Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Birthday Post

Yes, it’s my birthday today. I missed being a Valentine’s baby by 26 & 1/2 hours. I’d tell you what year I’m celebrating, but you wouldn’t believe me. Let’s just say I remember men walking on the moon for the very first time…

It’s a really busy week, too. Three speaking engagements, five clients, Valentine’s Day, and my birthday right in the middle. Guess every birthday can’t fall on a Saturday, right? However, I did get a really great gift from my husband - the new iPhone 32 w/4G! It's so neat. My old one was a six-year old basic model. Yes, it was sad.

My mother’s birthday is in a couple weeks and I decided to make her a picture book with old photos. Since there’s nothing quite like embarrassing myself on my own birthday, thought I’d share a few of the photos I scanned. Hold all laughter and chortling until the end…

This is my father and I at the Oregon Coast. We're bundled, so probably summer. LOL

My mom and I at Yesllowstone National Park.

I went to see the Mercury Cougar, and while you couldn't touch the big cat, I got to pet her cub.

Graduation day with my buddies Violet and Marlene!

Halloween with my best friend, Dale. No idea what I was supposed to be...

Okay now you may giggle and snort!


  1. Stunning! (Giggle, snort, lol) So - Happy B-Day's are in order, hmm? And that makes you what now - lemme guess ... 29? Yes, I'm sure of it. Twenty nine and just STARTING to shine! ;-)

  2. Happy Birthday! I love the photos (my parents took us to Yellowstone too--we were big into the national parks, but I'm jealous of that Mercury cub). Hope you have a great day :)

  3. Great pictures. And Happy Birthday!

  4. Old photos are great, thanks for sharing. Happy birthday!

  5. A Hap-Hap-Happy Birthday to you Diane. Love the pix! ღ

  6. Happy birthday Diane and thanks for sharing these great memories with us!

  7. A very happy birthday to you, dear!
    Hope you have a lovely day!
    Mine is tomorrow :)

  8. Wishing you still a lovely day and all the very best to you!

    Sweet photos anyway ;) *giggle*

    Take care,

  9. Big Happy Birthday to you! I remember men landing on the moon too! Great photos.
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  10. Happy Birthday, Diane! Love the pics...and no, I absolutely *don't* believe that you remember men walking on the moon!

  11. Happy happy birthday! Yay!

    Great photos! Hope you have a good day.

  12. Happy Birthday, Diane. Yes, I also remember walking into People's Drug store and the moon walk was blasting out of their speakers. I think they had a TV on somewhere too. I was there with my dad and one of my brothers.

    It's fun to look at the gems of memory so thank you for sharing yours. :-) How cool to pet the cub.

  13. Happy birthday! Hope you have a great one!

  14. Wow, thanks everyone! And only a few giggles.
    Heading out for some birthday fun!

  15. Happy Birthday, Diane. I'm glad you weren't hurt. Love your photos. :)

  16. hr-hr-hr-HM (clears throat)



    All together now..."First this lesson/you must learn...FIRST you pillage, THEN you burn...Happy birthday (uh) happy birthday..." (I'm thinking Vikings were involved in that costume--Vikings or Link from the Zelda games.

    Bodie P

  17. Happy birthday, fellow Crusader group member. The pictures are charming. What a great idea for a present. I hope your mom has as much fun looking at the photos as you seem to be having putting your collection together. A gift from the heart, with meaning for both of you, is the best kind of present.

  18. Happy birthday, fellow Crusader group member. The pictures are charming. What a great idea for a present. I hope your mom has as much fun looking at the photos as you seem to be having putting your collection together. A gift from the heart, with meaning for both of you, is the best kind of present.

  19. Hope you've had a wonderful and Happy Birthday Diane. Love the photos and a picture book of old photos sounds like a wonderful gift for your mother.

    Thoughts in Progress

  20. Jean, thank you, and my husband said if I was going to be involved in an accident, that was the best kind.

    Thanks for all the birthday wishes!

  21. I'm a fellow crusader, stopping by to say hello. Nice to meet you! Happy birthday!

  22. I hope you had a really great birthday! I love the old pictures--totally hear you on that Oregon Coast--on the positive side, at least it rarely snows... We honeymooned in Lincoln City in Novemeber and the STORMS were fabulous!

  23. Hope you had a happy day.....and what was Dale suppose to be?


  25. Happy Birthday Diane .. and I'm sure your Mom will be so thrilled with her picture book .. and boy you'll have fun chatting about the memories ..

    Cheers Hilary

  26. Happy birthday! Sorry it's a day late.

  27. I hope you had a happy birthday! Have fun with your new iPhone!!!

  28. I hope you had a great birthday!

    I'm a fellow crusader and new follower dropping by to say hi....


  29. Wow, thanks everyone! Sorry, it's been a busy week and I was gone all day yesterday.

  30. Hey there!

    Happy belated birthday for Wednesday! I'm a fellow crusader just stopping by to say hi and to follow you :-)

    xx Rach

  31. Taking a stroll down memory lane is fun. Better when mixed with a little vino too LOL! Now I'm inspired to break out the Brady Bunch themes pics of me and the fam from the 70s.

  32. Happy late B-day!

    I made a picture thing for my brother a few Christmases ago. That's the sort of thing they unwrap and just sorta stare at for a few seconds, you know.

    Enjoy making yours. I sure enjoyed mine. There's this one picture of him and me in our underwear setting up boxes and a ramp and running and jumping over it, one of us on hands-and-knees in front of the ramp to add drama to the stunt. Evil Knievel was the rage, and Elvis was killing em in Vegas...

    - Eric
