Wednesday, November 02, 2011

The Insecure Writer's Support Group

I am posting for Alex J. Cavanaugh’s The Insecure Writer’s Support Group.

My insecurity today might be all over the map, but I’ll try to focus.

Sometimes I think I’ve diversified myself too much. I’ve got so many projects in the works and going a million miles an hour with speaking and book formatting and consulting and numerous other ventures. Does anyone still remember that I am an author, too?

I see others continue to put out books. (I do have one in the works for next year.) I see authors networking and still marketing themselves and their older books. I see authors having great success with ebooks. And I wonder, did I miss the boat somehow? Did all of these other ventures drop me off the author radar completely?

Does anyone still remember a series called The Circle of Friends? Or my book based on two seminars I teach, Overcoming Obstacles with SPUNK? Will people continue to find these books and enjoy them?

Or is Spunky just the crazy redhead who posts LOL Cats every weekend?


  1. You definitely aren't off my radar! But then again, I've sort of ducked out of the scene myself. I'd jumped into blogging and article writing before I'd given due time to my novel and, well, there just isn't enough hours or energy in a day for everything. Now, I'm concentrating only on my writing. Sometimes you just have to pick one or two priorities and give them your full attention.

    Best of luck with all your projects, especially the book-in-progress!

  2. I have a writing friend who is also spreading herself thin. She kept getting excited about all the work she's got going, but she forgot this meant she gave up her biggest priority--writing novels. So instead, she's written short stories and novellas in a billion different genres, which means she has no recognizable brand. It's like Stephen King writing horror and erotica. And all under his name. I think she's finally coming around, and isn't taken on so many projects.

    Sometimes you just have to remind yourself what it is that you really want to do and focus more of your time on it. :D

    Great post.

  3. Oh yep! I relate on the spreading my net a bit wide thing and the twinge of jealousy thing. And I used to be a redhead so even on that front. Just keep motoring on your way, my spunky friend!

  4. Waving hand in air frantically, "I do, I do!" I remember both of those. Just remember, "Spunk trumps spit," as in spitting in the wind. :)
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  5. I used to think diversification was a good thing. Now, I'm not so sure. I'm finding less time for writing as well, so something has to go. I'm thinking less blogging.

  6. I remember both of them as well. But it does spark a concern. Diversity does seem to make it harder to maintain interest in your past work if what your currently working on is totally different. Interesting dilemma! :)

  7. Writers write. That's a quote from Throw Momma from the Train.

    Remember that movie? It was SULTRY, the morning was SULTRY.

    Yeah, that movie with Billy Crystal and Danny De Vito and Lurch's mom from Goonies. Great advice and don't forget it, Red.

    Writers write.

    Bloggers blog.

    And so forth.

    See this blog from Matt on the same topic: WFC Lesson: Blogging Addiction

    - Eric

  8. From what I know of you from your blog, you don't strike me as the kind of person who'd be happy focused on only one or a couple things. This dervish must keep whirling!

  9. We love the LOL cat weekends. :)

    I understand the hand in many pots though. But some us us thrive on diversity. The hard part is knowing when to settle in and focus.

  10. Rest assured, I do remember that you're an author! :) And we all do what we can. You'll make it work for you - no worries there. Some time soon, all the projects you're working on will come together, be completed, and be AWESOME, I'm sure!

  11. Nicole, priorities are important.

    Stina, I'm learning that.

    Jules, thank you for the laugh.

    DL, it is a challenge.

    Eric, thanks, I will.

    Nicki, I think you have me pegged.

    Donea, I live for that moment.

  12. We love those cat pictures, like the cat with the black magic marker circles around his eyes who says lamentably "This is my costume?"

  13. I just adore your cats on a week-end. It brightens my day.


  14. I still remember. But, I totally know what you're trying to say. I go through the same thing. I love taking on new projects and too many projects. Sometimes I forget that I should just be a writer.

  15. Well, I don;t think of you as a crazy redhead, although I do enjoy your Weekend Sillies! I think people need to continue to reinvent themselves. I find writing comes so much easier. Now I feel I can write two books a year. Perhaps you should try a new series. Keep the page count to 250 or less for starters.

  16. First of all, the cats on Saturday are kind of a big deal. I share some of your same worries. Did I miss the boat on self publishing because I stuck with my lazy, useless publisher longer than I should have?
    When I look at all the things you do, I just think about how talented you are.

  17. Thank you, Karen.

    Clarissa, being a writer is like the last thing on my list anymore...

    Stephen, I remember a time when I could crank out the books. Before the internet took over. Before speaking. Before formatting. Before a lot of other things took over...

    Susan, thank you. I needed that.

  18. Hi there,
    I am just popping in from Alex's insecure writers group and it's taking me to get around everybody's blogs and say "hi". I will pop by your blog as often as I can. Nice to "meet" you.
    Eve. :)

  19. Yep, I remembered. Diversifying keeps things interesting and besides, none of us are only one thing.
