Monday, October 07, 2013

IWSG Progress, Industry News, and Escalation Cover Reveal

The Insecure Writer’s Support Group website kicked off very well last week. We have well over 100 followers through Google Friends Connect alone, plus countless others who subscribed by email, Readers, and other means.

The Facebook Page really took off! It’s so encouraging to see people posting questions and getting such a huge response. Today is Motivational Monday, so if you’re in need of some motivation, visit the group.

One thing I’ve realized since we started building this website is that each of us has a unique talent and strength. Alex provides the direction and motivation and we fill in the voids. I plan on being active in the Facebook group and respond to comments whenever possible, but I know my strength lies in my organized and detail nature. Between the seminars I teach and my book, I can provide many links and options. I hope to keep feeding the IWSG website with more great sites and links. I’m also going down to just Mondays for a while, except for the first Wednesday of the month.

In other news…

Book Business had an article about social media and the publishing industry. It’s geared toward publishers, but I found this section interesting:

“Many authors are choosing to by-pass traditional means of publishing in favor of self-publishing, a trend that publishers need to be aware of. Jill Schwartzman, Executive Editor at Dutton, discussed the ways that traditional publishing houses can use this trend to find content.”

Read the full article HERE

They also had this article - Indie Authors Are Spending Too Much Time On Social Self-Promotion:

“The only thing that can be counted on to enhance your visibility as a writer is to interact with readers in a real, honest, and generous way. If you are dead bent on using social media, focus all of your energies on a singular platform. Hugh Howey said he focused on the readers he already had instead of trolling the universe for more. When you create the kind of goodwill and loyal fan base he has, word of mouth spreads about your books. That way, you get those “1000 true fans” instead of amassing pointless lists of numbers.”

Read the full article HERE

And finally…

Stephen Tremp, author of the Breakthrough Series, reveals the final cover in the trilogy.

Together, Breakthrough, Opening, and Escalation follow the lives of the unlikely participants from innocence to a coming of age through sacrifice, betrayal, passion, lust, unconditional love, and hope. Escalation will appeal to fans of modern-day science fiction, action, and horror.

Congrats, Stephen - another great cover!


  1. To all concerned how hard you must have worked and wish you every success.
    When I return home will rejoin Facebook , been some time I've been on there.


  2. Thanks for putting together the website and Facebook page for IWSG.

    So true about any authors using social media just to promote themselves.

    And congrats to Stephen on his awesome cover.

  3. Thanks for your hard work on the IWSG site! It looks fantastic and I think it will be a great resource for writers.

    Nice cover! Looks great.

  4. Diane,
    It's been a pleasure working with you and I look forward to going through all the links you've posted.

    Interesting article on what's happening in publishing, particularly that one about writers bypassing traditional publishers.

    Nice cover on Stephen's book. It speaks to the SF genre.

  5. Wow, what a great think you've helped create for writers!

    And congrats to Stephen!!!

  6. Natalie, and so many do just that.

    Joy, it's a pleasure to work with you. I thought both of those articles were interesting.

  7. We'll take all the links you can give us.
    Awesome cover, Stephen!

  8. Not being a writer I skim the IWSG posts, but I do think you are all doing a great job helping authors.

  9. Joined the group on Facebook but haven't spent much time there yet. Need to check it out. Thanks for the reminder.

    Congrats to Stephen!

  10. Great exposure for IWSG, and Stephen, Awesome!

  11. I'll have to go check out the new website and articles. I'm about to have another go at querying agents, but I have no illusions on how difficult it will be to nab one. The more I learn about self-publishing, the more I'm considering it.

  12. Interesting articles. The social media thing has become a quandary. There's only so much time a writer (or anybody) can spend on these sites. Gotta draw the line somewhere.

    Wrote By Rote

  13. Man, how was I so out of it last week that I missed the site launch and even my first Wed. post? Dumb day job...

    I think that social media thing is that there is no 'one size fits all' thing so what worked for somebody else, won't work for us. We need to each find our own way.

  14. Well, see what happens when I'm on line for a while. A whole new group is born. I'm going to hunt for the Facebook group.

  15. Karen, just comment and respond to comments. It's like a flow of conversation over there right now.

    Lee, that is why I am drawing the line and posting just one day a week.

    Hart, how did you miss it?

  16. Thanks Diane for helping with the cover release for Escalation!

    And thanks for the link. I'm of to read through it again.

  17. Interesting articles! I'll go to the links and read more, thanks for including them. Congrats, Stephen!

  18. Great articles and so timely for me! Thanks, Diane. And here's another congrats to Stephen who is all over the blogosphere.

  19. I like the comment: focus all of your energies on a singular platform, as I have only limited time to spend blogging let alone FB and Twitter :O)

  20. Yes, the amount of self-promotional stuff is beyond overwhelming.

    Thanks for your contributions to the IWSG site and facebook page. They're both great.

    Congratulations to Stephen. That's a very nice, intriguing cover.


  21. The new site will be a smashing success!

  22. You have lots of little tidbits in that post. I do blogging and facebook for nearly all my social media.

  23. That cover is mind-blowing Stephen. You guys are doing great work on the blogfest.

  24. Social media may not get us more sales, but we definitely get plenty of support from fellow writers - like the awesome IWSG!

  25. Great work on the IWSG site.

    Congrats to Stephen!

  26. Joined on FB for sure, and I'm following the IWSG website. It's pretty incredible to see this whole thing evolve!

  27. I totally agree that many writers are spending too much time on social media in an attempt to build that platform and increase those numbers.

    Congrats to Stephen!!!

    And yay for the IWSG and how it has gained so much support with its expansion.

  28. Thank you Diane for all you do!
    I will read these articles, as an artist I find blogging, photography and trying to do the art-take lots of time. It is overwhelming sometimes with a busy family to find time to do it all!

    Congrats to Stephen!!

  29. We really appreciate all your hard work and contacts, L, Diane! Thank you so much for giving on the skinny and keeping us up on what is going on in our industry!!!

    We ALL need to be aware of what is happening.

  30. Congrats to you and the team on a great site! I have to find and spend some time reading all the links.

  31. I totally agree about the excess time most of spend on social media. I'm working very hard to keep to the limits I've set for myself.

  32. Excellent thoughts by Mr. Howey. Now if I can just "already have" some readers I'll be golden! :)

  33. The IWSG sight is going to be a great place to stop by.

    CONGRATS to Stephen on his cover release.

  34. The website looks great and I love Stephen's cover.

  35. Congrats on your quest post above, couldn't see a way to comment there? Not sure what's wrong, maybe a tech thing. Been awhile since I've made blog rounds so am catching up today working my way through the blog log.

    Sandy and Stanely

  36. Hi Diane,

    It's good to note Stephen revealing his cover, as in book cover, on your blog. I do wish him the best.

    Speaking of social media and 'Farcebook', I was delighted to see the IWSG page on there. I'm flattered how so many folks appreciate, "I Was Seeking Gary". Thank you and yes, then I woke up.


  37. Hi Diane .. I like the comment about taking care of your readers .. a 1,000 people who relate are way better than a zillion who frolic around ...

    Excellent that you've decided to contribute using your strengths - as you say I can see many useful links there ... especially bearing in mind your knowledge of the industry as a whole ...

    Cheers Hilary

  38. All the best with the IWSG. Sounds like it has all the makings of being a huge success.

  39. "Pointless lists of numbers" -- so true!
