Tuesday, October 15, 2013

CK Reader Giveaway, EJ Wesley's Dragon's Game, and Zombie Vomit

This week two of my books are featured in Ciara Knight’s CK GIVEAWAY. You can visit her for your chance to win an autographed copy of How to Publish and Promote Your Book Now or Overcoming Obstacles with SPUNK! The Keys to Leadership and Goal-Setting. The giveaway is open to all. You can also visit the Facebook CK Giveaway.

Available Monday, October 22nd!

Jenny Moonsong recently inherited the title of "monster hunter" and an ancient tribal journal/how-to manual passed down by her Apache ancestors. She has already faced a werewolf, witches, and a troll. But nothing could prepare her for her latest confrontation...

Dragon's Game, Moonsongs Book 4, finds Jenny out of her rural West Texas element, searching for an evil witch in an urban Houston nightclub. After attempting to help a handsome and mysterious stranger out of a jam, she finds herself on the run from a ruthless gang who are even more dangerous than they initially appear.

Forced into a twisted game of life and death, Jenny must navigate the complexity of a budding relationship, and somehow survive a night filled with unexpected horror and paranormal mystery.

Dragon's Game is approximately 14,000 words or 45 pages, and is the fourth volume of the Moonsongs Books, an ongoing series of New Adult, speculative / urban fantasy novelettes by author E.J. Wesley.

(These stories contain language and content better suited for readers 17+)

~Moonsongs Series List~

Blood Fugue, Moonsongs Book 1
Witch's Nocturne, Moonsongs Book 2
Dark Prelude, Moonsongs Book 3
Dragon's Game, Moonsongs Book 4

Moonsongs, Anthology 1 (Collecting books 1, 2, & 3)

Add Dragon's Game on Goodreads And for a limited time, you can catch up on the entire Moonsongs series for just .99 cents (regularly $2.99) - Moonsongs Anthology 1 (books 1, 2, & 3) is on sale October 15th - 20th at Amazon and Barnes & Noble

Connect with E.J. for all the latest on the Moonsongs books - BLOG, TWITTER, FACEBOOK, GOOGLE+, LINKEDIN, and GOODREADS

This is for Laura at Wavy Lines - she posted a picture of a graveyard treat and it’s one that we make every year. I don’t do chocolate, so we use vanilla or butter cookies.
With all of the layers of cookie, Jello, and Cool Whip, once you cut into it the dish becomes quite messy. Thus, we call it Zombie Vomit.
Or since I am the master of messing up my letters - Vombie Zomit!


  1. Good give away books, loved the picture of Zombie Vomit but don't know if I could eat it though.


  2. Hi Diane .. Vombie Zomit - sounds good ... the kids would have loads of laughs making this ...

    Great and saw your books over at CKs ...

    It's the month of zombie isn't it .. cheers Hilary

  3. Yay for EJ!

    Tweeted and shared!

    Hugs and chocolate,

  4. Congratulations to EJ! Now, someone get me a spoon.

  5. Congratulations EJ but I don't want a spoon thanks very much. You don't do chocolate? Can't live without it.

  6. Congrats to EJ! I'm going to take advantage of your sale.

    Zombie Vomit looks, like, um, zombie vomit! Blech!

  7. Vombie Zomit sounds and looks more appetizing than xombie vomit, or so I'd imagine.

    EJ's book cover is impressive. Looks great.

    Be well, Spunk.


  8. I saw the title of your post and knew immediately there must be a picture of your zombie vomit cake! The first time I had it–my chocolate version: Ghosts in the Graveyard cake!– was for my 10th birthday. After that we started making it for Halloween. Now I make it every year! It's so easy and so delicious!! Thanks for sharing your picture, Diane. Enjoy!!

    Happy reading and writing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

  9. Upstaged by zombie barf! LOL

    Thanks so much for sharing my cover today, LD! But like everyone else commenting, I'm more concerned with what's in that dish. :D The candy pumpkins are a hilarious touch!

  10. Yvonne, just had some - it's delicious!

    Karen, it's really tasty.

    Jo, I haven't eaten chocolate in over 11 years.

    Robyn, with chocolate, you'd really like it.

    Laura, thank you for reminding me of it!

    EJ, sorry zombie barf was more popular.

  11. Not sure I'd try zombie vomit. Though it could be fun for a Halloween party. Maybe hide things in it for kids to find.

  12. I'm disgusted. No not EJ--good luck to him. But really. Zombie vomit? Vombie Zomit? Whatever you want to call it looks like a diabetic's nightmare. Okay, I'll try it and take a double dose of Glucophage.

    Tossing It Out

  13. OMG that Zombie Vomit looks good. Is a sentence I never thought I'd type.

  14. Cool treat, I'd try it since I do like a few morbid things. Congrats to E.J. with his series as well.

  15. Aha, links duly noted. Zombie Vomit sounds very much like the writing I throw up on my keyboard.


  16. Vombie Zomit looks delectable. I'm sure my kids would love to try some of that!

  17. So cool you have books at CK giveaways Dianne. And congrats to EJ on his book success also.


  18. Zombie vomit. I've got a grandson who would love that.

  19. Looks rather delicious for vomit. I'm not a chocolate fan either so I'd like your version.

  20. Congrats EJ! All the best...

    Great giveaway, L. Diane.... OFf to enter!

    Zombie vomit? I think I'll pass... lol.

  21. Hahaha not sure if I'd eat that... Might be tasty, though.

  22. Congrats to EJ and I will go visit Ciara :D

    I prefer your version-oh, my!

  23. Congrats to EJ and I will go visit Ciara :D

    I prefer your version-oh, my!

  24. Natalie, that's a funny idea.

    Lee, you'll like it. And I always use Splenda and sugar free Jello.

    JE, that ranks up there with "The Weasel wants her ipod." Don't ask.

    Susan, I can get you the recipe or grab it from Laura's site.

  25. This is such a great time of year for interesting, scary books. So much fun.

  26. I'd give that Zombie Vomit a try. ; )

  27. Perfect for Halloween!
    Happy Weekend :)

  28. Gross, and gross, but cool too!

    I'll bet it's a hit at the parties.

    Congratulations EJ and you Diane, on the giveaway! Always fun!

  29. Yum. =] Way to promote your fellow writers!

  30. for a minute there I thought that Zombie vomit was a new book title. Whew!

  31. Great Giveaway!

    Way to Go EJ!!!

    And interesting treat. :)

  32. oh my gosh, that zombie vomit is awesome. Scary, but awesome.

  33. Delicious, want a full spoon.......
