Friday, April 27, 2012

A to Z Challenge - eXtra

For the A to Z Challenge, my topic is leadership and goal-setting. I am posting short excerpts from my book, Overcoming Obstacles with SPUNK! The Keys to Leadership and Goal-Setting, along with an inspiring photo. Enjoy and dream big!


Like a battery, we must occasionally recharge. Allowing for a full night’s sleep or periods of rest during the day is vitally important. A little extra sleep is good for a tired body. Don’t forget that our minds require energizing as well. Senses grow dull when there are no new stimuli on which to feed. Provide the brain with a change of scenery and a break, too. Once rested and refreshed, we can attack our problems anew.


  1. How very true Diane Sleep is most essential just as your cat has fathomed out.


  2. My husband is good for recharging his batteries during the day on the weekends, though he does it less now than he did a year ago. Of course when he did have naps, he couldn't figure out why he couldn't fall asleep at night. To him naps meant filling up the sleep bank. *rolls eyes*

    The only time I've taken naps was on the weekend, when I was pregnant with my third child. I prefer not to nap because then I won't fall asleep at night and I'll be in super deficit mode.

  3. A break is always good. I wish I could sleep like a cat.

  4. Yvonne, that cat slept a lot, too.

    Stina, I don't nap either.

    Clarissa, upside down on your head and curled in a ball?

  5. So true.
    I always feel like if I leave the computer I'm not working hard enough but you have to get away sometimes.
    Well said.
    I can see right down to that cats toes!

  6. If I let myself get too sleep deprived, my body punishes me with a migraine. Getting away from the daily grind is wonderful. I'm looking forward to our annual Kiawah, SC getaway next month.

  7. After this Challenge I will need to recharge!

  8. Sophie is helping me recharge. Just about the time I've been sitting too long at the computer and starting to feel sluggish, she bounces in and reminds me it's time for her walk.

  9. I have had crappy sleep since returning home from travels, and it's been sorta torturous!

    and variety is the spice of life, right? Without it you're just stifled.

  10. I have to get a little extra sleep on the weekends, as I NEVER get enough during the week!

  11. This is so true. I went to bed early last night even before reading your post :)

  12. So true. I remember my mother taking very short naps during the day to refresh herself. Works for me now, too.

    I also like to get up from my computer at regular intervals and go outside. Amazing what some fresh air and a nicker from my horse can do for me.

  13. I'm so happy it's Friday. I need a recharge. The cats and kids better not wake me up tomorrow. :)

  14. I need a change of scenery. Seems forever since I had some time to reenergize.

  15. I have finally started sleeping properly and can already feel the difference. Ahhh...

  16. I have to get better at this! I don't get enough sleep - and it shows!

  17. Hi Diane! Great tip. Getting enough sleep is so important.

  18. The cat's yawn inspired my subconscious to copy. Now my jaw is stretched and relaxed. For the first time in nearly a week, the rain has ceased. I'm off to the garden to refresh my mind.
