Monday, September 20, 2010

Top 10 TV Shows

Today is Alex J Cavanaugh’s Top 10 TV Shows blogfest. Check out his site for a full listing of participants.

My Top 10 in no particular order:


Never missed an episode - I was an X-Files junkie! The mythos was interesting, but the stand-alone episodes were the best. And yes, I wanted Mulder and Scully to get together SO bad!


The man you love to hate! He’s so terrible. Great group dynamics, although I’m bummed Cameron and Chase didn’t work out.


The original is still the best of the series. Miss William Petersen, but Laurence Fishburne is a great addition.


A childhood favorite. Loved the first incarnations of the show, but Scrappy-Doo ruined it for me. I agree with comedian Eddie Izzard - “Scrappy-Doo? Magnum. Boom!”

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

This series is not a Trek fan favorite, but it was mine. Excellent writing and I loved all the characters. Got even better once Worf showed up!

Mystery Science Theater 3000

This was a Saturday night staple! Who doesn’t like to make fun of bad movies? Loved the show even more when Mike replaced Joel.

Monty Python’s Flying Circus

My Friday post isn’t named after one of their skits for nothing! Silly, twisted British humor - gotta love it! John Cleese steals every scene for me.

Ground Force

Surprise garden makeovers - how cool is that? Loved the neat ideas, although I’d never attempt any of them - I just want these guys to visit my backyard and surprise ME!


Such an original concept and series! Loved all the quirky characters, although Chiana was my favorite.

The Muppet Show

I love the Muppets and the original show, with a new guest each week and zany skits, was so much fun. Best episode - Alice Cooper!


  1. My son tells me to tell you that Scooby Doo is his favourite show too. The other one begs to differ- DreamKix is their favourite show. Well, it is one of them....

  2. I'm with you on the Muppet Show, Scooby Doo, X-Files, and House (although House grosses me out frequently and I have to change the channel.) :)

  3. Great choices! X-Files and Star Trek were awesome. Thanks for participating in the blogfest!

  4. Great list! I love so many of these. I can't believe I didn't think of the Muppets for my list. I LOVE the Muppets - especially poor old Beaker :)

  5. Scooby-Doo is such a cute show, always made you laugh. Great list. I agree I miss William Petersen on CSI, just not the same.

    Thoughts in Progress

  6. Love love love Monty Python!

  7. Had to go with some childhood favorites!!

  8. X-Files! That was one of my favourites too. Battlestar Galactica before Star Trek. I can't remember what the British sitcoms were called that I watched when I was a kid.

  9. Oh, man! I LOVED Scooby Doo! Totally didn't occur to me to include cartoons, but that was my childhood FAVORITE! (I keep wanting to write 'I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you darned kids' into my cozy mystery *snort*) And Monty Python!!! I wish I'd paid more attention when I was young--I LOVE the movies, but have only seen the sketches here and there from the show. "This parrot has expired!" (Michael Palin is my Python of choice)

  10. Who doesn't like The Muppet Show? I've always thought they disguised it well - making it look like it was for kids, when in reality it's the big people who were watching...

  11. My wife liked House, but I couldn't get into it. Love CSI. Yes, I am sorry the cast has changed so much. Now apparently Katherine is getting out. I guess I should watch one day the Muppet Show.

  12. The Muppet Show could easily make my list. Scooby Doo was my favorite when I was a kids. Monty Python could have gotten an Honorable Mention too. Great list.

    Stephen Tremp

  13. Oh! The Muppets! How could I forget the Muppets?! I absolutely adored that show. *sigh* My list is growing every time I read someone else's list!

  14. I too loved the Muppets! These lists have been SO FUN to read!

  15. Great choices! I forgot all about The Muppets! Shame on me. :D

  16. House is my favorite. I'm still catching up on Season six on DVD. The new season starts tonight! Scooby Doo is my six-year-old's fave.

  17. Oh how I loved the Muppet show! I think Little House on the Prairie would have topped my list since I still record it on the Hallmark Channel. I know, I'm a sap!

  18. The more of these lists I see, the more out of it I feel. There are so many shows I've never watched. When I was a kid, I felt like a TV expert. I think the advent of video tended to make me watch more movies and cable TV meant so many new choices that I never got hooked on any one show most of the time.
    I did watch the "Muppet Show" every now and then and always enjoyed it.

    Tossing It Out

  19. Great list. Montey Python and Farscape=Awesome.

  20. Hart, that made me LOL!!

    Karen - exactly! The Muppets were really for adults who were kids at heart.
    Good to see The Muppet Show was loved by so many.

    Lee, don't feel old! Some of the shows I don't know either.

  21. Some of those, like Ground Force, I know nothing about. My guess is they're cable, which we can't get here. Umpteen years ago, my favorite show was Dark Shadows.

  22. I love House! Can't wait for tonight.

  23. Yeah, this is wonderful. Just in time for the new season of shows to start.

    Clarissa Draper from Listen To The Voices

  24. The Muppet Show was probably is all-time favorite!

  25. Wonderful list Diane, I knew a few of yours but I suppose as wer'e opposite sides of the world it's only natural that we don't watch all the same shows.

    Have a lovely week

  26. Yay!! another Farscape fan!! *virtual high five*

    I love House!! It's not on my top ten list yet because I've missed a bunch of episodes over the years. Soon though.

  27. I’m so excited that the new season of House starts tonight. I like your choices. The only show I haven’t heard about or seen was Farscape.

  28. Yvonne, I imagine you've seen Ground Force!

    Hannah, you've got some catching up to do with House.

  29. Scooby Doo! I loved that show. Although annoyingly every time I wear a polo neck jumper, people say I look like Velma. LOL.

    Great list!

    Top Ten TV Blogfest

  30. I don't think I saw the Alice Cooper muppet show! Did you see the movies too? I like that you have SciFi mixed in here. It's my tv genre of choice now!

  31. Is it bad that I bought my nephew the old school Scooby Doo to watch together when I am babysitting? I just don't like the newest version. I'll have to pick up The Muppets as well! Love them both! Great list. I can't believe House didn't make mine. What was I thinking???

  32. I, too, love Star Trek and X-Files and CSI. Love the crime dramas too, like Law & Order.

  33. I've never watched much of CSI, but x-files and house are top notch

  34. oh, I love seeing MUPPETS in your list!! :))

  35. Ellie, you need to post a picture of that!

    Lynn, the Alice Cooper show is priceless!

    Jennie, the newer versions were awful compared to the original. Especially the movie! And yes, I own all the Muppet movies, too.

    Dezmond, I'm a Muppet softie at heart!

  36. scooby rocks...
    such great choices, so many to choose

  37. Ha~ I just visited another blog and said, "Wait, you missed Fringe!" LOL I love Walter.

    Great list. Like them all.

    Hope you have a great week~ :D

  38. The Muppet Show is a great choice! I used to watch it all the time!

  39. DS9 was my favorite star trek too! and my kids adore scooby doo!

  40. Yay for the muppet Show, Monty Python, and Scooby Doo!! But I love all on your list.

  41. There have been so many great shows, and I'm such a TV addict I'd be hard pressed to put up a top 10. You've done a good job of it though. I agree with all of them except "Scooby-Doo," which I've never seen. I'll take your word for that one. *chuckle*

  42. I LURVED The Muppet Show. I carried an old-school metal Muppet Show lunchbox and thermos to school as a kid. I miss it so much!!!

  43. LOL - everyone is a Scooby and Muppet fan!

    Hey Mike! You've never seen Scooby-Doo? Dude, I know you're not THAT old! Come on!

  44. THE MUPPET SHOW!!! FARSCAPE!!! And my husband loved Mystery Science, you have an uber cool list here!!!!!

    Animal (Muppet Show) is my FAVORITE. I have a few T-shirts with his pic on it and I have to explain to the kids in my class that he's Elmo's neighbor and that they're friends :P

  45. hah ... Well, you talked me into it! I'll have a look next time it pops up in front of me. Meanwhile, don't forget the season premier of "House" is on tonight. Should be interesting to say the least.

  46. I love Monty Python, even though it's waaaaay before my time. I do the John Cleese disdainful face perfectly.

  47. Fun! lol, although I don't watch a single show on your list.But that's why they make all different types of shows, right? Some of my top 10 would be 30 Rock and The Office. Gotta admit I also like Survivor!

  48. Hi Diane - Used to love the Muppets when I was little too. And House! I love to hate that guy. =D

  49. I totally forgot about Monty Python (facepalm)!!! And I FARSCAPE is another one that almost made my list. :)

  50. Mike, I kept waiting for House to take a really bad turn tonight, but it surprised me! And be sure you get one of the first year Scooby Doos. Bet you can see it on Hulu.

    Dl, how could you forget the Monty Python?

  51. I love Ground Force! I haven't seen that in years. They even did a Ground Force America. I want them to come to my house. My only peeve was that I couldn't help but wish that Charlie would buy a bra...

  52. MST3K!! MST3K!! I'm swoony just seeing the picture up there! :D


  53. Oh, The Muppet Show! That was one of my all-time favorites when I was a kid. I still think it's great. Thanks for the reminder!

  54. Oh, The Muppet Show! That was one of my all-time favorites when I was a kid. I still think it's great. Thanks for the reminder!

  55. I have to agree w/ Jemi. Beaker was one of my favorites on The Muppets (also Statler & Waldorf). And yay for another MST3K listing! House is addicting, btw. I didn't start watching it until after it'd been on a while, but now I can't turn the channel when I find it on, even though I kinda know how the episode's going to turn out ;)

  56. Good list - some I haven't seen. And there's Scooby-Doo... my brother's childhood favourite and the show that scared me silly. Yep, sadly I was a chicken! ;)

  57. Angela, I was an Animal girl myself - LOL!

  58. Obviously I'm missing something because I just DO NOT get the appeal of House. I'm probably just burned out on the entire hospital-drama genre, though.

  59. Love your show list. I was a major fan of x-files too and never missed an episode except during the last season. I missed almost all of that.


  60. Excellent list! also we used the same picture for House :)

  61. I loved House, then my son became sick and it was like an episode of House, couldn't watch after that. He is fine, it was a strange virus.

    Muppet Show n' Scooby Doo make me smile...cute~

  62. Love the Muppets! I've never heard of Ground Force before

  63. I really need to give DS9 another chance. Love TNG and Voyager but never got into DS9.

  64. Have watched/do watch a few of the shows you have listed.

  65. I would agree with you on the X files and the Muppets.
