Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A to Z Challenge - Ideas

For the A to Z Challenge, my topic is leadership and goal-setting. I am posting short excerpts from my book, Overcoming Obstacles with SPUNK! The Keys to Leadership and Goal-Setting, along with an inspiring photo. Enjoy and dream big!


Ideas and input from others can help us overcome fears and reach goals. In this world, true success is rarely achieved alone. Assistance is vital if we want to keep moving forward and achieve our dreams.

This does not mean we have to act upon or accept every recommendation. Every person has an opinion, but not every opinion carries merit. Sift through the ideas and advice, discarding what cannot be used, and focus only on the valid points. The fresh viewpoints will stir our imagination and cause the creative juices to flow. Often we discover a suggestion that in turn sparks a similar but better idea in our minds. By reaching out for assistance, we may find the perfect solution.


  1. You're right. Ideas from others can be so helpful, but not every one needs to be used. Consider the options, but only do what feels right.

  2. A great word for today, it was also true. One can listen to ideas but as opinions differ from person to person it's up to us whether we use that idea.


  3. Great point! Ideas can come from many people but it's up to us to activate the genius.

  4. I admit, sometimes getting ideas from other people clouds my own vision, confuses me. I have to be careful who I seek out.

  5. I've gotten so that I really depend on suggestions from my editors for improvements...

  6. My critique partners always give me fresh ideas.

  7. Ideas are ever so much better to chart our lives with than our fears. Sadly, we tend to believe our fears. Great post, Roland

  8. I get ideas from everything. Life is amazng like that if you are receptive to it.

  9. I love ideas, unless I have too many and then they are just a pain.

  10. Awesome posts! But I have been reading your blog for a while, so I expected that. ;)

    I am trying to read all the A to Z blogs, but coming back to the ones I really like.
    Looking forward to seeing what you do all month!

    The Other Side
    The Freedom of Nonbelief

  11. Thank you, everyone.

    Timothy, I tackle a new word everyday that links back to my theme. Hope to see you again.

  12. Ooh, very cool image. What you say about getting the creative juices flowing is so true - many times I don't take the suggestion being offered to me, but just the act of mulling it over gets my brain working again to determine the right solution.

  13. You hit it right on the head. I've gotten better at asking for help.

  14. Ideas I am never short on. The voices never stop pinging me with ideas.

    - Eric

  15. Hi, Dianne,
    I've learned that every man has his wisdom and I've also learned how to sift advice I can use from what won't work for my writing.

  16. Great post! Input and ideas from others always puts the brain into gear and makes it more creative! :)

  17. You make a very good point about being open to other people's ideas and suggestions. This is especially true for writers when dealing with a critique partner or editor. We need to keep the defenses down and really listen and evaluate the feedback we are getting. Then act on what makes the most sense for the story we are working on.

  18. Hi Diane .. just read through the other posts - great snippets from your book .. and Ideas from all walks of life can help - we need to keep our ears open to hear. Cheers Hilary

  19. Brainstorming for ideas is one of my favourite things to do!

