Saturday, September 03, 2011

Weekend Sillies and BBQ Party

This weekend is Karen Gowen’s Labor Day Weekend BBQ Blogfest.

I’m starting with an easy recipe, followed by LOL Cats and food.

Sometimes the best dishes are by accident. This one is a result of not having the right ingredients and compromising. (I do that a lot!)

Cous Cous Medley

Cook one cup couscous - best to find a box of “add to boiling water and wait 5 minutes” - and add one bouillon cube to the water 

Saute one medium onion in a pan with a little oil, salt, and pepper 

Add 1/2 cup peas and 1/2 cup corn to mix and heat through 

Remove from heat, add 2 Tbsp soy sauce 

Add cooked couscous and serve! 


  1. Wonderful week-end sillies as usual what a way to start my Saturday,

    Enjoy your week-end.

  2. I was just chuckling until... Gulliver! (LOL)

    Have a great long weekend!
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  3. ah, Gulliver is so precious! We need more pics of him :)

  4. Couscous is delicious and healthy, I like your recipe, really I should try this more often. And I've always wondered-- do you have a real cat?

  5. Karen, I have two black cats named Rocko & Spunky and before that we had Calvin & Hobbes.

  6. Love Gulliver! Almost ruined my keyboard.

    I do the compromise thing a lot, too.

    Happy Weekend!

  7. Hi Diane .. love the couscous .. I often have it .. delicious - those catz should not be allowed out - they're great fun to read and see -

    Cheers enjoy the BBQ fest .. and the rest of Labour day weekend .. Hilary

  8. No need to give me recipes, no sane cat would eat my products anyway, but thank you for an ENTERTAINING post about food :D

  9. Ha! Love the kitties!
    And the cous cous recipe sounds perfect for a bbq!

  10. Strangely we ended up with a similar cous cous dish the other night too - only thing missing was the soya sauce :)

    Love Gulliver :)

  11. LOL, I like "Even the Kitty doesn't like your cooking. Good to show this to your best enemy.

    Every Savage Can Reproduce

  12. Jemi, the soy sauce really makes the difference.

  13. Hi Diand! I've come from Karen's BBQ! Wanted to stop by, say hello and visit your blog! I was adopted by a litter of kittens this year. It's been so fun! They are living on my back porch. Great to meet you!

  14. Recipe sounds yummy. I'm always substituting ingredients, so no dish ever turns out the same way twice. Great cat pics!

  15. your cous cous sounds delicious. I'll have to give it a go.

  16. Funny! Liked how you followed the cooking theme. But that poor Gulliver--he's a candidate for The Biggest Loser!

  17. I love the kitty cooking theme; great pics! ;D

  18. All these are funny, But in reality, Gulliver's weight is alarming. Time for the owner to buy a kittie treadmill.
