Saturday, April 14, 2012

A to Z Challenge - Making a Good Impression

For the A to Z Challenge, my topic is leadership and goal-setting. I am posting short excerpts from my book, Overcoming Obstacles with SPUNK! The Keys to Leadership and Goal-Setting, along with an inspiring photo. Enjoy and dream big!

Making a Good Impression

As with all people skills, there are no gimmicks, but there is a secret when it comes to impressions. One surefire way to make a good impression on someone is to let him know he is making one on you! If you follow the basic rules during the encounter, he will regard your behavior as a vote of confidence. That person will conclude that you view him as important, valuable, and respectable. In his mind, he thinks, “Hey, he believes I’m really somebody!”


  1. That picture is hysterical!!! Love it :)

  2. I agree with Jemi. That is one long tongue and it also looks like the cow may be trying to drive a tractor or something.

  3. Making the other person feel they're the most fascinating person on Earth? I'll try it out! If I get into trouble, I'll be back LOL. Good lord - what a larruper (as my grandmother would say for tongue)

  4. What a great way to live. I'm going to try it. Thanks for these wonderful posts. They are really helpful! And the other commenters are right, wonderful pic.

  5. Great picture and really cool website!

  6. If that's a bull, it says it all!

  7. Great tip that making a good impression means making the other person feel important. And love the cow!

  8. They like me! They really like me!

    Great post and picture.

  9. That's a great tip, L Diane! I'll give it a try.

  10. Thanks, friends. The cow picture is one of my favorite.

  11. I know it's nice to be around others that make me feel like they're really interested in me, which in turn makes me want to do the same for them. Good advice.
