Friday, January 24, 2014

Interview & Giveaway, Selling More Books, and Friday Funnies

Saturday, I have an interview and giveaway with Kimberly Afe, author of The Headhunters Race. My interview is at Meeting With My Muse and includes the giveaway of two books and an Amazon gift card.

Brian Jud had an interesting article this week - Keep Prices High and Sell More Books (Profitably) - at Book Business Magazine

He said instead of lowering prices, re-position your books - basically, find a new market. He gave an example of what Hyundai did a few years ago by offering a guarantee with their cars - you lose your job within the first year of purchase and you can return it with no ding to your credit record. While car sales fell 37% overall, Hyundai’s sales doubled during that time. It’s food for thought - instead of slashing your book’s price hoping to move more, find new readers.

And now I will return to the Friday Funnies, starting with my own dorky cat!


  1. These pics made me LOL. And now I'll go read the Hyundai link. Have a good weekend, Diane!

  2. Great pictures to start off my Friday morning, Diane! Love your black cat, too. :)

    I'll check out the book pricing article...interesting viewpoint.

  3. That is one scary spider cat.
    Risk-free books - you don't like it, you can return it. Oh wait, Amazon already does that.

  4. Enjoyed the Friday funny pictures :)

  5. Love the pictures. Your cat is the cutest.

  6. Interesting article. I was a commission sales rep (sold maintenance supplies) and the truth always was this: In order to increase sales you have to sell more stuff to your existing customers or go out there and get new customers. Of course, expanding your customer base is ALWAYS the best choice, because you might lose customers or the ones you have could actually start cutting back and buying less. This is the same philosophy... if you want to create more sales, you need more/new/different customers.

  7. Loved your cat in a box lid! Really loved your repositioning tip from Jud. I don't think making things cheap is a way to garner readers. I think it makes your work seem less valuable. Thanks for the fun and information.

  8. Susan, my cat is the dorkiest, that's for sure.

    Robin, that's it exactly.

    Lee, I have always thought that.

    Glad everyone likes the funnies.

  9. Loved the first one of your cat in the box!
    And I keep reading that about prices and book sales and I have to agree. It's kind of crazy to me, but when I lowered my book price on kindle to 1.99, sales totally stopped. I upped it back to 2.99, and sales started up again. I keep wondering if I should just go higher to 3.99 and keep it there.

    Have a great weekend!!!!

  10. First of all, that's a good idea. Don't lower the price, find a new market! Second, my cat gets stuff stuck on her, too.

  11. Cute pics. My favorite is the last one. :) Happy weekend!

  12. Love the funnies. People are so clever with their captions.

  13. Very funny, thanks :)


  14. Thanks for the giggles. Hope you have a great weekend. I am off to read your giveaway post.

  15. Good stuff; that last one is my favorite. Find new readers -- that's the ticket. Having work appear in various anthologies is a great way to expand our audience.

  16. Cute photos with some nice quotes!

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

  17. Re-orientating your marketing is a sensible thing to do. Much more so than just becoming another small voice to an already huge screaming crowd.

  18. I think your cat is a Schrodinger's cat wanna-be. :) Is he in or out of the box. Or he is perhaps between two universes? :)

  19. Tyrean, cheaper is not always better.

    JE, I have so many pictures of Spunky stuck in things.

    Milo, it is.

    Misha, that's it exactly.

    Bish, he's between the universes of normal cat and total dork.

  20. That's a real interesting sales idea, better than have a $1.99. .99, or free book.

    Thanks for the funnies.

  21. You have such a cute cat. : ) That last picture is just a bit scary.
