Monday, May 14, 2012

The First Loves Blogfest

I’m posting today for the First Loves Blogfest, hosted by Ninja Captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh. We are to name our first loves in movies, music, books, and people.

First love movie:
Born Free

This is one of the first movies I ever remember watching. I have always loved animals, especially cats, and the story of Elsa stuck with me emotionally. (My husband doesn’t like me to watch it because I spend half the movie crying. Yes, I’m aware that Elsa doesn’t die in the movie. But she dies in the NEXT movie and that is so sad.)

First love music:

I really wasn’t into popular music until someone gave me an Electric Light Orchestra 45 for my 12th birthday. “Turn to Stone” became an instant favorite and I had to have the album. Then I had to have all of the albums. I was hooked! Fell in love with many of their songs, including 10538 Overture. (So imagine my delight when one of my favorite bands, Def Leppard, did a cover of this tune a few years ago. Joy!)

First love book:
The Chronicles of Narnia

A friend introduced me to this series shortly after my father died, when I was about eleven. After my father’s passing, my perception of the world changed and I became more ‘aware.’ Enter a series that took me to a fantastic, magical world while laying down Christian principles and ideals. My imagination took off from that point, leading me on many great adventures. The movies haven’t been perfect, however - watching previews for the very first one and hearing Aslan roar sent chills down my spine and brought tears to my eyes.

First love person:
My father and my husband

Before he died, I followed my father everywhere. I wanted to do whatever he was doing. I could spend hours in his workshop (he was a carpenter by trade) just quietly polishing his rock collection while he worked. I adored him and it’s a shame I never got to know him better.

My first romantic love was my husband. In typical girl fashion, I had a crush on everyone. Even dated a couple guys I thought I loved. It wasn’t until my husband that I really understood love. We were best friends for a whole year before we dated. We had so much in common and such a foundation of trust. He is the hero in my life and we’ve been married for 21 years now!

Those are my picks. What are yours?


  1. I was good friends with my husband for over 6 months before we started dating. I think that is a great way to start a relationship. Great picks for the blogfest. :)

  2. The Chronicles of Narnia were favourites of mine too!

    I love your first love stories. I also lost my dad when I was young, so I completely understand your feelings. <3

  3. Great posting. I too like the Chronicles of Narnia series. :)

  4. Ciara, it is, because it lays such a good foundation.

  5. I've been following this blogfest all morning and you're the first to mention a parent as a first love. It struck me because I didn't think of it either but my dad was absolutely my first love. I adored him. Still do.

  6. Sweet! Our parents really are our first love. Nice choices. I loved Born Free too.

  7. I remember liking ELO as well.
    Thanks for participating in my blogfest!

  8. I've never seen Born Free but I can still her Andy Williams singing the theme song in my head. ELO -- great group.

    Wrote By Rote

  9. Love Narnia. So sweet to hear how much you loved your dad. I wish I could have known him better, too. He had a lot of great stories to tell, and I'm grateful I had the chance to hear some of them while he was bedridden.

  10. I can't talk about Born Free without tearing up. It was so heart grabbing.

    Congratulations on the 21 years together.

  11. Great Choices!

    We all love something...right!
    Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
    Howlin' Wolf Records: On-Line Magazine

  12. Yes, I love Narnia. I think I've seen Born Free, but I can't remember. It looks like a great movie and very familiar. :)


  13. I've sadly never read the Chronicles of Narnia. I want to, and I will someday, it's just one of those things that have slipped by.

    I love your words about your husband. That he's your hero. That's just sweet.

  14. Those are great pics and I think Narnia might have been one of my first literary loves too.

  15. i have seen all the parts of narnia, nice pics these all.

    forex robot

  16. LD, thank you.

    Lee, the song was beautiful. Won an Oscar even.

    Cleemckenzie, I can't either.

  17. Oooh, Born Free! I loved that movie, even though, as a little girl, it made me cry and cry and cry!

  18. AnonymousMay 14, 2012

    Hi Diane! I enjoyed your post. I still cry when I watch Born Free.

  19. AnonymousMay 14, 2012

    Narnia was mine too :)

  20. HA! I had almost a crush a month for a long time. But when I found love, I made sure to keep it :)

  21. Was Born Free also a TV series? I have a vague recollection of that, though I could be wrong.

    Sorry you had so little time with your dad. I'm glad you have your husband. Sounds like a keeper.


  22. Great choices. Narnia is a fantastic series. I agree, the movies have only been so-so.

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  23. Great choices. Narnia is a fantastic series. I agree, the movies have only been so-so.

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  24. great choice on books. i didn't read about Narnia until i was in high school.

  25. Love these picks! Great choices. I loved Elsa and that movie - I'd forgotten completely about it - thanks for the reminder. :)

  26. Born Free was a great movie, and I had that ELO album. It was a great one.

    I know what you mean. When I met my husband, it was different, too. I knew I was stuck with him from that moment on. I mean, absolutely sure. Congrats on the long marriage. We're coming up on 18 years.

  27. I love Born Free too! Very different and refreshing. Good selections, Diane.

    The Spinster’s Vow

  28. Nancy, I still cry and cry.

    Susanne, it's just so sad. Either that or we are total saps.

    Robyn, for one year it was a TV series.

    Mary, congrats on 18 years.

  29. I feel I was late on Narnia having only read them a few years ago

  30. I have never seen Born Free but it does look like a good movie. I loved reading The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe too, as well as seeing the original movie. The special effects weren't quite the same as Narnia but the message was the same

  31. I remember shedding lots of tears when I watched Born Free.
    I was a daddy's girl too. I miss mine every day.

  32. Great answers to all the 'prompts'! I'm glad to know fellow cat lovers on the web :) It makes me sad that so many people in the world don't understand the magic of felines!

    ELO, now there's another kind of magic!

    I have never read C.S. Lewis's books...something I do intend to remedy someday, even if I'm not into the Christian principle thing ;)

    This was a sweet tribute to your father - so sad that you lost him that young. But your husband sounds wonderful. I think it's most important to be friends first!

  33. This was a great firsts post. Some good choices. :)

  34. What a great first loves post!! I haven't thought of ELO in years but I really liked them and remember seeing them in concert. I loved how you wrote about your first loves people. I wish I would have thought to write about my dad too and then phrase things the way you did about my husband - perfect!!

  35. Great movie and I, too love ELO!
    I didn't get to have my Dad, as long as I wanted either. Your first is so heartwarming and what a great finish~

  36. Great loves Diane. I remember ELO; but haven't heard them in years. I may have too google some songs :)


  37. I share your loves in the movie, book and song range. All great choices. For some of us, love is not complicated. First love is it!


  38. Great stories, Diane. Thanks for sharing!

  39. Some great choices you made there. I picked my husband for first love too!
    Thanks for sharing with us.

  40. Susan, I cry every time I watch Born Free.

    Trisha, cats are very unique.

    Martha, seeing them in concert with the giant flying saucer would be wonderful.

  41. I have to say that all the guys before my hubby were just crushes and that "in love with love" thing too. I love your post, especially the part about your dad and husband.

  42. born free... what a great movie! awesome first love!:)

  43. Love this blogfest! Also loved Born Free - wow, trying to remember how old I was when it came out. :) My first romantic love was my husband as well.

  44. AnonymousMay 16, 2012

    I love ALL of your picks! And I can totally relate to what you said about your father.

  45. Thank you, Tyrean.

    Karen, it came out in 1965, the year before I was born.

    Thank you to everyone who left a comment. Now I feel like getting a bottle of wine, throwing on the ELO album, and sobbing my way through Born Free.

  46. Great picks. After the A to Z challenge, I was too tired to join another blogfest. But I'd pick Stephen King's Salem's Lot, Star Wars, some kid I won't mention from the second grade, and The Police: Synchronicity.

  47. Chronicles of Narnia has a special spot in my heart, because it was the one I was reading when my Doorways characters came into my head. It was also the story that had Doorways's What If question come up. :-D

  48. Great first loves! Narnia's a wonderful pick!
    Congratulations on your love!

    Sharing the Love!
    English Speaking Zone

  49. There is an award for the taking here, if you are interested :

    If you don't do awards, never fear, I know they're not for everyone :)

  50. Because of your post I am going online to get some ELO. It is rare to hear them here in Asia, and slightly better in the U.S. Thanks for the reminder. Sometimes we tend (or at least I do) the really cool bands that made a splash and then receded into rockdom's abyss.

  51. Sound a touching post, and your husband sounds like a lucky man to have such a devoted and loving wife.

    Chronicles of Narnia is definitely one of my first loves too. Roald Dahl's books too.

