Thursday, July 07, 2011

Searching for a Publisher?

There’s always Google (my favorite Internet word) but it’s more productive to browse through a list.

For those of you ready to query (or you will be very soon) here’s some sites that will help you find your dream publisher:

Publishers Global - I recently discovered this site and it’s a gold mine! A very large listing of publishers from around the world. It also lists publishing resources much like the Literary Marketplace - printers, distributors, illustrators, etc. Excellent site!

Publishing Central also has a list of publishers and you can search by genre. (Be warned - the first couple presses listed in any search are often subsidy presses.)

Every Writer’s Resource has a listing of publishers - and more.

Everyone knows Preditors and Editors! You can only search by name, but it great for checking out potentially bogus publishers, editors, and agents.

SFWA has a section called Writer’s Beware.

And Aeonix explains why you should avoid subsidy presses.

Before you begin searching for the ideal publisher, be sure to visit BISG and determine your manuscript’s exact genre.

Happy searching!


  1. I've seen the Writer's beware page at the SFWA site.

  2. When I've sorted through my poems I shall be needing a publisher, hope I can find one out there.


  3. Wonderful resources here! And don't forget IBPA-- International Book Publisher's Association-- which has listings for thousands of small and mid size publishers of all kinds.

  4. Thanks Diane. I zipped over to BISG and looked under Fiction. I was surprised to see there was a Fiction/Men's Adventure, but no Fiction/Women's. I often see Women's Fiction listed as something agents are interested in and since it's something I'm writing, I wanted to see if they listed sub-categories. But they don't even list it as a category.

  5. Karen, subsidy and vanity publishers are actually services rather than real publishers, and the author is not considered self-published because those presses own the ISBN. True self-publishing is when the author owns the ISBN and is the actual publisher.

    Karen, yes they do! A huge list of small to medium-sized presses.

    Helen, that is odd! Wonder what it falls under then?

  6. AnonymousJuly 07, 2011

    Lots of great links here, Diane. And the one KarenG mentioned above sounds good too.

    I saw your comment at Pat Stoltey's and came over here to see what you're doing. I saw from your other blog that you're making progress on your non-fiction book. Cheers!
    Ann Best, Memoir Author

  7. Some great link you're sharing.

    It pays to know as much as possible about a publisher. Before signing, have someone explain the contract to you ... a lawyer or someone as knowledgable.

  8. Great links, Diane! I'll share on Twitter. :)

  9. Great links!! Thanks for sharing. Cheers~

  10. Thanks for this list. Not ready yet but will be eventually. :) Appreciate your efforts on our behalf!

  11. Awesome links! Thanks so much!

  12. Awesome links! Thanks so much!

  13. This is great because it is exactly what I'm starting to do. Thanks!

  14. Ann, I'm almost at the halfway point.

    Thank you, Elizabeth.

    Josh, glad I posted them.

  15. Oh, gosh. Gotta tweet this. Very valuable rsources. Thank you, D.

  16. Great links. Thanks. Must check on them.

  17. I've been off the computer most of the day so I didn't have a chance to read this until now.

    Some excellent links. There are a couple I didn't know about, so thank you for sharing your knowledge.

    Sia McKye's Thoughts...OVER COFFEE

  18. What a great list! I have a publisher but if I ever need another one (for a different genre or something) I know where to look.

  19. I've bookmarked this post. Thanks, Diane.

  20. Excellent list. Also, the Writer's Beware site is so important for writers new & not-so-new.

  21. AnonymousJuly 08, 2011

    Thanks for the list. One more keeper for my Agent/Editor file in Bookmarks.

  22. Great links..I found them very useful and insightful..Thanks for sharing.
    Accredited High School Diploma Online

  23. ...bookmarking this site, thanks Diane:)

