Friday, March 14, 2014

Industry News - Barnes & Noble and Microsoft Revise Partnership, Online Fiction Service Rooster. And a Spunky Update

News from around the Internet -

From Nasdaq - Barnes & Noble, Microsoft Revise Nook Partnership

“Barnes & Noble Inc. ( BKS ) and Microsoft Corp. ( MSFT ) have agreed to revise their partnership, allowing the bookseller to stop developing an app for its Nook e-reader that would work on Windows 8 devices or a Windows Phone. Instead, the maker of the Nook will provide reading content for Microsoft's new consumer reader platform.

“Microsoft made a big investment in the bookseller's Nook digital-book business about two years ago. The deal pitched Microsoft into a high-stakes battle with Inc., Apple Inc. and Google Inc. and allows Barnes & Noble to continue investing in the business. But since then, Barnes & Noble has scaled back in the hardware space amid a sharp decline in sales and has laid off a big chunk of the segment's work force.”

Looks like B&N us doing what it can to stay afloat - will it be enough?

From Wired - The Future of Books Looks a Lot Like Netflix

“Today, the San Francisco-based literary startup Plympton launched an online fiction service called Rooster. It’s sold by subscription. It’s priced by the month. And it automatically delivers regular content to your iPhone or iPad. In other words, it’s a book service that looks a lot like a magazine service. And it’s just the latest example of how books are being packaged like magazines.

“With Rooster, readers pay $5 per month in exchange for a stream of bite-sized chunks of fiction. Each chunk takes just 15 minutes or so to read, and over the course of a month, they add up to two books. The service builds on the success of Plympton’s Daily Lit, which emails you classic literature in five-minute installments.”

This might be a great way to expose readers to new authors and books if the big boys don’t dominate it.

And a little update on Spunky - he’s five weeks past his surgery and doing great. This weekend we let him out of the crate for good and he can be a normal cat again.

The photo was taken a week ago, but you can see the fur is growing in over his scar. Yes, it’s a big one!


  1. So glad to see Spunky recovering!! I bet he's thrilled to be out and about again!

  2. Poor shaved cat.
    NetFlix for books - awesome idea.

  3. I wonder if you can choose to just get so much of a book to see if you'd like it. I can see that would be a great use for $5. Plus, I would have having to constantly download bits of a book. Ugghhh. But, to discern what I want to read... excellent. I can try a chapter and decide if I want to buy it online, from a bookstore, or rent from the library. I think that this might be a great way of boosting book sales.

  4. Plus, I would HATE having to constantly download bits of a book.

  5. Good Spunky doing great! He'll be back to normal soon *fingers crossed*


  6. So good to see Spunky is doing well. I'm sure he's happy being out of his crate. He looks like he's enjoying the sunshine and just wants to take a nap.

    Interesting book news.

  7. Wow, that WAS some major surgery. But he looks quite content taking a sunbath, soaking up that vitamin D.

  8. Spunky's looking pretty spunky. I hope you're all making a swift recovery.
    Interesting news re the ebooks. So much happening, but everything gets taken over by the Big Guys eventually!

  9. I just was looking at Scribd yesterday that offers a check out system of books for $8.99 a month, a lot like, as you compared it to, Netflix. Very interesting.

    Oh so glad to see your sweet kitty feeling better.

  10. I hope B&N hangs in there. That is a huge scar for poor Spunky.

  11. Robin, the constant downloads would become like constant emails after a while. And they would suck up space.

    Mason, he loves his sunshine.

    Julie, that's perfect for fast readers.

  12. Poor thing! Glad to see he's recovering.

  13. Prefer to choose my books and download a whole book at a time.

    Glad Spunky is doing so well.

  14. Yay, glad Spunky is on the mend!

  15. Hm, not sure that Rooster will be popular, but maybe.

    Poor kitty. Be sure to give him lots of attention.

  16. Pleased to see Spunky doing well. All that TLC you give certainly works

  17. Awww..-cute little kitty! And thanks for the info. I am so out of the loop, I had no idea about the collaboration. Doesn't do much for me as I'm an iPerson...but it'll do WONDERS for Windows peeps!!

  18. It would be good to see B&N make it, but I have my doubts.

    So good to see the kitty recovering.

  19. Ouch! Poor Spunky. I'm glad he's on the mend and enjoying life again. :)
    And thanks for the info on Nook, Microsoft, and Rooster - that last one sounds like a great way to meet new readers in a way that Charles Dickens (who didn't publish with the big boys first) would have liked. :)

  20. I don't think I'd like that Rooster service. But it doesn't matter anyway since I don't have anything to download it to.

    An A to Z Co-Host
    Tossing It Out

  21. I'm a huge cat lover; we're constantly inheriting strays. Hope
    Spunky's his old self in no time.

  22. It is always exciting about exposure-oh, this sounds so wrong-lol. You know what I mean, but in chunks-this would drive me crazy!

    Yeah, Spunky gets to be himself again-I hope he doesn't over do. He is gorgeous~ I am happy to hear he is doing better.

    Thanks for the offer on my blog-I will email you tomorrow. Smiles to you and Spunky~

  23. Aw, poor Spunky!!
    Rooster sounds very beneficial!!

  24. Glad Spunky's doing OK! I sure hope B&N stays afloat -- we like our corner store within walking distance, and I'd like to have a local book-signing at some point.

  25. Hi Diane .. gosh Spunky's scar is large isn't .. I'm so pleased he's doing well and can now be a free cat once again ...

    Technology is moving so fast .. it's difficult to keep up ..

    Cheers Hilary

  26. An interesting piece that I enjoyed reading. Cute cat enjoying a nap.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

  27. Changes, changes. I'll never keep up.

    Yay for Spunky :)


  28. Poor kitty kitty. Give him some cheek scratches from me.

  29. I'm glad Spunky is doing better.

    There are so many changes in publishing. I'm eager to see what happens next.

  30. I am happy to hear Spunky is getting better!
    I know several people who have a Nook. I think B/N can get into the game and stay in it. They just have to be smart about what their business decisions because many smart phones now come with Kindle already downloaded on them. t takes a minute to set up an account. I am not sure if B/N has entered the smart phone age, if not they should.
