Monday, March 26, 2012


After listening to the accolades of Pinterest, I finally joined.

I’ve been a professional photographer for 22 years now, so the allure of beautiful photos pulled me into the site. (I’m a member of Deviant Art for the same reason, although I don’t get to visit that site as often as in the past.) So far I’ve discovered some amazing images and mostly from a few people here on Blogger.

I’ve also heard it’s an additional way to market one’s books, so I uploaded my book covers, too.

I’m still not sure what I’m doing, but if anyone wants to find me, I am HERE.

Other than that, my posts are all set for the A to Z Challenge. This year was even easier than last year!

This Friday is my first ever blogfest! Thanks to those who’ve signed up. It would’ve been a really sad blogfest without you.

Sad Songs Blogfest

March 30, 2012

List the songs that move your spirit, cut deep into your soul, and threaten to break your heart. Any that inspire you!


  1. I haven't joined Pinterest yet. I'm a little afraid to join another online site. LOL But I hear such great things about it.

  2. I'm on Pinterest...trying to connect more with readers there. I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing, either--I just stuck some boards up and then check in from time to time. :)

  3. Yay! I love Pinterest, although I've been a bit sporadic recently on there.

  4. Jennifer, I was too. I can see where it could be very addictive.

    Elizabeth, we'll flounder through it together then.

    Talli, and I found your boards this morning already.

    Karen, probably safer to just say no.

  5. Ready for the blogfest and the Challenge, but not taking on Pinterest anytime soon!

  6. I've deliberately stayed away from Pinterest because I just know I'll get sucked in :-)

  7. Hello! I'm compiling my sad songs, but have done absolutely nothing for A-Z. Oh, woe is me.

    I'm also a fan of Deviant Art and Pinterest. I usually click over to Flickr for my blog pictures. I'm paranoid about misusing images, and I've figured out how to find legal (creative commons) ones on Flickr.

  8. I joined Pinterest a few weeks ago. I don't get it yet either. Eventually, I'll figure it out, I guess. Someday when I have time.

  9. A great sad song: "I won't Stand in Your Way" performed by The Stray Cats (Brian Setzer).

  10. Looking to the blogfest and challenge.......busy week-end ahead.
    Enjoy your post.


  11. My daughter loves Pinterest - I haven't found the time to check it out yet. One of these days! :)

  12. I'm on Pinterest as well, and not knowing what I'm doing is an understatement! I'll figure it out someday. :)

  13. Will look you up on Pinterest. I joined but haven't done anything with it yet.

    Have a good week!

  14. I have heard about Pinterest often but have yet to join (do I have time?).

    A lot of people are ready for A to Z...except me, I guess.

    Speaking nude to a nudist colony? lol When I was a teen, my friend lost control of his mom's car and went off the road.

    We crashed through a tall redwood fence and guessed it - a nudist colony.

    I had to speak for the carload (Joe was checking out the car damage) to a rather obese, older gentleman.

    I have experience, right? But I was nervous, especially when an equally rotund and nude woman came out of a mobile home eating a bologna sandwich. lol I wasn't (pardon me) 'big' on bologna for some years subsequent.

  15. I haven't tried Pinterest yet, though people sure do seem to love it!

  16. There's a little too much controversy surrounding their copyright issues right now for me.

  17. I haven't joined yet but I'm still considering it.

  18. I putting off joining Pinterest until after A to Z. I'm still getting some posts ready so I can't join your blogfest but I'll be visiting it.

  19. I can understand how Pinterest would be of interest to you as a photographer. For me, maybe someday, but not any day soon. I don't understand all the things I'm doing now.

    The Dog Lived (and So Did I)
    Wrote By Rote
    An A to Z Co-host blog

  20. I've hear about Pinterest but fighting not to succumb to another time suck.

    Good thing I came over, gotta keep my head on straight and remember the blogfest on Friday!

  21. I haven't joined Pinterest yet. Perhaps I will wait till others tell me how it works. And hope you have a great blogfest. I will join next time if you have one about happy songs or funny cats. I want to be happier in future.

    The Spinster’s Vow

  22. Thank you everyone who has signed up for the blogfest! I'm really excited now.

  23. I have yet to join Pinterest. Looks like fun, but I just don't have the time. Maybe after the A to Z Challenge. And good luck with the Sad Sings Blogfest!

  24. I'm still fighting myself about Pinterest. I don't want another thing to have to do! And I hear some folks say you can't copyright your photos and some say you can tag them which is just as good. Aaaahhhhhggggg.
