Wednesday, December 04, 2013

The Insecure Writer's Support Group

It’s time for another edition of The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, hosted by Ninja Captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Today Im also the featured Wednesday Writer at The Writing Nut.

After almost a month’s break from the Internet, I am finding it a challenge to crank up the engine again. While we might never forget how to ride a bicycle, getting back into social media is more about rebuilding momentum than remembering a skill. Anyone who’s pushed the boulder uphill knows what happens when you stop pushing. The boulder starts rolling backwards and takes you back down to the bottom again.

So here I am, trying to push that boulder back up the hill again. Trying to get back in the habit of writing blog posts and using Twitter. Planning ways to get the word out about my books and my services. Contemplating the next thing I should write. I know what I need to do. Mostly it’s finding a place and a way to do it.

If any of my blogging and writing friends know of an opportunity or two, I would sure be thankful!

Be nice to get the boulder over the hill and let it roll. But I might fall off at that point or get run over.

Be sure to check in with the Insecure Writer’s Support Group website today for a contest announcement.

The next posting for the group will be on January 8 due to New Year’s Day being on the first Wednesday.

Find us on Facebook, too!


  1. It's easy to get rusty with social media and writing, too. I have a feeling it won't take you long to get back into the swing again, though! You're so good at it.

  2. I totally understand. I have been on holiday and I am finding it hard to get back to work.

  3. Ah, Diane, I totally understand. After a month of spotty posting and hardly any writing, I feel as if I'm juggling a lot of balls.

    One thing at a time. It'll all get done.

  4. I bet in no time, you'll be pushing that boulder over the crest of the hill and watching it roll down the other side. :)

  5. That's why I'm afraid of pulling back. I'd get run over as the boulder rolls back down the hill.

  6. It's so hard to be a writer and a blogger and a promoter and a social media butterfly, isn't it? That's a LOT of obligations and pressures and gottas...

    It's tough to have something we love to do slowly degrade into a burdensome boulder that has to be pushed and overcome.

    Hang in there! Focus on the parts of it you like; remove the pressures of thinking you have to do it all.

    The best way to move a boulder is to turn it into something else -- smaller rocks that you can just fling over the hill one toss at a time; or a carved wheel that rolls with just a flick of the finger.

    Best of luck!

  7. Oh, yes, it's hard. I took a long break last year and it's taking me all year to really get back into it again. I do a Saturday Author Spotlight - there's a sign up tab on my blog - I'd love to feature you!

  8. Elizabeth, I hope I can.

    Karen, slow and steady.

    Chris, that's right - little steps and goals.

    Kimberly, thank you!

  9. Getting back up that hill does require lots of work, but you can do it! Best of luck and don't forget to have fun in the process :)

  10. I don't blog as much during December. It's hard to get back into the groove after any break. I take a break and then a cazillion things fill in those sections of time I used for blogging. Right now writing and this is the busiest time at work. I'm running out of pegs to hold that boulder in place so it doesn't run back down the hill and flatten me in the process. :-)

    Sia McKye Over Coffee

  11. When I took quite a long blog break (about 2 years ago...), I struggled to get back into the swing of things...
    I think that once you lose momentum, then it's difficult to get to that specific point where you left off.
    But taking a break is important, it's a healthy choice.
    Writer In Transit

  12. I've been pushing that boulder uphill ever since Google shut me down at the beginning of the A to Z Challenge.

    2014 is right around the corner. I'm kinda coasting at this point, then will rev up after the New Year.

    Good luck to you.

  13. I look forward to the day when I can get that boulder to the top of the hill and just leave it there.

  14. Sia, things always take its place.

    JM, I like that idea.

  15. My problem with social media is this: You can never put enough energy into it! It'll take as much as you have to give (that boulder analogy REALLY fits btw), and that includes "nothing".

    And your success with it directly reflects what you're putting into it. (Unless you're the super-famous person who has tweeted twice and has a million followers. LOL)

    When is enough, enough? Glad you're back amongst us, though! :D Hope you had a good Thanksgiving.

  16. I'm afraid if I skipped more than a day online I would never get back in the grove. I'm glad you're back and hope you keep that boulder moving upward.

  17. Hi Diane,
    Welcome back after a bit gap.
    Get set ready to move on...LOL
    Thanks again for the information regarding the next IWSG time and the new contest link etc.
    Keep inform
    Best regards
    Happy Times Ahead!

  18. Love the boulder/hill analogy. Yep. It feels just like that.

  19. I fear if I take a break I won't get back in the habit. One that has helped me is to host blog tours in my genre. It let's me know what's coming out in my genre and it provides ready made content. I am planning on doing more advance planning in 2014.

  20. Man, I hear you about it being hard to get going again. Every time I take a break, it is SO MUCH harder to get going again than if I'd just scrambled to keep up. Good luck!!!

  21. I know about having the boulder roll back. I guess it's all about putting your energy where it's needed most and if it means you have to start over on some things, it's worth the effort. I've scaled back social media considerably as well.

  22. EJ, there is always more you can do and it's still not enough. And so time-consuming.

    Sydney, that's a good idea.

    Hart, it is!

  23. It really is hard to get back in even with a small break. Good luck!

    Mary Montague Sikes

  24. Glad you're back. You'll get your blogging mojo back on.

  25. I hear you! It's been this way for me since August, but I'm getting better. :)

  26. I always find Blog Hops are a good way to re-rev the blogging engines---and look at you, already doing it w/ this massive hop. :)

  27. Aha...I think you may get a taste of blogging again and dive head first into all of those social media places with renewed energy and enthusiasm after a break. If not, then drop whatever one or two you can't be motivated to do. Afterall, you're the boss!! LOL..Best wishes!

  28. Diane, if you're looking for a place to guest post, I'm scheduling guests for the first quarter of 2014. I think you have my email address? If not, there's a link on the profile on my blog:

  29. It is easy to get out of the habit but once you're back in the swing it's hard to remember being out of it again! :)

  30. Nicki, it doesn't get any bigger!

    Patricia, thank you.

  31. I can surely relate, L. Diane.

    I was out for three weeks and I feel like I was gone for months.

    Now I am back in the grind, playing catch up. I have two weeks to pull it all together before I head back to Chicago and FREAK about not having any decorations up.

    I normally have it all done by now, except the tree, which I usually do around the 15th. I arrive back around the 17th, so …

    ON the eight day of Christmas Michael has a nervous breakdown…. Lalalalalalaaa!

  32. Social media is a job in itself. It's so easy to blow off, too. Just keep at a steady pace. We'll all be here :)

  33. It is tough to get in the groove when you've been away from something for a while. You'll get back in though!

  34. I know that boulderous (?) feeling :)
    Best of luck getting back into the swing..or push..(you know what I mean, lol)

  35. I think the hardest thing about vacations is the transition back to work/life. Maybe you need a bit more time to breath. That's okay.

    Be well, Spunk.

  36. Michael, I'm sure you can pull it together in a week.

  37. That's why I schedule my FB posts and as many blog posts as I can, so I don't have to worry about it for the next week or month. :) I hope you can push that social media boulder back up the hill. And thank you for the reminded that the next group posting is on Jan 8th. :)

  38. I'm always happy to help out somehow. I try to re-tweet links and share things on FB. Just drop me a message with links or something. Anything. I'll help if I can.

  39. Hope you had a good blogging break! You can use December to get back into the swing of things.

    It's tough. I've taken many LONG hiatuses (hiati) when I intended just to take a week or two off.

  40. People often underestimate the power of momentum. You'll get yours back. But a boulder-proof helmet might come in handy, too.

  41. Chrys, so far so good.

    Thank you, Mel!

    LD, I will remember that.

  42. I know how you feel as I had the same problem when we returned from our last trip with limited internet. It took only a bit more than a week to be right back in, just start slow and don't stress about it. Welcome back.

  43. A break from social media is FREEDOM.

    Good. for. You!

  44. A break from social media is FREEDOM.

    Good. for. You!

  45. A break from social media is FREEDOM.

    Good. for. You!

  46. A break from social media is FREEDOM.

    Good. for. You!

  47. I've felt this way. I get in the groove, out of the groove. It is natural. We find our rhythm only to lose it again.

  48. That month off must have been NICE. I have a week in Maine every summer with no WiFi, and it's a real blessing.

  49. Scary thought, but I took a break months ago, and now I can't get the rhythm back. I worked like a dog when my first book came out, and I'm a little dismayed that I can't seem to apply that same energy. Age probably has something to do with it.

    Hang in there, Diane. You deserved that month off.

  50. Your month has gone by already? Time is flying by and I can't keep up.

    I'm still trying to regain my momentum from my summer vacation so I know what you're talking about.

    An A to Z Co-Host
    Tossing It Out
