Wednesday, March 07, 2012

The Insecure Writer's Support Group

It’s time for another edition of The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, hosted by Ninja Captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh.

I decided I’d offer something to writers to help ease their concerns. Most finish a book and wonder ‘What next?’ Well, there are several things you need to do - hire an editor or use an expert critique partner; make a detailed list on your target audience (helps to start this before writing though); and the biggie - decide which publishing path you will take.

Pursue a publisher, an agent, or self publish?

You should research all of your options before making a final decision - and be willing to change your decision if it doesn’t work out as planned.

Here are some website to get you started:

Pursuing a publisher or agent:

1) Research & study publisher/publishing industry
Preditors and Editors - full list of publishers, agents. & editors
SFWA - Writer Beware - guidelines & warnings
Every Writer’s Resource - publisher listing
Publishing Central - listing of publishers
Publishers Global - listing of publishers

2) Understand forms
SWFA - query letter sample
James Russell Publishing - query letter tips
Charlotte Dillon - query letter tips, articles, & books
Fiction Factor - synopsis and outline details

3) Understand contracts
Ivan Hoffman - publishing lawyer – information
Pub Law - publishing law information

If you decide on the self-publishing route:

Para Publishing - self publishing & promoting resource
Book Martket - John Kremer’s site
Ink Tree Marketing - self publishing & book marketing
Aeonix - independent publisher resource
Literary Marketplace - book publishing industry resource
Publishers Global - lists service providers

May those guide you on your publishing path!


  1. Thanks so much for all those helpful links. Right on time!


  2. Very thoughtful to give beginners the knowledge of your experience.

    I self published my two books but the printers didn'y give any advice on how to promote it.
    My first was easier to promote than my second, so now I have had my US vacation have some hard work ahead.


  3. Helpful post. Bookmarked it!

  4. Wow, this is one of those posts you bookmark to come back to later because it has so many useful links! Thanks very much :-)

  5. You rock!

    Not that I'm anywhere near that point in my writing life, but I'm totally gonna save this post so I know where to find the info when I DO need it.


  6. Great well-researched list!

  7. Excellent post, I will be bookmarking it, thanks!

  8. Happy to provide some good information for everyone. I have thousands of publishing and promoting sites bookmarked and these are some that are featured in my Publishing 101 seminar.

    If I don't get to you today, I promise I will tomorrow!

  9. Another blog post bookmarked! You should get a royalty on all these!! :)

  10. These are great links to keep close. Thanks for that! I'll be back and check what other great advise you have.

    From Diary of a Writer in Progress.

  11. Great idea for this day. I'm sure many of us can use some of these.

  12. What a great idea. The insecure writers' group. Good name for a critique group. BTW, I have guidelines for making critique groups work better. They're based on my experience as an instructor for UCLA Extension Writers' Program and the critque group I founded for my home town library system--and basic psychology principles for group interaction. Anyone who would like a copy need only send me an e-mail with DI'S INSECURE WRITERS GROUP in the subject line and I'll send it as an attachment with permission to print it out and use it for your writers' group. (-:

    Carolyn Howard-Johnson

  13. Very kind of you to help out Diane. Thanks bunches.


  14. This is an excellent reference tool, thank you so much.

  15. It's like after one graduated from uni but doesn't know what career to pursue. It's good to know the useful links for publishing.

    The Spinster’s Vow

  16. What great linkage! Thanks, L Diane!

  17. These are some great links! Thanks for listing them together in one place. :)

  18. Really great series of needful, important links, Diane. Thank you so much for the kind words on my blog! Roland
