Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Industry News and October Book Sales Figures

A little industry news to wrap up the year...

From All Things D -Apple launched its Newsstand feature this past fall, giving newspapers and magazines their own dedicated shelf space, in hopes of boosting sales. According to Apple, it has, and it’s also boosted the sales of magazines. Popular Science reported a large increase in subscriptions when the Newsstand feature launched. As always, there are lovers and haters on both sides. Either way, more media are moving towards paperless.
How do you feel about reading a magazine on a tablet?

Want to find a bookstore in North America? Publisher’s Weekly has an interactive MAP that also shows where Borders used to reside, as Books-A-Million is now moving into some of those sites.
Since bookstores are slowly dying, I do have to wonder if that’s a smart move on BAM’s part. I’m not a fan of BAM (most disorganized bookstore I’ve ever seen) but will you shop at a former Borders turned BAM?

And the downward spiral continues...
According to Publisher’s Weekly, Ebook sales rose 81% in October while sales of physical books were down except for Religious titles, which saw an increase of 12.4%. Mass markets took the biggest hit - sales were down 37.6%.
Are you buying more Ebooks and less paperbacks?


  1. I haven't purchased paperbacks in years and only one physical books since I got my iPad. And I dig the virtual magazines! Changing all of my subscriptions to apps.

  2. I like both but prefer the ebooks. I still read some paperback books, but I really think that the convenience of electronic books more readily fits my lifestyle.

  3. I am buying ebooks now that I have a couple ereaders. And I look forward to magazines on my iPad and Kindle Fire. I'll begin making the app changes this week.

  4. I still buy paperbacks (especially as gifts) but I definitely buy a lot more ebooks than paper books now!

  5. I buy more ebooks now that I have a Nook. Yet for the books I know I love, I will still buy hard covers, and I buy paperbacks at the used stores.

  6. More ebooks for me and more library books.
    I'm not surprised by the path the pub world is going only by how fast it's traveling down it.

  7. Guess my reading habits date back to Jurrasic Park, but I have yet to read an e-book. My husband owns a Kindle and he uses it some, but still prefers to hold a tangible book in his hands. Guess old habits die hard for some of us.

  8. Last week was my first time in BAM. The one here is set up identical to the old Borders so I found it easy to navigate.
    We'll see.

  9. A kindle came as an early present, and I've bought more ebooks in the past few weeks than I have print books in the entire year... am yet to be convinced on e subscriptions though

  10. I gave & received only hardback books for Christmas this year, but I also gave my wife a Kindle Fire. We are a multi-dimensional family. :)

  11. In Oz we're clinging to our indie bookstores. Have plenty of big names too and all seem to be doing well.

    Most people would be surprised to hear Australians read more books per capita than anywhere in the world and we love our bookstores and paper books. Long may we be able to read the way we want. I like e-books too but still like the rustle of paper better.

    Happy New Year!


  12. As an author, I think eBooks are the best thing that's ever happened to us. It allows all books to remain active indefinitely, never going out of print... As a reader, I can see clear advantages to eBooks over physical books. Especially as younger generations emerge who are skilled in computers from very young ages. It makes so much more sense to replace shelves of paper with one electronic device.

  13. I am buying more e-books but the good news is I have spent more on books this year than in the past couple of years (having used the library more often). Interesting about Religious titles too.

  14. Susan, that is the truth.

    Mary, I need to get down to the one that replaced my beloved Southern Pines Waldenbooks and see how much it's changed.

    Denise, my state here in the USA has an illiteracy rate of over 27%. No wonder we are losing our bookstores so fast.

    Trish, that's how I feel, too.

    Lynn, I know our house has seen an increase in book purchases now.

  15. If there's a book I want to get, I do first try to find it in e-form. I like reading on my iPad.
