Monday, September 17, 2012

Genre Favorites Blogfest

Today is Alex J. Cavanaugh’s Genre Favorites Blogfest. Favorite genre of movie, music, book, and guilty pleasure from one of the three.

Movie -

After looking over a list of my favorite movies, it suddenly dawned on me - animated films dominate that list. I love movies such as Emperor’s New Groove, Ice Age, Madagascar, Over the Hedge, Ratatouille, and Despicable Me. They just have a good heart and story. Doesn’t matter the type of animation, as I’m a big fan of Wallace & Gromit. (I own a stuffed Wallace & Gromit, too. I’m a big fan of stuffed toys, too!)

Music -

I listen to everything from heavy metal to new age, so I decided I would just settle in the middle with ‘rock.’ Favorite bands include Def Leppard, Pink Floyd, Chevelle, Arena, ELO, and Ayreon.

Books -

I’ve read a variety over the years. I enjoyed anything with an animal in it. I loved the Narnia books and Anne McCaffrey’s work. If I go with my more recent reads, my genre of choice is self-help. This encompasses anything to do with relationships, success, personalities, leadership, people skills, motivation, goal-setting, and inspirations. I’ve read hundreds but always manage to pick up a new nugget.

No surprise that I wrote a success book, is there?

Guilty Pleasure -

I love animals. So much I don’t eat them. For a guilty pleasure genre, I’ll have to go with animal movies. They suck me right in and yes, I cry like a sap when something bad happens. (Which is why my husband won’t let me watch one of my favorites, Born Free, because I cry through the whole thing.)

Those are my genre favorites - what are yours?


  1. Love your choices! Wallace & Gromit have been favourites of mine for a long time! :D

  2. Enjoyed reading of your favourites, I wrote about my favourite.....Music.

    Thanks for your kind comment, much appreciated,


  3. Oh Born Free had me in tears when I was a kid, it was years before I could watch it again. Great picks :)

  4. Wallace & Gromit is a great choice. I have been holding back from Born Free.

  5. Born Free was a favourite of mine when I was a kid too! Love the cross eyed lion!

  6. Kyra, I love Wallace and Gromit.

    Anna, I still cry. Such a sap.

  7. Hey you.. out there in the cold...


    Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
    Howlin' Wolf Records: On-Line Magazine

  8. Oh yeah, those animal stories get me every time. I LOVED Babe!

  9. Stupid animal movies. My wife makes me watch them and I usually end up enjoying them.
    Thanks for participating in my blogfest!

  10. My wife doesn't care much for animated films so we rarely watch them, but I do like them and own several in my personal collection.
    I like your music style and am a big fan of self-help books.
    Good picks all.

    Genre Favorites Blogfest
    Wrote By Rote

  11. I love the animated genre too. Despicible Me is a classic. The Incredibles, Toy Story, Finding Nemo. Its all good.

  12. Def Leppard are still a favourite! Hubby recently said they weren't a good band!

  13. I'm doing Alex's blogfest and I put animated children's movies as my guilty pleasure.

    And who doesn't love crying over a good animal movie?

  14. Annalisa, tell him that is blasphemy!

  15. Diane,

    Animated films would have been my second choice. :) Loved Nemo, Madagascar and Ratatouille in particular.

    Really enjoy animal movies too. Watched Born Free aaaaages ago. Don’t remember much about it, but how I love the theme song!

  16. How perfect! I ADORE animated movies and ANYTHING to do with animals.

    I shows how caring and sensitive you are ....

    Great choices L. Diane.

  17. I love self-help books n' animals!
    I love that you are compassionate, want to help and sensitive~
    Wonderful list :D
    I love those animated movies you mentioned~

  18. Ratatouille is great(we love that one).

    Sad animal movies make me cry too. My mom used to sing a sad song about a dog getting (OLD SHEP) and I'd cry every time.

    Nice choices, Diane. Thanks for visiting my blog!

  19. 'a sad song about a dog getting too old.' Oops.

  20. I love Wallace & Gromit! I would have never pictured you listening to Rock. How cool.

  21. JL, that theme song won an Oscar.

    Michael, I do love my animals.

    Clarissa, I've listened to it for years.

  22. I love kid's movies a lot too. My children adore Shaun the Sheep type claymation. Chicken Run is still one of my faves.

  23. Oh, I love Chevelle! I find their music so inspiring when I write.

  24. Great list! Love the animated films myself.

  25. Wallace and Gromit look very at home in that picture! I do like animation-Tangled being my favourite at this time, and Beauty and the Beast up there as my all-time favourite.

  26. I love Wallace and Gromit!! I haven't thought about those movies in a long time. So good.

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  27. I'm an animal lover, too. I've always had cats and dogs (and mice when I was little), and yes -- I'll admit I cried during "Born Free" too. "Old Yeller" is another animal movie guaranteed to elicit a tear or two.

    But I must confess that I also enjoy a tasty steak on the grill, too. But in keeping with my animal-loving nature, I do share the scraps with my dog -- does that help offset my carnivorous nature?


    But I do LOVE Wallace and Gromit!

  28. LOVE your blog title! Your favorites are wonderful too :D

  29. Wonderful list! I do love Despicable Me.

  30. I love animal movies too - and I bawl like a baby at so many of them. Born Free turned me into a mess!

  31. Aw, animated films - that's a GREAT choice and I didn't even think of it. Shrek, the Toy Stories...all great faves of mine.

  32. Love your choices. I originally had comedy listed as my favorite movie genre. I eventually went back and added animated films. They are the best, aren't they? :)

    And animal movies are always fun!

  33. Lassie Come Home, was like that. I sob through the whole thing.

  34. I'm constantly watching nature documentaries. I bawled the entire way through that episode of nature where Echo the elephant matriach died. So I totally get you loving animal films. I'm the same way!

    Speaking of animals, did you see that film Chimpanzee yet? I meant to see it at the cinema but didn't manage to so now I'm waiting for it to come on the movie channels.


  35. I love the animated films, too. That squirrel in "Ice Age" is one of my favorite characters. Poor guy may never catch the acorn.

  36. I started liking the hard rock music later in life. Surprised my hubby for sure. It just matches my writing, I guess. LOL!!

  37. Where the Red Fern Grows leaves me sobbing every time.

  38. AHhh, I cry through Born Free also. I can't count the times I cried for Old Yeller.

  39. Yeah, I don't really like watching animal movies where an animal will be hurt or die. In fact, I'd rather see people die on the screen than animals. I'm not ashamed of that, either ;)

    Love your genre answers! I can particularly relate to the music one :)

  40. My kids just watched Emperors New Groove and LOVED it. They love to repeat, "Boom Baby!"

  41. I enjoy animated films too! There's nothing better than Pixar! :)

  42. I share a love of Pink Floyd. Amazing era of music, that.

  43. Ah, Pink Floyd and Anne McCaffrey; they do go together well.

    Shhh; i collect stuffies too.


  44. I've listed animated movies as my guilty pleasure... with emphasis on the "guilty" part, since I'm a self-professed "non-movie-watching" individual. LOL.
    I also enjoy motivational/inspirational books from time to time.

  45. Def Leppard! Yay! Oh, I LOVE them.

    Great choices!

  46. Alliaon, time to pull out those movies.

    Chris, a little.

    Jemi, that's why my husband won't let me watch - I'm a wreck afterwards.

    Jai, no - I haven't seen it yet.

    Maryann, I love Scrat.

    Ciara, around here we say "Uh-huh. Un-huh, un-huh, un-huh!"

    Donna, I have hundreds...

    Talli, I've seen them five times in concert.

  47. You have great taste! I love animation movies. From the makers of Wallace and Grommit, I must say I prefer Chicken Run. :-D

  48. Hello, L. Diane. It's good to see a few familiar faces in the blogfest. I hope life is treating you well. Well done with the ELO shout-out. Those are fairly rare these days. I'm a huge music fan and you struck a nerve with the Classic Rock.
    My boys are now 14 and 18, so it's rare that I see animated films as often as I used to. The good ones - many of which you just named - have something for the entire family. Thank God I don't have to sit through Pokemon anymore! ;)


  49. We girls all have our favorite crying movies. Sometimes we need a good cry and why not use a movie to do it?
    I prefer Steel Magnolias!

    Great list.
    Thanks for sharing.

  50. I love Anne McCaffrey and Narnia as well as animated movies. :) I'm still waiting for Finding Nemo 2.


  51. Animated movies are great! I watched BORN FREE about a month ago. I cried.

  52. You have some really great choices. I am with you about watching or reading anything where the animals are hard done by. My family also stops me from watching anything where the animals get hurt, as I truly just freak out.

  53. Movie: Boy, that's tough. I like movies based on books such as Twilight and Hunger Games and Speak.

    Music: Rock, definitely. From classic (Stones, Hendrix, Dire Straits) to 'newer' bands (Pearl Jam, Stone Temple Pilots)

    Books: Adult Contemporary Fiction (Barbara Kingsolver)

    I enjoyed your picks. We are big fans of Shaan the Sheep.

  54. We have the same taste in movies. Wallace and Gromitt are instant classics. "Cracking toast Gromitt!"

  55. I do love animated movies. I watched (and purchased) them even before I had kids. Animal movies always make me cry, too.

    My Genre Favorites & Guilty Pleasures

  56. I love the ones you've listed! One of my all time fav animated movies is Madagascar. I like to move it, move it...

    other genres I like are comedy and action.

    Books, I'm afraid my guilty pleasure is paranormal romance. Which I will never write, but I do love to read it! Paranormalcy, Bitten, Entice.

    And of course - adventure! I love NF accounts of outdoor adventures.
