Friday, September 13, 2013

Publishing Industry News, Meeting Fellow Bloggers, and Friday Inspirational Photos

Industry News

With the success of on-demand services such as Spotify and Netflix, publishers are looking into subscription services such as Oyster. There are many advantages to both publisher and author. According to the Music Industry Blog, “Book Subscriptions Offer a Much Clearer Path to Additive Revenue than Music.”

Have you ever heard of the site BookLikes? It’s been around longer than Goodreads and recently redesigned its platform. From the Huffington Post: “Inspired by Tumblr, we created service for book lovers but much more personalized than our previous trial. Instead of typical book-social site we came out with the idea of blog platform designed for book lovers.”

I also got to meet two fellow bloggers this week. Jo from Jo on Food, My Travels, and a Scent of Chocolate was down from Canada for her birthday week, vacationing in the area they lived in NC years ago, Cape Carteret. Jeff from Strands of Pattern was vacationing with his family on Topsail Island and met Jo and her husband for the day.

Since I was speaking to a writer’s group in Morehead City and only 20 miles away, I trekked down to Cape Carteret to meet them. I was pressed for time (when am I not?) and frazzled after giving my all to the writer’s group, so I’m sure they thought me a little off-kilter, but it was a delight to meet them.

I’ve been fortunate to meet several of my blogging friends over the years and hope to meet more!

And your Friday inspirational photos:

"Hiss, I hate you feather toy!"

"I love you feather toy..."


  1. What a cool moment... meeting bloggy buddies!
    Great pics!
    Writer In Transit

  2. It was great to meet you Diane, thanks so much for taking the time to join us for a while. It was great to spend time with Jeff too.

  3. How wonderful to meet Jo and Jeff. Will be checking out those sites you suggested too, thank you.

    Also, loved the pictures - cats are so amazing and fun!

  4. Karen, either that or we need to visit NM.

    Jo, same here.

    Yolanda, my cats are just plain weird.

  5. Very cool meeting blogger buddies!

    And I'll have to check out that book blog . . . when I find time.

    Love the pics of your cat!

  6. It's awesome to meet blogger friends. Love your pictures! Have a great weekend. :)

  7. Cool you got to meet Jo and Jeff! And about time the book industry caught up with the music industry.

  8. Thanks for the industry news! How neat that you got to meet fellow bloggers in person :) And those cat photos are funny/adorable!

  9. Nice you could meet your blogger friends. I thoroughly understand rushed and frazzled.

  10. A write pressed for time?! That's got to be interesting to meet a blogging buddy, I have yet to experience that.

  11. Never heard of BookLikes, but I love the platform idea.

    It's always cool to meet blogging friends!

  12. Gotta have those love hate relationships. And I have yet to meet any blogging pals in person. Great that you could meet Jo and Jeff.

  13. That crazy black cat looks much like the one who lounges on my bed.

    I'm excited for you that you got to meet bloggers face-to-face.

    I hope your speaking gig went well, and I'm sure it did.

    Have a great weekend.

  14. I would love to meet some of my favorite blogging buddies in person. Lovely pictures of the cat.

  15. So cool you got to meet them-- I've only ever met one blogging buddy, and loved it.

  16. Meeting your bloggy friends in real life must be fun :)

  17. Lol, love the cat pics. :)
    I love meeting blogging buddies! That's awesome. :)

  18. Steven, I'm met over a dozen of my blogging friends.

    Robyn, it went very well.

  19. How wonderful to meet both Jo and Jeff!
    That's interesting about Booklikes. Did they not catch on, like Goodreads did?


  20. Oh envious that you got to meet some writer friends! Sounds marvelous.

  21. The cat pictures made me laugh. So nice that you got to meet Jeff and Jo.

  22. It's so great that you were able to meet some fellow bloggers!! I'd love to meet some blogging buds, but I don't think any of the people I converse with on a regular basis live near me! Maybe I'll get to know some people at a convention some day or something :)

  23. It's so great that you were able to meet some fellow bloggers!! I'd love to meet some blogging buds, but I don't think any of the people I converse with on a regular basis live near me! Maybe I'll get to know some people at a convention some day or something :)

  24. Had a great time at the beach and meeting you and Jo were definitely highlights of my week.

  25. Hi Diane,

    Must be rather surreal meeting bloggers in 3D reality. I'm looking forward to meeting a few who are going to be over in England.

    Penny is rather amused by your photos.


  26. It's always nice when you get to meet blogging buddies in real life!

  27. I hope to meet my blog buddies at some point -- if not in this life, maybe the next. I heard that Smashwords is working out a deal with Oyster; should be interesting...

  28. I love meeting blog buddies, I have done it a few times all over the world.

  29. Hi Spunky :)

    Cool to meet blogger friends. I haven't met nearly enough.


  30. So cool to meet bloggers in person!

    Wrote By Rote

  31. Cute cat.

    I'm going to check out Booklikes.

    I love meeting bloggers at conferences.
