hm. I hope that doesn't mean anything for the analogy.

  33. New here to IWSG. I like ELO, and Def Leopard is one of my fave bands. I enjoyed the clips.

    Juneta at Writer's Gambit IWSG post

  34. Caffe, it is!

    Mary, I was in 6th grade when it came out, and I had their Out of the Blue album.

    Juneta, glad you did.

    Everyone, thank you, and I'm surprised how many of you have heard that song before.

  35. I know this song! But I didn't know it's name - thanks for sharing. It was nice to hear it again.
    And I will definitely remember the story behind the song . . . sometimes we just have to be patient. :)

  36. Ha, I didn't realise the history of that song. Super cool!

  37. Wow, ELO and Def Leppard -- I'm back in high school! Love it :)

  38. That is so cool and I remember that song too from Def Leopard. :)

  39. Hi Diane,

    I have that album by ELO. I shall quickly forget their contribution to Xanadu.

    May we all be relevant in 43 years time.


  40. Cool post and great song!

    Hmm, will I be remembered? You know, that is the great thing with writing. The art we create is timeless. People will be able to read our words a hundred years from now. People will get a glimpse of who we were by the stories we created.

    I hope I'm remembered. If it's not for my writing, then hopefully it's because I was a pretty cool Mom!! :)

  41. That song made me smile. I've almost forgotten how much I liked ELO. :)

  42. I love ELO! This post made me smile-I am singing now! Great memories swirl with these bands-thank you Diane~

  43. Thanks for this gem of historical information, Diane. I really like both versions, and I love(d) ELO. You've brought back nice memories.


  44. It's always a great thing when good songs get a new life and the next generation gets to know them.

  45. Sherri, it does take you back, doesn't it?

    Gary, I think they want to forget, too.

    Kristin, that's neat to think about, isn't it?

    Ella and Robyn, they were the first band I ever fell in love with.

  46. I always enjoyed ELO but I'd forgotten this one. Thanks for the vid-clip.

  47. That's really cool! It's amazing how some songs, books, etc. stick out long, long after they debuted.

    Happy reading and writing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

  48. the best part is not only when they are revived but redone! love it

  49. the best part is not only when they are revived but redone! love it

  50. Those are both excellent versions of the song. You should participate in Battle of the Bands with this.

    Yes, I'll remember this, especially since I'm a ELO and Def Leopard fan. Way cool.

    I haven't singed up for the Wormhole blogfest yet b/c I'm just not techy savy and not sure what to post about. Maybe I'll think of something over the weekend.


  51. I love ELO's bigger hits and purchased them, but had no idea about this song.

  52. Funny that you mention ELO, my daughter just started listening to ELO. Cool song history.

  53. Love that song but I didn't know the title.
    If I wasn't feeling old before, I really am now. :)

    Great post. See you Monday!


  54. Just listened to a bit of the music. Sorry, we are a different generation. Didn't particularly resonate with me at all.

  55. I really like the Def Leppard version. And I agree, not bad for a 43 year old song. Not bad at all. :)

  56. You know, I had heard this song but never knew who sang it. That happens to me a lot. It's like, I remember faces but not names. Dah! :)

  57. I'm an ELO fan--I like their use of strings and classical influence. Didn't recognize this song by the title though. Could they have gotten anymore obscure with that?

    I'm glad quality music from the past continues to get revived for subsequent generations to hear.

    Wrote By Rote
    An A to Z Co-host blog

  58. I'm an ELO fan--I like their use of strings and classical influence. Didn't recognize this song by the title though. Could they have gotten anymore obscure with that?

    I'm glad quality music from the past continues to get revived for subsequent generations to hear.

    Wrote By Rote
    An A to Z Co-host blog

  59. Good point -- and since I plan on being famous posthumously, I just have to make sure my work is memorable.
