Monday, June 13, 2011

Professionalism is Important!

Today I am visiting Stephen Tremp at Breakthrough Blogs talking about areas where writers need to be professional in order to compete and where to find assistance.

And for those who read my post at Book Marketing Strategies and Tips For Authors about being prepared for speaking engagements, this might give you a chuckle.

Last Thursday I had a speaking engagement in the NC mountains, which involved an overnight stay. I got to the hotel, changed clothes, reached in my suitcase for my shoes...
Yes, not only had I grabbed two different styles of Mudd shoes, they were both the left foot!

Thank goodness I'd worn my new Toms I bought in Wilmington. They sufficed in a pinch.

Guess some things we just can't prepare for!


  1. Oh no! I'm glad your other shoes sufficed. :)

    I'm on my way over to Stephen's blog now.

  2. I read your blog at Stephens earlier, very good it was.


  3. Ooops! Good thing your Toms worked out for you!

  4. Susan, I just laughed when I pulled those shoes out of my bag.

    Karen, they do!

  5. Been funny if you were wearing flip flops!

  6. Had to chuckle mirthfully when I read your post. A few years ago I purchased a pair of sneakers from a street hustler, and when I got home found out they were both left foots.

  7. Anthony, that is terrible!

  8. Oddly the 1st thing I noticed was the fact that the Mudd logo had changed!

    The Toms look summery, too.

  9. That's hilarious. Too bad you didn't have time to go buy new shoes. 'Cause what's not to love about new shoes?

  10. Shari, I had no time at all! And in a strange town, I wouldn't have known where to go for new ones.

  11. Been there with the shoe thing.
    I really love your Toms though.

  12. AnonymousJune 13, 2011

    Saw your guest post at Stephen's blog. Great information! I've been there with the show thing. I've done it with socks too!

  13. AnonymousJune 13, 2011

    Now that is funny!

  14. Yikes! I'd have gone into a panic -but you were all set! :)

  15. Giggles, my Toms are wonderful!

    Susanne, socks would be interesting.

    Stephen, bet you never had that problem!

    Jemi, what was I going to do - cry?

  16. That's one of those moments in life where you just have to laugh about it. I've done that with two different colored heels but not both for the same foot! I have a lot of those moments, but it's not funny when it happens. That's good that you were able to laugh and had the other shoes to wear.

    I'll go to Stephen's blog right now!

  17. LOL; yeah, I can see me in that situation. Except, I think I only own two pairs of shoes . .

    I'll be sure to stop by Steve's blog for your post.

    Speaking of guest posts; would you be willing to guest with me? A discussion on business cards for writers? Where to get them; what they should look like; what info is relevant - especially for multi genre writers? Initial quantity (I've seen advertisements for 5000 for $10, but feel the quantity excessive given the changing market and writer's habits).

    I'd love to have you as a guest Diane; if not this topic, another of your choosing. Please e-mail me at donnahole at gmail dot com if you are interested.


  18. Lyn, I did laugh.

    Donna, thanks - sent you an email.

  19. This sounds like something I would do. I'm so glad you had another pair. :)

  20. Yikes! Glad you had your other shoes. Those things happen...

  21. Oh my. I've nearly done this. Good thing you had something else that would work! Makes me think that we need to have a personal valet on hand to do our packing...:)

  22. Karen, I should let my husband pack. He helps buy my clothes anyway.

  23. Too funny with the shoes. Enjoyed your visit to Stephen's blog. Great information as always.

    Tossing It Out

  24. hee hee, brings humor to the 'ol saying, 2 left feet :: )
    glad to see I'm not alone in such things, esp in the love of shoes... esp purple ones. Love it!

  25. Love it! tee hee, brings real meaning to the 'ol saying about 2 left feets. Glad to see I'm not the only one who does, Lol! And has a love of shoes...esp purple ones! I have 3 pair of purple flats alone. I would have gone w/the purple regardless :: ). Whew! Glad it worked out for ya...Hope your meet went well...!
