Wednesday, February 01, 2012

The Insecure Writer's Support Group

It’s time for another edition of The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, hosted by Ninja Captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Today, it’s not so much an insecurity as just the unknown.

The industry is changing so fast right now. Since I teach seminars on publishing and promoting, I’ve worked hard to stay on top of things. There have been several major shifts over the past year and the one I’m most focused on right now is ebooks.

Last May I attended the SC Book Festival. Two things really stood out. First, all of the vendors reported less sales than the previous year. Some said by more than half. (I’d never attended the festival so had no point of reference.) Second, I was asked many times if my books were available as ebooks. I believe the two are connected.

On February 25th I will be participating in the first Book 'Em North Carolina Knowing the state of Robeson County, I feel certain many of those people will be seeking physical books. However, there is a big shift right now to ebooks. How well will the authors fare?

I’m fortunate that I’ll be one of only three authors selling ebooks. We are like the guinea pigs to see how well it works.

What will happen on February 25th is anyone’s guess. We’re going into the unknown. What do you think will happen?


  1. Well in the future you'll be in the majority because like it or not, ebooks is the future.


  2. You are paving the way! Thanks for being brave for all of us. =)

  3. Did you read that Guardian article about self-epublishing possibly being a bubble?

  4. I like that you are being a pioneer! I predict you'll have a great experience. Did you know that when stairs were first invented people foretold that they were so dangerous that it was something that couldn't possibly persist? "If God meant us to be able to get up high, he would've given us wings or somepin like that."

  5. Yup, having eBooks available is key. I now have a Nook--that alone is a sign that EVERYBODY must have an eReader by now.

  6. There does definitely seem to be a shift between paper books and ebooks. It's great you're embracing the unknown and seeing how selling ebooks works at the festival.

    And I think the exposure is worth it. :)

  7. You're right, Diane, the unknown is a big insecurity for writers these days.

    While there are lots of people reading physical book--I'm one who enjoys it when I can, I'm surprised how many like ereaders. Even out here, back behind the back 40, I've been surprised at how many read books on their ereaders, laptops and phones (that seems to be a lot of younger ones).

    Looking forward to what you find when you go.


  8. The future of books is exciting and unknown. I'm not sure if that makes me insecure, maybe just more determined to be part of the future, whatever it holds.

  9. I wish you well on the 25th.
    One thing I found when publishing a book, the first went like wild fire. The second is proving harder to promote but it certainly is a challenge.


  10. I think a lot of those other authors will wish they were selling eBooks as well.

  11. I think you're right in assuming that the region my determine which sells better. eBooks are on fire though! :)

  12. I think that they'll be greater and greater shifts toward electronics--whether that's good or bad, I think it depends on what kind of technology emerges and how absolutely integral it becomes.

  13. I can't wait to read your report on what will happen. I have one and maybe another booksigning scheduled for next month. I've sold very few books at the last few signings I've had, not even worth the price of gas.

  14. Yay for ebooks! Kudos for being a trailblazer. Let us know how it goes!

  15. I hope it turns out to be a fabulous day for you and everyone else.
