Tuesday, September 14, 2010

WHY Were You Inspired to Write Your Story?

I often hear the question, "What inspired you to write your story?" When asked of other authors though, I want to know more. WHY did that inspire you?

We're inspired by events, locations, people, situations - but why? What is it about that moment that sparked the story?

Almost everything I've written was inspired by a dream. A vivid dream will haunt my mind for days. I'll continue the storyline after I wake, pondering the path. It's not the visuals that stick with me, though. It's the accompanying feelings.

My five book YA series began as a dream. I saw Book I's Lori and Jason, knew she was a swimmer and he a football player. But what sparked the story were the emotions involved. I felt Lori's isolation and loneliness; felt her desire for Jason. I felt these two characters coming together. The story that poured out of me was sparked by those emotions, and as I wrote, the feelings of the secondary characters fueled four more books.

That's why I was inspired. Why did your inspiration motivate you to write your story?


  1. That's such a cool story (even though I have heard it before).
    The kid lit I just finished was inspired by a chance remark made by my younger son, who said he wanted to place a ladder against the moon so he could go there and play.

  2. I write about my life, my experiences with spirit, and the process of healing. I had an experience similar to Neale Donald Walsch's, and it was that experience that inspired me. I'm not sure that I have a fiction book in me, but the creative process of writing is similar to healing. In my case my imagination is a living interactive cast.

  3. Although I don't write books I have written my life in poetry form. All poems except for the odd few are factual, there are some I have not released yet as there was a time 3 yrs ago I again went into a dark tunnel but have poems when I feel happy to release them I will.
    I found/find it easy to write my life expereiences this way and it also a great way of therapy when things are not too good but joy when things are.
    Life is sp unpredictable but each sunrise I see I feel thankful I am alive to witness it.


  4. I loved Agatha Christie and wanted to write just like her. So I did.


  5. I just always dug science fiction shows and movies. Between Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, and Buck Rogers, I was motivated to create my own universe.

  6. Wish my dreams were worthy to write from!

    I was inspired to write by what I was reading...mysteries.

  7. I have significant dream inspired material too. Also rather random ideas, but I think my answer is 'because I can'. There were years... DECADES that I had these sparks I thought would make a good book, but didn't now how to go about STARTING, let alone FINISHING. It was a long process to learn you just have to get the ideas down... then put some order to them... then DO IT... writing is a task of persistence. So the inspiration becomes a story because I finally CAN...

  8. My WIP, which has barely begun (still researching) was inspired by my love for historical fiction and by brainstorming with a writer friend. It's interesting to see what comes out of such sessions. You never know when inspiration will strike, nor from where it may come from.

  9. My first book was inspired by a dream, but when I sat down to write it, it took off in a totally different direction.

  10. Since childhood, I've used my mind to escape. I'd create situations and I would be someone else.

    When I get stressed, depressed, or just need a distraction, I'll turn on some music and close my eyes and go away.

    Sometimes, the 'daydreams' become bigger and bigger. There are a few in my head and I really need to work at getting them written...

  11. I almost didn't post this, but glad I did - so many cool inspiration stories!

  12. I'm glad you wrote it too! So many great stories :)

    In general I was inspired to write by Star Trek reruns when I was a kid. They opened my world.

    In particular for this story I was inspired by a friend and a friendly 'why don't you..' challenge :)

  13. I wrote my first book because it was actually a legend that I heard a famous storyteller tell. The way he told the tale of the people of that story was so intense and real to me that it grabbed me and wouldn't let me go. When I was deciding what to write my first novel on, it had to be that story.


  14. I write the books I wan't to read but can't cause they aren't written yet.

  15. Love how your inspiration was a dream tale, literally! Great story. My inspiration comes from reading The Outsider's at least 20 times when I was a teen! And a love for reading, and wanting to connect to other readers through my own stories. Maybe one will bring hope to one reader's circumstance. That's my dream.

  16. I'm going to apply the question you posed to my career choice, since I cannot contribute with regard to the inspiration and motivation behind writing a book.

    My motivation for venturing into unknown territory and beginning my own business is a result of wanting to do what I love on a daily basis, not something I had been doing "on the side," or as part of my "just a job" duties.

    Anything is possible, any goal attainable when you're truly inspired!

  17. Daydreams. My current WIP is based off a single scene that didn't even make it into the book. lol.

  18. Most of the stories I've written were inspired by dreams, but many were offshoots of real events in my life or stories I've heard and embellished upon from there.

    Tossing It Out

  19. Thanks, Lynn!

    Lee, nice to know someone else dreams up their words!

  20. The manuscript I'm working on was inspired by some things that happened in my youth. It's not a memoir, though.

  21. Mine begin more as daydreams than dreams. Some stories I wrench up a deep emotion and pin that into the words, and other stories I write for fun without worrying about deep-felt issues.

    As to ~why~ I'm inspired... I dunno. Becuase I like it, I guess.

    - Eric

  22. I was inspired by the JonBenet Ramsey case. I couldn't stop watching the news stories about the false ransom letter and thinking, "Maybe it would have been better if she had been kidnapped. Perhaps she would have survived." This turned into a book about a psychic who kidnaps a child in order to save her life.
