Monday, January 28, 2013

Re-Introduce Myself Blogfest

Today is the Re-Introduce Myself Blogfest, hosted by Stephen Tremp, C.M. Brown, Mark Koopmans, and Elise Fallson.

I’m going to give you my “official” bio first -

L. Diane Wolfe

Known as “Spunk On A Stick,” Wolfe is a member of the National Speakers Association and the author of numerous books. Her upcoming title, “How to Publish and Promote Your Book Now,” covers her publishing seminars in depth and provides an overview of the entire process from idea to market. “Overcoming Obstacles With SPUNK! The Keys to Leadership & Goal-Setting” ties her goal-setting and leadership seminars together into one complete, enthusiastic package. Her YA series, "The Circle of Friends," features morally grounded, positive stories. Wolfe travels extensively for media interviews and speaking engagements, maintains a dozen websites & blogs, and assists writers through her author services.

Now the fun stuff -

I’m a roller coaster junkie and want to travel the world, visiting all of the theme parks. I’ve loved photography my whole life and been a professional photographer for 23 years. Love animals and I’m a vegan - no animal products in my diet. (And no, I am not a tree-hugger.) Grew up in Oregon but now I live in NC with my husband and two cats, Rocko & Spunky. (And I was “Spunky” long before we named our cat.)

In short, I am a ball of endless nervous energy! 

Who are you?


  1. Hi, Diane,
    Nice to know a bit more about you. Didn't realize you were a pro photographer.

    I like roller-coaster rides too, not that we have any of those here anymore. :(

  2. I already know much about you, never knew you like roller coasters, I love slides at the park though I get funny looks.


  3. I'm a roller coaster junkie, traveling obsessed, nervous ball of energy, too. LOL

  4. I'm glad I'm not the only restless writer out there! Love that you're so colorful, Diane, and have such a great time with your life!

  5. Nice intro, L. Diane! I lOVE rollercoasters, but here in (Western) Australia we have NO good ones. Our biggest rollercoaster is completely piddly and a junkie like you would no doubt be completely unimpressed.

    I love cats, and I really admire anyone who is vegan or vegetarian.

  6. IDiane, t's great to meet you again. And who doesn't love a great roller coaster? I sure do. Now if they can only make one that goes in and out of wormholes. How cool would that be!

  7. Nice to meet you. My hubby is from Oregon. We love that state though we now live in Georgia.

  8. JL. closest one to me is 3 & 1/2 hours away.

    Ciara, put us together and we'd really scare people.

    Trisha, I'm sorry your coaster is 'piddly.'

    Stephen, going in might be the easy part.

  9. Wonderful to meet you L. Diane. I too love traveling and used to enjoy the thrill of roller coasters, but it has been a while since I've been on one. Maybe I should fix that . . . (:

  10. I didn't know you were a pro photographer as well. You are a bundle of energy! :)

  11. You really are a bundle of energy! I wish I loved roller coasters - but I'm a wimp in that department :)

  12. I think anyone who enters publishing needs to be a roller coaster junkie. If you aren't, you'll only suffer from motion sickness. lol

  13. I almost forgot about this one!
    Great introduction. I love roller coasters myself, but rarely get to go on them much anymore.

    The Other Side

  14. roller coaster junkies rule! I didn't know you were a photographer :)

  15. S.P., it's beautiful all right.

    Elise, if I don't get my fix every summer, I get edgy.

    Stina, that is so true!

    Baygirl and Laura, all the photos I post were taken by me. Except the one above of course.

  16. Endless energy, that's clear by the picture there. :) Excellent Diane, nice to meet you again.

  17. I lost my favorite earring on a crazy roller-coaster ride at Six Flags. It was worth it!
    ~Just Jill

  18. I am so afraid of roller coasters. I don't like the out of control feeling.
    Spunky is a cool name.

  19. Nice to re-meet you L. Diane. I used to love rollercoasters but my kids have picked up that mantle.

  20. How fun to introduce ourselves to someone new! Check us out at

  21. Nice to re-meet you LDiane.
    I love your energy... you give off a good vibe...
    I don't think I've ever been on a roller coaster ride... shocking hey? And not because I'm a scaredy-cat or anything like that...
    Well, I'll have to give it a go... one day... though I fear I may have left it a little too late...

  22. I love rollercoasters!! I haven't been to an amusement park in too long, though. Must make that a priority this summer!

    It's been great knowing you and your blog, Diane!

  23. I love roller coasters too and want to travel the world!

  24. Hi Diane. It's nice to meet you and to get o know a little about you. The official and unofficial stuff. I love roller coaster's too. Looks like your nervous energy is channeled into some really great creative stuff.

  25. I like that! A ball of endless nervous energy. That's probably why you get so much done!

  26. You certainly keep busy, using that energy well! I love rollercoasters though with little kids don't always get the chance to go on the fast ones. I hope you get to visit Blackpool, England and go on "The Big One" if you haven't already!

  27. Oh, come on... Hug just a little tree! It's fun! Seriously though, I love roller coasters, too. But I'm a lousy photographer, and would be very sad giving up cheese.

  28. Well earned name.... I can feel the spunk in all your words, L. Diane.

    I love photography too... anything creative excites me... Not so much the roller coaster thing... I'll leave that to you!

  29. Think I'll stay on the ground and avoid the coasters, thanks!

  30. Hi Diane, I love roller coasters, but there's this one that's made me question whether I should ever get on another one: Fahrenheit at Hershey Park. Have you tried it?

  31. Ah-ha!! Now i understand why you haven't visited Disney!! I have to say, you're right. Disney has a few coasters that are themed really cool, but they're all pretty tame. I'd say the scariest one is the Rock N Roller Coaster at Disney Studios. O to 60 in like two seconds flat or something like that. I hate roller coaster's (sorry!) haha. So Disney is just my speed.

  32. Jill - LOL!!!

    Nick, I want to visit that one!

    Krystal, I've not visited that park. Yet.

    Roller coasters seem to be a favorite of many here!

    Will visit everyone here later today. Been busy getting ready for my release and working with a client and I am SO far behind.

  33. Cool! I love that you are both writer and photographer. I think it must give you such an interesting perspective on cover art.

  34. Nice to re-meet you :) I'm totally stressed out of even the thought of going on a rollercoaster.

    When I was young I rode The Beast and The King Cobra (at King's Island) and that was enough for me. Haven't been on one since.

    Yeah, I'm a chicken... :P

  35. I never liked roller coasters and was relieved when I got old enough to say so without everyone making fun of me. It's too bad, because they do look awfully fun. But my weak little body can't handle them - I'm jealous you can!

  36. I love roller coasters, too. I haven't been on one in ages... unless you count some of the curvy mountain roads around here.

  37. Roller coaster rides are exhilarating, but unfortunately they make me dangerously queasy, so I avoid them out of consideration for fellow riders. :)

  38. Hi! Nice to meet you. I love roller coasters too.

  39. It's a good thing you have all that nervous energy with all the things you do! Holy cow!

  40. Okay, so roller coasters are your therapy? :) Good to meet you. Great career you have.

  41. I really like the fun part about you. I adore photography too, who doesn't these days? But professional photographer-I'm impressed. For the benefit of non-Americans, where is NC - is that North Carolina?

  42. Nice to re-meet you! I think it's great that you have a motivational speaking background. It's always rewarding to know that your work helps others.

  43. What a fascinating and varied life you have. I have tremendous admiration for anybody who has the determination to see their dreams of getting published realised.

    And speaking in public takes a lot of nerve. I know, after my standing ovations I get at my public speaking engagements, I feel quite relieved.

    We do hope you manage to visit the largest theme park in all of Britain. That would be the magical Alton Towers, which is only a few miles from where I live.

    All the best and thank you for such an enlightening post.


  44. A fellow roller coaster junkie! awesome! I didn't know that about you.
    Nice to learn new things today!

  45. I love reading these!

  46. Johanna, it does!

    Mark, I've ridden both of those. The Beast was a little too rough.

    M Pax, the way my husband drives, I get the experience every time I'm in his car.

    Nancy, yes! I have no sense of balance and they realign my equilibrium.

    Denise, yes - North Carolina, USA.

    Gary, I would love to visit Alton Towers!

    Tyrean, yes!

  47. It's been nice getting to know you better, Diane. I didn't know you did photography and love roller coasters.

  48. I liked roller coasters as a younger woman, today I think of all the things which could go wrong.

    I goofed with the link on Stephen's blog so had to add a new one.

    Nice reintroduction.

  49. You wonderful bloggers--Diane, Stephen, et. al., need no reintroductions. Still, it's a nice idea. (-:


    Carolyn Howard-Johnson
    Excited about how much the new edition of the Frugal Book Promoter (expanded! updated!) can help writers with the tried and true and the new media, too. Now a USA Book News award-winner in its own right ( it the original edition was also a Reader Views winner and an Irwin Award winner.

  50. Let's see. I've known Diane for a while. What did she leave off? That she is down to earth, patient, and persistent!

  51. Following/subscribing in preparation for the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.

    I will be checking out your Circle of Friends series. Sounds very encouraging!

  52. i use to be able to do roller coasters, but i lost my kicks once i was an older teen...because now, you can hang and go...or go backwards!!! but if you hold my hand, i'll go with you... :D

  53. I loved roller coasters as a kid. Don't know what happened to make me afraid as I aged. Pity.


  54. Not sure, really. I'm just me. :-D

  55. Hi Diane .. sort of knew there was lots of energy there .. wonderful to be a roller coaster junkie - can't stand them myself ... and have done one - that's enough!

    You've lots going on in life and that's great - you offer us lots of helpful info ...

    Cheers for now - Hilary

  56. I think I liked roller coasters in my younger days. I'm not sure I'd survive a ride on one now! Def enjoyed reading your posting!

  57. What a fun pic on the coaster! I can't ride them as I get terrible motion sickness, but I'm always envious of those who do because it looks like such fun.

    So nice to learn more about you. As an animal lover too I admire your vegan lifestyle, that's something I'm learning more about and working on myself.

  58. I'm so not a rollercoaster junkie! But those who love them really love them. Great to learn more about you.

  59. I commend you for loving roller coasters! I always want to try them but I chicken out halfway thru the line! Cool to learn some news things about you!! :)

  60. Livia, I've taken photos for almost 40 years.

    Carolyn, it was fun!

    Denise, thank you!

    Julie, it's best done in stages, one step at a time.

  61. Enjoy your roller coasters. You can have them, all to yourself. LOL

    Fun post! Thanks for visiting my blog. :)

  62. your blogging buddy and friend!

    So nice to re-meet you! :)

  63. I'm vegan, too. :)

    I love roller coaster enthusiasts! I just think it's so neat that people are so into it. It's such a fun rush and there's a lot of variety out there, if you hunt for it, so it seems like a fun thing to be into.

  64. Haven't been on a roller coaster since my teen years, not even the kiddie ones. My sons had to ride with someone else.

    Hi. Just making the rounds now.
