Monday, April 22, 2013

A to Z Challenge - Speaking

For the A to Z Challenge, I’m posting promo and other tips for writers, along with a daily photo. (All photos taken by me.)

At the very least, every author should be able to discuss his own book. This will be required for signings, book readings, and library appearances. Book clubs and writer’s groups are also open to the author.

However, magic happens when an author moves beyond the book and develops a platform around his or her area of expertise, research, or experience. There are several advantages, including speaking fees, back of room sales, and more appeal to the media.

The list of venues for speakers is endless: libraries; businesses; schools; churches; colleges; writer and book festivals; organizations; clubs; conferences; etc. All of these provide an opportunity to reach a wider audience and generate greater books sales.

Have you ventured into professional speaking?

Visit other participants in the A to Z Challenge HERE

And your daily photo: "Sunrise"

$14.95 Trade paperback ISBN 978-0-9827139-5-2
$4.99 Ebook ISBN 978-0-9827139-9-0

Purchase at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Amazon Kindle, Amazon Kindle UK, and Powell’s.


  1. It must be a great feeling talking about your book. I have never got that far,

    Most interesting read.

  2. I love the photo Diane. I have always felt public speaking was easy, I used to spruik in front of stores as a teenager, and done teaching, and theatre, but I won an award for my reflexology training and could barely utter a word of sense when accepting it. I hope the same thing doesn't happen if I have to ever speak about a book I write

  3. You tap into this area so much better than I do, Diane!

    Love, love that picture. This is the South of my childhood...going to the beach in south-GA.

  4. Beautiful pic. Looks Southern. Good tip on public speaking.

    Hugs and chocolate,

  5. I am a basket case when it comes to public speaking.

    No joke.

    That picture is so calming. I love it.


  6. I have not ventured into the realm of professional speaking and fear the day that I might have to. Just regular old public speaking makes me ill. I am terrible at talking about my book.

  7. Wow, gorgeous picture!

    Since I don't have my own book to promote, I've never had to speak to a group about it. Scary idea!

  8. How very Carolinian that picture is, makes me think of the plantation at Wilmington.


  9. I was terrified to travel and speak with my book at first. I love it now. My favorite is book clubs, they ask the best questions.
    Live radio is my least favorite but it goes fast :-)

  10. I don't mind public speaking, but I don't really like talking about myself, so I often focus on talking about writing tips and things like that.

  11. Lovely photo!

    I would like to sit here and watch the water for a while.

    Denise at Organization and Inspiration for Fellow Writers, participant of A to Z Blogging Challenge
    Denise Reashore on Facebook

  12. Sounds like good advice. I really love the photo.

  13. I'm a great speaker when I like what I'm speaking about, but when I have to speak about my books, I get all nervous.

  14. Ida, practice ahead of time and you'll be fine.

    Jo, ironically it was taken in Florida!

  15. When I do workshops I get to talk about a lot of things in addition to writing or my books, so that's fun and interesting.

    Beautiful image of a day's beginning.

  16. Amazing photo!
    Speaking is still not my thing.

  17. I'd like to improve on my public speaking first. But great idea, love the pic too.

  18. I spent years leading workshops and teaching classes, even had my own classroom at a college. I still do consulting work and have a speaking gig coming up at workshop in summer. And I'm scared spitless. It's definitely not a comfort zone for me!

  19. I've done quite a bit of public speaking in the past, but not in my capacity as an author. I keep thinking I should jump into it, but I'm not really sure where I should start. I tried unsuccessfully to contact book clubs around here. Maybe I contact libraries or schools? I am quite comfortable in front of large groups, even a few thousand people. I need to just jump in and do it.

  20. The photo is amazing. I'm good at speaking but I still have to get a reason to do it.

  21. Great picture, Diane!

    I remember Speech being my most nerve wracking course in college...I have no idea how I even passed...and with a B+, at that :)

  22. I had to speak about my book at last year's BoucherCon in Cleveland. That was a first. thought I was going to puke. or hyperventilate. Or pass out. or...

  23. I tried to come up with several versions of my pitch before I went to DragonCon last year... The one sentence, the five minute and the conversation over dinner/drinks.

  24. What a lovely photo.

    I've done some speaking, but nothing steady.

  25. Public speaking...there is a photo of me with a diagonal red line through it. I admire people like you who do it!

  26. I'm just getting into that part of promotions. I am setting up a "writer's workshop" afternoon at my church for late May. I'll be teaching a class, and speaking. I'm trying to get another local author to come and give a second class as well.

  27. I've been on a panel, talking about YA. I'm hoping to do more one day.

  28. I've done a few panels but I'm really excited about this being on my 'do more' list when I retire.

  29. Stunning photo, L. Diane.

    I am actually looking forward to the time I get to do reading and public speaking. I have read chapters of my books to eager friends and they all say they love the way I read. Clear diction is so important and a bit of excitement in your voice doesn't hurt. LOL.

  30. That picture is so awesome. I can smell the air, hear the birds and insects.

    I don't speak officially, but I may put my hat in that ring before too long. I've done things for writers groups and spontaneously a couple of times at other places when asked.

  31. I love that picture. I could totally sit there and write for hours.

    I am not much of a public speaker, so I haven't branched in that direction.

    Lyre @ Lyre's Musings #atozchallenge

  32. I never thought I'd love public speaking but I do. It's so wonderful to be able to speak about our writing and our platform in a way that is going to reach others and make them understand what makes us so passionate.


  33. Hi Diane .. I imagine you'd be very good at public speaking - confirmed by Elizabeth .. I'm sure I would be once I get over the initial 'shock' .. I speak well .. it's just something I don't much like doing ..

    Cheers - but an essential to promotion, I can see that .. Hilary

  34. I'm quite scared of the idea of doing school tours or speaking engagements if my book goes to print. A book tour at a bookstore doesn't frighten me too much, especially if I could join forces with another author. But schools YIKES.
