Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A to Z Challenge - Organization

For the A to Z Challenge, I’m posting promo and other tips for writers, along with a daily photo. (All photos taken by me.)

Writing can be messy! Which is why we need to keep everything else organized.

I’m scary organized. I have lists for my lists. If someone calls, I can lay my hand on the correct information within seconds.

What areas do I organize?

To do lists - I write it down or it doesn’t happen
Computer files - everything in its properly labeled folder
Physical files - ditto
Bookkeeping and Taxes - I address it monthly so it doesn’t attack me at the end of the year
Contacts - I keep a notebook with all of my contacts & their information
Ledgers - keeping track of sales and money coming in
Appearances - in real life and online
Stock and Promo material - organized so I can see at glance what is needed
My library - I have a lot of books!
Manuscripts - outlines and character profiles

Are you organized? Need help? LOL

Visit other participants in the A to Z Challenge HERE

And your daily photo: "Orange Glow"

$14.95 Trade paperback ISBN 978-0-9827139-5-2
$4.99 Ebook ISBN 978-0-9827139-9-0

Purchase at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Amazon Kindle, Amazon Kindle UK, and Powell’s.


  1. I;m organised up to a point, but if something out of the blue crops up then all organisation flies out of the window.


  2. I definitely need help. Total scatterbrain. Luckily, my other half keeps me on track!

  3. I'm totally wrong profile...if 'organized' is the major concern.
    I need some serious help on that front!! :D

  4. Things tend to get progressively more chaotic around me, and then I eventually put it all back in order in one big go. And then it slowly deteriorates again.

    Moody Writing

  5. Organization is key, isn't it? I'm trying harder this year with my tax papers. :)

  6. Hi, L. Diane.

    Why am I NOT surprised by this. LOL...

    I am pretty organized, but at times papers will pile up. LOL.

    BUT I generally know where everything is and I can find it easily.

  7. I consider myself an organized person. However, I wouldn't say I'm half as organized as my sister. She's like you, she has lists on lists.

  8. Nick, that's what she's there for!

    Mooderino, I can stand that for about one day and then I go nuts and re-organize.

  9. I'm organized when it comes to my writing related stuff. Not so much when it comes to life. lol

  10. You sound like my husband! Which is to say, opposite of me.

  11. I can be very organized, but I just don't stick with it. I think I have a little -ADD.

  12. I love most of your photographs (some like one of paper star lanterns which you posted three or more years back are truly memorable), but this is one that's particularly good.

    And I am particularly disorganized. depend on my unreliable memory for most things. Or scribble notes to myself and promptly lose them.

    Coffee Rings Everywhere

  13. I do pretty well organizing my stuff, it's my time that gets away from me.

  14. I too am very organised, I have everything filed properly and addresses printed off so hubby can access them together with all legal documents. All tax stuff put together (don't have much these days) and this year all done and dusted, refund received. Are you a Virgo Dianne, I believe that's a habit for people of that sign, I definitely am.


  15. I wish I could be organized. I used to be ... 2 kids later. Lol. :)

  16. I am not organized. At all.

    And, yes, it's really annoying.



  17. Your photos are terrific. I posted about organizing and optimizing time also. I've gotten much better at it but need more improvement.

  18. Diane, I just wrote a short article on the subject of writing styles and personalities. Definitely that organizational preference is one of them. It's funny, while I'm highly organized, I'm not overly detailed oriented, and yes, the two aren't always mutually coexisting.

  19. I'm thinking maybe you shouldn't read my post today! My lack of organization might horrify you! :)

  20. I love being organized like that...I just wish my wife did too! :)

  21. I'm fairly well-organized. I think.
    You definitely take the meaning of "organization" to another level! Wow. I can take a leaf out of your book...
    Love the orange glow......

    Writer In Transit

  22. taxes are meant to be done on April 14th, just like most of the world does them.

  23. I'm a list maker. If I don't put it down as To Do, if don't get done. This month is a heavy list month because of the daily blogging. Without my trusty list with !. Cook something for dinner, we probably wouldn't have anything to eat.

  24. Great photo! I try to be organized, but it's something that until recently I haven't taken very seriously. I've come to realize that I need to treat my writing with business-like precision and organization since it is just that, a business. Great advice!

  25. When I'm employed, I'm unbelievably organized and have routines and do incredibly well. But I think I spend all my energy there, because at home, I'm a mess. We are in the process of going through old files and just starting over. I've converted a lot of my filing to electronic, printing PDF receipts of online transactions to cut down on paper, and the new habit of handling ALL of each day's mail that day. But if you could see my "office" you'd just die...
    Tina @ Life is Good
    Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
    @TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

  26. Wow, I wish I was that organized. It would be so nice to be able to find anything and everything. Cool photo.

  27. Organization is very important. When I scheduled my blog and organized the tours and blitz I took part in, things got a lot less hectic.

  28. Thank you, Natasha.

    Jo, no I'm an Aquarius.

    Julie, I'm a mix of both. Not sure what that means.

    Lee, I've been there!

  29. Well I thought I was organized! A to do list would be a life saver for me. Just no practical means of that currently. I keep a calendar on my phone and use it to sync to my office and home computers. As far as notes, research and everything digital, it's organized and backed up like nobody's business!
    My dirty clothes? Not so much.

  30. Well, I thought I was organized until now...
    Awesome photo - rock on!

  31. Where can I buy some organization sense?

  32. I definitely need help getting organized! The piles of papers are getting overwhelming!

  33. Wow. You are organized! I'm, well, I have a good memory. Most of the time!

  34. Hi there. I just moved into a new house recently, so that gave me the opportunity to reorganize my office. The first box I unpacked held all the notebooks, physical files, and other materials related to my current novel. You are so right about keeping all the crucial information right to hand!

  35. I love to organize! At least my computer files. I also enjoy helping other people organize. I just have trouble organizing my desk. LOL

    #atozchallenge, Kristen's blog:

  36. Ah Diane, I am a wanna-be organized person. I do keep lists and can get sort of organized for specific purposes, but most of my life never reaches a file and is in a pile somewhere. I do appreciate those who are organized. I love all your great info sharing through the A to Z challenge posts. It's been fun checking in. Thanks. God bless, Maria Delight Directed Living

  37. I'm pretty organized but every now and then I think I have to re-organize. Then I can't find anything anymore and have to re-think it or go back the way it was. LOL

  38. I'm about as efficient at organizing as I am at hand gliding *not very* I wish I was, then maybe I'd cut back on my assistant *coffee*

  39. Oh I most def. need help with organizing! Right now most of my writing is in the folder structure: desktop/misc/writing/new folder/misc/new folder/new folder 2

    (or something similar, HA!)

  40. Hi Diane .. I am getting help with my housekeeping .. lots to do - but at least I'm working on it ..

    I do hate being in a mess! Cheers Hilary
