Saturday, April 23, 2011

Target Audience

For the A to Z Challenge, I’m posting promo and other tips for writers. Today it’s target audience.

Authors need to write with a target audience in mind. (Unless we’re just writing for us.) We need to know who we’re writing for and how to find these people.

Some things to consider while writing and preparing for promotions:

Who are our book(s) geared toward and who will purchase?
- What age & gender?
- What income bracket or location?
- Where do they shop, where do they frequent, what magazines do they read, what are their
interests, etc.?
- How will we reach this audience, especially online?

Who is YOUR target audience?

And want to wish everyone a happy Easter!


  1. Ahahaha, the peep show! Too too funny. Have a very happy Easter!!!

  2. Nice pictures!

    My target audiences are different for different stories. For the piece that I've been working on revising lately, it's mostly middle grade girls, I guess.

    I'm starting up a 'Critiquing Crusaders' program, where participants in the Second Crusade can find other writers to exchange critiques with or form critiquing circles. If you're interested, come by The Kelworth Files to check it out!

  3. I'm happy if anyone reads my blog,
    Thanks for the sillies, they always make me laugh.

    Happy Easter.

  4. Nicely "targeted" T post, Diane. (wink)

    And a Happy Easter to you, too!

    Marvin D Wilson

  5. Oh my goodness~ I can't wait until my husband wakes up so I can show him the Peep show photo. I'm going to say, "Hey honey, I found a cool picture from a peep show on the internet--wanna see?" Tee-hee.

  6. Those are funny. But somebody has a warped mind to come up with the Peep Show. I like people with warped minds.

  7. I'll be better prepared with my next book! And the peep show is funny.

  8. Happy Easter! I'll catch up with everyone tomorrow.

  9. I think I've got my target audience figured out...
    That picture with the cat and the easter eggs is too funny!!
    Happy Easter :-)

  10. lol... happy easter to you as well, ldw :)

  11. Happy Easter to you too! I love the Peep Show.

    Great tip on targeting. This is one that I'm constantly looking to improve.

  12. Whenever I hear someone say that they write for themselves, I say: "L is for Liar."


  13. Peepshow-yes! I'll have to share this with my husband as well. Since he went to grad school where a Peep's factory is located, he is a bit obsessed with the little critters.
