Monday, July 23, 2012

The Backworlds Book 2 and Industry News

The Backworlds Book 2 is Out!

The sequel to The Backworlds is now available. Craze and his friends continue their adventures in Stopover at the Backworlds’ Edge. See what role chocolate plays in the galaxy this time.

The interstellar portal opens, bringing in a ship that should no longer exist. A battleship spoiling for a fight, yet the war with Earth ended two generations ago. The vessel drops off a Water-breather, a type of Backworlder thought to be extinct. She claims one of Craze’s friends is a traitor who summoned the enemy to Pardeep Station. A betrayal worse than his father’s, if Craze lives to worry about it.

Available for all ereaders from: Amazon Amazon UK Barnes & Noble Smashwords
iTunes and Kobo will be available shortly.

If you haven’t read The Backworlds yet, it’s available as a free read from many outlets. See HERE for links.

Inspiring the words M. Pax writes, Mary spends her summers as a star guide at Pine Mountain Observatory in stunning Central Oregon where she lives with the husband unit and two loving cats. She write science fiction mostly and has a slight obsession with Jane Austen. Mary blogs at M Pax Author

In other news:

The social site DIGG was recently sold for a mere half a million dollars. It was once valued at $164 million. Read about DIGG’s fall at Publishing Executive.

E-books now lead in adult fiction sales. Read the full article at PI World.

People trust FaceBook less than Amazon and Google when it comes to personal data usage. Read full article at Bloomberg Businessweek.

Those facts about DIGG or FaceBook surprise you? Or that e-books are selling so well?


  1. Facebooked and Tweeted.


  2. Yay for Mary!! I've had a surprisingly chaotic first few weeks of summer so I missed this! :)

  3. I will facebook it asap.


  4. Ebooks have really taken off. I remember when I sold my first manuscript and had to explain to people what an ebook was. LOL

  5. I truly appreciate you helping with the launch today. Thank you. :)

    Interesting about how the trust levels vary. FB wasn't upfront about what they were doing and their main purpose isn't money from a user's standpoint, which may be why such a gap.

  6. Can't wait to see the role chocolate will play!

  7. Very nice to see MPax release another book. I enjoyed The Backworlds, and I expect this one to be just as entertaining.

  8. I'm not really familiar with DIGG but I''m not suprised about facebook or the ebook sales kick.

  9. The DIGG news did surprise me. How far the mighty have fallen! :)

  10. I have never heard of DIGG, probably why it went out of business. Interesting about e-books sales though.

  11. I'm not surprised about Facebook.

    Yay for Mary!!

  12. Digg is like Reddit or Stumble Upon. Used to be a major player.

  13. I think publishing is experiencing some big growing pains. And those who grow with it will succeed. Can't wait to see what happens.

  14. Love to know how chocolate plays its part in the galaxy - but not surprised since chocolate should be knighted, it's so good. Digg was always a little icon at the bottom of blogs that I saw (along with Reddit) but never used.

  15. Congrats to Mary! No, the Facebook thing doesn't surprise me, although I wondered about DIGG. Guess you just never know. As for ebooks, well, I've been loading stuff on my husband's Kindle, so I guess I'm a contributor to these stats. :)

  16. Great post! I loved learning about Mary's books! Look forward to reading them soon! Good luck!

  17. Not really. DIGG's owners clearly made a big miscalculation and I don't like Facebook at all, because of the way they handle security, personal information etc.

    As for e-books, I also joined the dark side. Big reason: we're moving house and 90% of our packing time is taken up by packing up about 20k books. A lot of them got damaged by a leak in the roof. Neither of those would happen if they were stored electronically. Anyway point being, it seems like more and more people are going over to e-books.


  18. No those stats don't really surprise me. I'm excited about M. Pax's book. I cant' wait to read it. :)

  19. This book is all over the place this week. Good to know. Thanks for spreading the word! :)

  20. Shocked about DIGG. We know FB has more info on the general public than all the spy organisations in the world. And Google. Well, I just posted about Google Images and the trouble they can cause. Maybe you caught Roni's blog? Mine is a follow up. Scary stuff. Amazon seems like a little kitten by comparison, well, a kitten with sharp teeth.


  21. I've seen this book everywhere! Congrats to M Pax!

  22. AnonymousJuly 26, 2012

    How the mighty have fallen. Lesson Learned: sell high.

    I'm not surprised at all about the ebook stat. And thanks for your comment. I made the changes and credited the names of the people that I copied the blurb from.
