Monday, March 14, 2011

Finding and Pitching to the Media

There were a million books released last year - the media doesn’t care about the fact you are yet another author with a book! The media is looking for interesting stories, but not from the angle of an author promoting a book. They are more interested in the subject of the book and you as the expert. Do you present new information? Tie in with a current event? Do you show their listeners/viewers/readers how to solve their problems? What is your unique angle?

There’s many ways to locate the media and reporters, but here’s a few basic ones to get you started:

Online Newspapers
On the Radio
Media Post

Happy pitching!

I also posed the question - is it the end of bookstores and author signings? - on my site, The Circle of Friends.


  1. I hope it's not the end of bookstores we have a few very good one here in the UK, as for signings I have only ever been to one and thoroughly enjoyed it, so I hope that don't end either.


  2. You always make me think, Diane - thanks :)

  3. Short, powerful post! Thanks for those links. Your advice is spot on, Diane!

    Marvin D Wilson

  4. The unique angle - yes, always looking for this in any of my writing. Thanks for the link.
    Have a good week,

  5. I guess you need to have a gimmick, don't yout?

  6. Good point. I haven't done anything with the media yet. I plan on a paper copy of my book, hopefully by June and then I'll contact the media.
    N. R. Williams, The Treasures of Carmelidrium, Special .99 through April 30

  7. Good stuff Diane! But no one said anything to me about angles I hate math. :)
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  8. Ooh, now there's a noggin-scratcher. I'd never even gotten so far in my thoughts as to imagine pitching to the media. Thank you for bringing it to my attention!

  9. I'm with Alex. What's my angle?! :D

  10. Good tips, Diane! I think the media is always looking for a story--it's just up to us to make a connection with different events, etc. Alex, maybe, could be interviewed on his thoughts about the space shuttle program being retired, etc. Maybe they'd think it was cool for a SF writer to comment on it. :)

  11. Excellent tips, Diane and thanks for the links. We're just starting down this media road so I was particularly interested in your post.

  12. Those are great links, thanks! For me, writing fiction makes it more difficult to become an authority on some aspect of a book, because it was all made up as I went along.

  13. If I were so fortunate to have my book ready for marketing, I'd have a couple of possible angles. It's a thriller with Boston's Big Dig as a potential target for disaster and the politics and problems with that have been considerable (but maybe only of interest to that area of the country.)

    It's also a paranormal thriller with the main character possessing an unusual form of ESP. My grandfather believed he had ESP and even wrote a book on how he used it throughout his life (vanity published), so maybe there'd be something to work with there.

  14. Thanks for the tips Diane.


  15. Cool! This is the topic I started on Saturday and decided to expand for a week. Except I'm much windier than you on the topic. Well, it's not A to Z time yet. I promise I won't be doing the long posts like I'm doing on the subject of media publicity, but I wanted to get into some detail.
    I'm hoping a few A to Zers will find their angle connected to the Challenge and get some media coverage.

    Tossing It Out

  16. Great post, Diane. This is one area that I find authors have the least confidence in. Thanks for sharing.

  17. Thanks for the links. I'm sure they'll be helpful.

  18. I hope it's not the end of bookstores. They hold that special place for me. The smells and sight of all the books!!! Congrats to you. You won third place in my 200 follower giveaway ( I'll get back to you this week on your prize or you can email me at

  19. My favorite is Bacon's Directories. There is a huge one for every branch of the media and they list by location which makes them very easy to use. They cost a fortune. The most frugal way to use them is to take a trip to the library. Seriously. How long has it been since you went. The reference librarian could teach you the best ways to use them.

    Carolyn Howard-Johnson
    Blogging resources for writers at Writer's Digest 101 Best Websites pick

  20. Glad so many found this useful!

    Thanks LA - I will email you at once!

  21. Great post Diane, and thanks for the links. Bookmarked!



  22. Great discussion over at Circle of Friends.

  23. thanks for the links!

  24. So true.

    I haven't even started to work on an angle.

    But there's time enough for that after my rewrite.


  25. Thank you for the online newspapers link. That may one day prove very helpful for me.

    I signed up for the A-Z Blogging Challenge (number 472) and saw your listing today so I just stopped by to check out your blog and say "Hi". I look forward to reading your "alphabet" posts in April.

  26. Hmmmm. What makes me/my story stick out?

    Things to think about.

    Great post.
