Friday, January 17, 2014

The Coffee Hop

Hosted by Michael Di Gesu

All you have to do is post what you love most about coffee. Let's have a good time and LAUGH over a steaming cup! The most hysterical entry will win a pound of authentic Colombian coffee.

Coffee!!! Coffee, coffee, coffee, cappuccino!

My morning isn’t complete without it.

I have both a regular coffee pot and Keurig. Because some mornings, one cup is just not enough.

My father-in-law loves my coffee because I make it strong enough to hold the spoon straight up.

And for me, it must be flavored! I am all about the flavors. I have flavored coffee, flavored creamers, and flavored syrups. I have come up with some interesting flavors mixing those all together.

And what is Spunky like when she’s hopped up on coffee?

Hammy the Squirrel!

Michael, I hope this has amused you because I really want that Columbian coffee! 

And thank you everyone who visited for the Blog Blitz! I am still trying to visit everyone who left a comment. (How on earth does Alex do it?)


  1. Coffee coffee coffee. I got up much earlier than I wanted today and the only thing that made it better was Coffee!!!

  2. Clones - lots of clones.
    Good luck!

  3. Hi, Diane. I enjoyed your Coffee Hop post. : )

  4. You are quite the saleswoman-Right after I'm done reading this, I'm making myself a pot. LOL

  5. Hammy the Squirrel is a winner, Love 'Em!!

  6. My dad always used to say, "If it doesn't put a little hair on your chest, it's not a real cup of coffee." Most of the time, I think he was right about that.

  7. There are days when I feel like Hammy Squirrel, too! Bet he gets things done, though!

  8. Sounds like you're a regular barista!

  9. Sounds like you make coffee a bit like they do in New Orleans! Alex must have clones!! :-)

  10. I'm a straight black coffee drinker after my cappuccino in the morning. As to how Alex does it, I think he has an IV drip of pure Columbian.

  11. Thanks, everyone. Hammy the Squirrel, bouncing through.

  12. I don't drink coffee much, but this blog hop is making me want a Bavarian donut....mmmmm....donut.

  13. I love flavored coffee, too. And I must be hopped on caffeine all day or I get nothing done. :)

  14. I only like flavors in my ice coffee. Otherwise I take it straight.

  15. Plain coffee is fine for me and I don't adulterate it with milk or creamer or sugar or anything else (not true, maybe a shot of whisky).

  16. Love Hammy! Nice job, L. Diane!

    Check on Monday to see if you've won!

    As for me, flavored creamers have too many calories and if sugar free, are overly sweet,

    I just add a bit of half and half to my cup, drop in six stevia drops, heat in micro for thirty seconds and then add the coffee... YUMMY! Just the right amount of sweet and creamy!

  17. Michael, I use fat free creamers, both powdered and liquid. The right balance doesn't add too many calories. I hope Hammy scores some coffee!

  18. I don't know who this Hammy The Squirrel is, being new to this blog, but I do know Alex, and I bet that Alex is made of coffee. That's the only way anyone has that much energy.

    Aren't you worried that if you mix that many flavors together you'll be creating some sort of quantum flavor catastrophe? What if you cause the universe to collapse in on itself and then it regenerates only in the new universe everything is made of caramel?

    On second thought, that would be delicious. Carry on!

  19. Hehehe---maybe coffee is why Spunky's so spunky in the first place!!

  20. Too cute! Love Hammy :)
    Hate to admit it but I'm not a coffee drinker at all. Chai tea is my downfall!

  21. Briane, as I don't eat chocolate, a world full of caramel would be perfect. I'll keep mixing.

    Nicki, it certainly adds to it.

    Jemi, I used to not be. I blame my friend Kerri. She got me hooked.

  22. Oh, I love coffee. This is my kind of hop. Hope you win Diane.

  23. We are coffee soul sisters.

  24. I, on the other hand, will probably never have a Keurig, because one cup is NEVER enough. *sigh* :p

  25. I have no idea how Alex does it. I am still trying to visit all my blitzers!

    I think the little squirrel is deserving of some coffee. Though I'd rather he send it to me ;)

  26. I like your coffee post! The squirrel is cute.

  27. I love coffee! If you win, I hope you will share, I want one of those cups with the vertical spoons. As for Alex, he lives in an alternate universe that has more time.

  28. I am a purest. Strong, but unflavored. Coffee. One of life's treasures!

  29. High 5's for Hammy the squirrel!
    I've been trying to cut down on my coffee drinking, especially at night...

  30. Still catching up on the coffee hop and enjoyed reading your post over some Ethiopian roast. Everyone is raving about Keurigs...kinda wish I had one. And, isn't Alex amazing to hit all the blogs he does and not even drink coffee? Whoa.

  31. Thanks for stopping by. I need to find out about these Blog Blitz dates. This one sounded so fun. :)

  32. My wife has a pot brewing at this very moment -- I do enjoy that aroma. But I'm a chai man, truth be told. Though I do appreciate a good mocha every now and then.

  33. Thanks everyone! Nice to know there are so many coffee addicts out there. And that no one else can keep up with Alex.

  34. I love my coffee too but it's not 'real' coffee, it's mostly chocolate. It's the only way I roll (out of bed) hee hee. :)

  35. I need to get me some clones too...

    While I'm not a coffee drinker (gasp), I love the smell of it. Yum.

  36. Love the squirrel!
    I like my spoon to stand up too :-)

  37. Cute squirrel.

    I'm a Coke addict, but I do like my cups of coffee.
