Friday, April 01, 2011


For the A to Z Challenge, I’m posting promo and other tips for writers. Today - articles.

Articles are a very cost-effective means of promotion and place you in front of new audiences.

What do you write about? If you are a writer or author, you’re an expert in SOME field! Share that wealth of knowledge with the world. Remember, the purpose of articles is to provide valuable information and/or solve problems - not to promote you or your book.

Where should these articles appear? Well, where will they be in front of your target audience? Consider:

Blog and website guest posts
Magazines and periodicals, both online and in the real world
Articles banks
And the list goes on…

How often? To be truly effective - 1-3 articles per week. (Especially leading up to the release of a book.)

Now it’s time to brainstorm! What topics can you discuss? How can you help others be wealthier, healthier, sexier, more informed, or save them time?


  1. Excellent start, I'm sure writers are all to welcomed with your tips.
    Good luck with the rest of the challenge,

  2. That is a great way. And Randy Ingermaason talks about having a super article on your blog/website that attracts readers to you. I agree - and don't talk about your book! :)

  3. Great tip, Diane! It's really the best kind of promo... the subtle kind.

  4. Great tip! I love the blog circuit, but I think it is good to think about other places we can get ourself out there, too!

  5. Oh I can't wait to see all your tips.

  6. Haven't done an online article in a while, but I do write short stories for the local newspaper.

  7. Yvonne, I hope so. Didn't know what else to blog about for the challenge.

    Laura, that's right.

    Hart, there's so many.

    Karen, you know what I'm talking about then.

    JL, that's neat.

  8. I agree, as writer you are an expert in something. Sharing research tips, or how you solved problems in your writing are good too. Actually, the sky is the limit when it comes to lateral articles. Main thing is highlighting anything other than your book.

  9. Guess I need to think about more than blog articles.

  10. Great topic and timely. I'm woring with some mags offering free services in exchange for a small blurb about my book and blog. Some have responded asking for samples of my writing. Waiting for positive answers (I hope).

  11. I don't know if I'm an expert on zebras, but I sure as heck know they do NOT make sounds like horses, so I should probably write an article about that. ;)

    You always have great tips and advice and I'm looking forward to your posts!!!

  12. Oh, how lucky are we to get these tips from the expert! One to three articles sounds daunting, but I'm sure once you get rolling it's not too difficult...right?

    Regarding your comment at my blog (thanks :)) *ding* *ding* *ding* Yep, you got it right - Alien Life Form. ;)

  13. Great post! And, I love your sidebar picture ... very happy looking!

  14. This is a bookmark article.
    Thanks so much.

  15. Fantastic A word, and a useful post, too!

  16. Great A word! I'm looking to be published in an undergrad journal, so not quite the same thing, but still... a step in the right direction!

  17. Hi Diane .. I'm definitely going to have to hone my article writing skills - good to remind us .. thanks - Hilary

  18. Thanks for the great tips, especially this one:

    How often? To be truly effective - 1-3 articles per week. (Especially leading up to the release of a book.)

  19. I agree. We want to try to make the best use of our time and do the best we can

  20. Nicely done! It's the first A-challenge I've seen today that has actually to do with some writing.

    I'm resisting the urge to impulsively join the migrant herd hurdling themselves over the A-Z cliff to die on the rocks below.

    I will not join, I will not join, I will not join... ;)

    As for articles, I try to do my write-writing on my blog. I don't do any other articling, though if my life ever got thin enough on activity I might seek out another source. I wouldn't mind writing technical articles, or even more stuff on writing.

    And good point on the article not being to promote your publication (not entirely). That's what the sidebar is for.

    - Eric

    - Eric

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Helpful is always the best, along with interesting or funny.
    Dropping in for A to Z and glad I did!

  23. I shall remember this great advice. Thank you!

    Ellie Garratt

  24. One of the reasons I love the blogging world. We get to learn from all of you who've gone before. Fantastic advice I would never have considered! Thanks :)

  25. Stephen, sounds a little different than writing an article...

    Laura, you should. Make it motivational, too.

    Boo-yah! Nicki, thought I remembered that right.

    Mary, funny you should use the word bookmark. Tune in tomorrow!

    Gail, and that's really not that difficult.

    Eric, really? And you should try your hand at the technical articles.

    Words, please learn so you don't repeat our mistakes!

  26. Thank you for the helpful tips. I look forward to more.:)

  27. Great info, Diane! Looks like you are off to a great start for the Challenge! :)

  28. great post! looking forward to more

  29. Hmmm -- this sounds like good advice. I've thought about this, but it would probably serve me well to do something about it.

    On another note, isn't it funny how we distinguish between the online world and the "real" world? I do it all the time, but reading it here just sounded kind of funny to me. When we're blogging and social networking are we just living in a fantasy? Wait--don't answer that! I guess some people are, but I like to think we are actually doing something real.

    I like your series. Practical info.

    Tossing It Out
    Twitter hashtag: #atozchallenge

  30. Great first post. Thanks for visiting Oz. See you round the ridges.


  31. Great post - articles really are a terrific idea!

    Hope things went well on your trip.

  32. Absollutely. Articles! And there are lots of ways to attack getting articles out there. I especially like the grass roots method I describe in my The Frugal Book Promoter ( because of the networking possibilities that go with it. Besides, I just like grassroots marketing as opposed to the million eyeballs theory--which is nice but is much harder for new authors to achieve.

  33. 1-3 a week. wow, I don't have that time/energy. LOL. I would love to write some articles though.

  34. I love your beginning! A is very effective or is it affective ;-D lol
    had to be foolish today~

  35. Great tip! I pretty much write one serious article on my blog every week. I think that'll do me for now :o)

  36. If it's to do with Ancient Egyption mythology, I'm good. Not sure how I can work that into my blog though, hehe. I agree that articles are a great way of getting info out there without plugging a book or something similar.
