Monday, May 02, 2011

A-Z Challenge Reflections Mega Post

I enjoyed the A-Z Challenge. I was in the middle of promotions for a book release last year and unable to join.

Often my time online is limited, so I didn’t get a chance to visit a lot of new blogs. I think the sheer size of the list overwhelmed me to the point I didn’t know where to begin! Thanks to those of you who took the time to visit me, though. (Especially the last few days while I was away celebrating my 20th wedding anniversary.)

Since I’d chosen a theme, it was difficult to find something for each letter - but I did it! I’d planned my topics beforehand, but most of the posts were written just days in advance. I’m proud to say I even have a theme in mind for next year!

Will I do it again next year? I’d like to, but it really depends on the size. A thousand plus bloggers was too many for me! But it was fun and a great exercise.


  1. It was overwhelming, but glad you succeeded with your theme.

  2. I think you did a great job. Congrats on your anniversary!

  3. I also think you did a grand job and yes I would certainly do it again.


  4. It was overwhelming, but themes worked! congrats on finsihing and the 20th anniversary

  5. Yeah, I really admire the people who posted according to a theme, because it certainly must be difficult to come up with something fitting the same theme for every single letter!

  6. AnonymousMay 02, 2011

    I enjoyed your posts Diane. And yes, a 1000 bloggers are a lot to visit! Have you considered creating an A-Z writing tips blog-to-book? Just an idea!

  7. oh my it was a lot of folks. I gave up at a certain point and just decided to go to commentors sites and a few surprise button ones!
    But we did it - see you round the water cooler.

  8. I've been blog hopping the last two days, trying to visit blogs that I missed during the challenge. I don't think I'll ever visit them all, but am thrilled to find some more neat blogs that I will definitely visit again! I love that you had a theme.

  9. Overwhelming is an understatement! But your posts I totally enjoyed. Congratulations on your 20th! :) Such a rarity these days.
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  10. Rachel, I was worried at first, but I found something for every letter.

    Actually, Lynn, I am working on such a book right now...

    And thank you all! Our anniversary was wonderful.

  11. Congratulations on your anniversary! I wish you and your husband many more years of happiness.

    I have to say that this was one of my favorite series. Thank you for putting the time into it. You really did help me more than you'll know.

  12. Karen, it was SO relaxing.

    Tony, thank you! That is a high compliment coming from you.

  13. Congrats on 20 years!

    I really enjoyed this series.

  14. Congrats on the 20!! Awesome :)

    THe number of bloggers really was overwhelming!

  15. I think you did a great job. When I have time, I'm going back to read the posts I missed. You just put in too much valuable information for me (or anyone else) to not soak it in!

    Did I say that right? Anyway, yeah, it was extremely large....but fun!

    And thanks for your tips!

  16. Congratulations for completing the task! And congratulations on your 20th anniversary! So momentous, I bet you and hubby had a lovely time celebrating.


  17. Congrats on your Challenge success! I enjoyed your posts - the ones I made it to. I'm sure your others were great too. :)

  18. Thank you, Words Crafter! I hope that those 26 posts help somebody.

    Thank you all for the anniversary wishes! We had a grande time.

  19. Yeah, bigger isn't necessarily better. I agree that it was too overwhelming to even attempt to visit that many new blogs. But the fact that you posted each day---and in a theme; I love a theme!---is awesome. Congratulations, you earned your zebra stripes. ;)

    I posted the answers to my 80s TV Trivia throughout AtoZ and have a silly award for those with correct answers---you got one! Thanks for playing.

  20. I think the topic series you chose was very helpful for many and nicely executed. Thank you for pithy posts that were full of useful information.
    You did a great job!

    Don't forget to pick up your Winner's Badge at my site.
    Tossing It Out

  21. Congrats on finishing! 1200+ people were a daunting prospect. I felt my bravado fade when I saw the list on day one. :-D

  22. Thanks for your comment on The Royal Wedding, Yes I agree about Diana not being there, I was plesed her brother was though,


  23. AnonymousMay 03, 2011

    It was an awesome and well done challenge!

    Marvin D Wilson

  24. The amount of participants was overwhelming. Hopefully next year we'll somehow be able to group the blogs by subject. It might be easier to get to more blogs!

    I thought your A to Z theme was terrific! I learned some great things I gotta tuck away for future reference, so thanks for that! :)

    I was very impressed by those who had themes for their posts. I might think about doing a theme next year. Hmmm... :)

  25. Congrats on completing the A-Z. I didn't get to visit as many other blogs as I intended and am catching up now. Glad I've found yours as I'm a writer too :D
    Paula Martin’s Potpourri
