Monday, January 14, 2013

The A to Z Challenge and Team

April 1st will mark the beginning of the 4th A to Z Challenge.

What is the A to Z Challenge? It is blogging the letters of the alphabet (starting with A) every day except Sundays. That’s 26 days for 26 letters. Participants can select a theme or randomly choose each day. It just has to correspond with the day’s letter.

This will be the 3rd A to Z Challenge that I have participated in - and my very 1st one as a co-host!

And with that, here are the 2013 A to Z Challenge hosts:

Arlee Bird at Tossing It Out
Damyanti Biswas at Amlokiblogs
Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh
Tina Downey at Life is Good
DL Hammons at Cruising Altitude 2.0
Jeremy Hawkins at Retro-Zombie
Shannon Lawrence at The Warrior Muse
Matthew MacNish at The QQQE
Konstanz Silverbow at No Thought 2 Small
Stephen Tremp at Breakthrough Blogs
Livia Peterson at Leave it to Livia
L. Diane Wolfe at Spunk on a Stick
Nicole at The Madlab Post

I’m excited to be part of the team!

For more information on the A to Z Challenge, visit the blog.


  1. I'll enjoy reading the posts (I'm always amazed at everyone's creativity for A-Z!)

  2. I won't be participating since I've just decreased my blogging days from three days a week to two so I will have more writing time. I will check it out on my blogging days, though. I love seeing the themes people come up with.

  3. I have my theme and am outlining my posts ahead of time. Keep it short. That's my motto!

  4. It'll be great to be working alongside you this year! Can't wait to get started!! :)

  5. I think it's great there are so many hosts. There is so many participants. My post today is part of my "extended" A-Z challenge from two years ago.

  6. So happy to have you as part of the team! This is my second year participating, and second year co-hosting. How I got involved as a co-host before I knew what the challenge even was, I don't know. But I am really glad I did!

    Konstanz Silverbow

  7. A-Z posts are a lot of fun to read. Sadly I won't get to participate because we'll be out of the country for a good chunk of April.

  8. A-Z posts are a lot of fun to read. Sadly I won't get to participate because we'll be out of the country for a good chunk of April.

  9. I've done this before! Maybe I'll do it again. It WAS fun! (Tiring but FUN)

  10. Hi Diane .. it'll be great that you're co-hosting .. I love the A - Z Challenge and participating ... I'm themed up and have written some ...

    Cheers and see you around - Hilary

  11. Yay! You'll be a great host! I'm excited for it!

  12. I'm looking forward to it again. It will be my third one. I can't believe it.

  13. new follower from

    I can't decide yet if I should do the challenge or not.

  14. Ugh, I SO want to do the A to Z. My schedule is so tight, I truly don't know if I can fit it in. I have brainstormed a couple of themes though. Maybe, just maybe, I'll see if I can work it in, kind of as a way of paying it forward. That would be nice if I could manage that.

  15. You're going to be sooo busy :)

    I've never participated - mostly because we're usually traveling at least some portion of April. But I love reading the posts.

  16. Congratulations on being part of the
    A to Z team. Looking forward to some intriguing posts.

    Thoughts in Progress

  17. Congratulations on landing the co-host gig! Can't wait for April...

  18. Great you are on the team this year. I will certainly be taking part.

  19. this is quite the challenge! i definitely could NOT keep up with it...kudos to anyone that does!! no really, i will send kudos granola bars to anybody. (not really wink wink)

  20. Looking forward to the A to Z Challenge, pleased you are on the team. Good luck.


  21. Thank you, everyone! Looking forward to being a co-host this year.

  22. You'll be a great addition to the team Diane!

  23. I'm glad you will be part of the team this year. I can't wait to get started!

  24. So glad to have you on board, Diane. Looking forward to getting to know you better.

    Tina @ Life is Good
    Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge
    @TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

  25. I'll enjoy reading these but I'm not brave enough to try it.

  26. Welcome to the team, Diane!

  27. It's another great team this year and you will add much to it. Welcome to the A to Z Team!

    Tossing It Out

  28. Awesome that you're part of the team! I'm already devising my strategy...

  29. I think this year I will post a newly-coined curse word or phrase, in honor of the A-Z madness.

    - Eric
    Digging With the Worms

  30. Here I am! Gosh and yay! How I love that the amazing alphabet challenge will soon be here. An excellent chance to parody the whole thing, yet again!

    Seriously, despite the fact I would rather have Justin Bieber sing to me then join in a blogfest, I do wish much fulfilment and positive interaction amongst those who participate.

    With kindness to you and the team, Gary :)

  31. Congratulations on your A to Z co-hosting gig Diane!
    This will also be my third A to Z Challenge! Bring it on! Let the fun and games begin...

  32. Hi, Diane,
    I know you'll be way busy. Didn't think I'd have the time this year, but I'm going to use the challenge to finish something I started in 2012. Have fun!

  33. I suppose it's possible I shouldn't fly by the seat of my pantslessness this round... but what to do, what to do...

  34. You are going to be an amazing co host for sure! I'm still on the fence about the A-Z this year, as I promised myself I'd spend more time actually writing. :S


  35. I agree you will be an amazing host! I am thrilled you will be part of the A-Z crew ;D
    I am thinking theme for this year...maybe I better start, now!
    Yes, this year should be fun :D

  36. I'm excited for A to Z and congrats on being one of the hosts! That's great!

  37. I'll be jumping again, Diane. I see you're one of the sponsors this year. That ought to keep you busy visiting all those new blogs.

  38. Great list of this years hosts. Congrats on being added to the team of hosts!

  39. CONGRATS to the 2013 A to Z Challenge team!
