Tuesday, June 01, 2010

How Do You Blog??

Observing the posting habits of the Internet Blogger...

I pose the question - how do you blog?

Do you have a posting schedule? Schedule posts to automatically post at a given time? Fly by the seat of your pants?

I have a posting schedule (currently five days - may go down to four) and it helps me stay on track with my posts. It also eliminated those moments of  "what the heck am I going to post today?" as each day has a scheduled theme. I'm also a big believer in pre-scheduled posts. Friday is the only day I can't schedule in advance!

Do you respond to comments? In your post or by emailing? Or by visiting that person's blog?

I used to be bad about responding. I'd read them! But not until recently did I start responding in my own post. (Thanks, Jemi!) I know emailing replies is very popular right now, but I get over 300 emails a day as it is - and very few are spam!!! And I confess - if you comment here without ever following me, there's a chance I will never see your blog, as I often forget to follow commenters back to their blog.

How do you go through your bloglist? Using Google Reader? The Dashboard? Your side bar? By folllowing comments?

I'm still under the magic limit of 300 blogs that I follow, so I still use my Dashboard. My side bar is in desperate need of updating, so I rarely use that. And following comments? See above!
I think a lot of people visit blogs in that manner, though. On days I don't comment on many blogs, I dont' get a lot of comments. Which is ironic, because I don't base MY commenting on who comments here as much as I simply go through recent posts in the Dashboard. I supposed I should follow comments more often, as I know there's bloggers who never comment here even though I comment on their blogs often...

What is your commenting tool of choice? Catch-phrase? Owner verification? Comment box that opens separate from blog?

As you can see, no catch phrase or verification here except on posts older than four days. Sorry, I'll be blunt and honest - they drive me bonkers. Guess I'm just naive to believe no evil person will comment on a new post. And I've noticed comment boxes that come up separate from the blog post (or as a whole new page) are MUCH easier to deal with than embedded ones.

When do you post? Morning? Afternoon? Evening?

I post in the morning, usually by 7am or so. A couple days out of the week I'm gone in the morning, but that's usually my prime commenting time. Next is afternoon. Evening bloggers - unless you post REALLY late, I will probably miss your post, as I only go back about 7-8 hours when checking in the morning. Most of my fellow bloggers are morning - afternoon people anyway.

Now, how about YOU??? What are your answers to these burning questions? I might tally and post in Friday's "And Now For Something Completely Different."

And a BIG thanks to everyone who entered my contest! Winner will be announced Wednesday...


  1. I try for three posts a week, but I've no set days that I post. I write blog posts around appointments, workshops, guest posts, and my family. I always respond to comments, and I visit all the blogs I follow. I visit other blogs randomly and unless the blog has heavy traffic I usually comment. I find it hard not to and it only takes a minute. I think there's everything to gain in being polite and chatty. I promote people and things I like online. The big picture is that we're all marketing ourselves, but working as a community and interacting respectfully is a great way to change the world and make friends. People are interesting and funny. Talk soon, Simon.

  2. I post daily- tried to get some schedule into my blogging week, but decided it was too hard keeping it up. I do often post in advance and schedule it to appear on the given day, but equally, I write on that particular day.
    I used to schedule to post early in my morning, but an now shifting to a late afternoon time because that gives me the flexibility to do a seat of the pants post.
    I do try to respond to all posts, but sometimes, when work really ties me don't I end up doing it only a week or so.
    I use google reader - no particular reason for it. It just happened to the the first one I tried, and it worked for me.
    No word verification, but one of these days, I am going to opt for a pop up comments thing.

  3. I don't know how to post in advanced.....can't figure it out so post everyday, well since the A to Z challenge I have,
    I comment by the bloggers own blog.
    I always vist a blog who hasn't written lately to make sure all is well.

    Loved your post today,

  4. Don't have a real schedule but I am changing that. I see the importance of it.
    I try to comment on the blogs I follow. And I try links suggested by other bloggers. I find places I probably wouldn't have that way. So much to learn and enjoy!
    I love the comment box and am seriously considering getting rid of the verification word. (Though sometimes they are funny and set my imagination off.
    Mornings or afternoons are when I post. I may write it at another time but that's when I like to read posts so that made sense to me.
    Thanks to you, I'm going to make several changes on my blog. Thank you.

    Giggles and Guns

  5. Interesting post. I try to post every day, but unless I have a guest blogger scheduled I don't know what I'll be blogging about before hand. I do schedule my post to appear after midnight so I don't forget to post it. I try to respond to those who comment on my blogs. Currently I'm using Google Reader to follow blogs, haven't tried the dashboard before. My comment box does come up separate and I've been thinking about taking the catch-phrase off. I may try that for a while. Looking forward to see what the tally is.

    Thoughts in Progress

  6. Wow - that's a lot of questions. I'll see if I can hit them all.

    I posted last week about blogging on a schedule and was surprised at how many people do follow a schedule and do like to do so. So I'm starting with a schedule this week, though I'm sure it will be tweaked often as needed. I'll post Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays. I'd absolutely love to write all my posts in advance (preferably over the weekend), but I've had that goal for a while now and it hasn't happened yet, so I'm not real hopeful about that.

    I also posted about how people like to have others respond to their comments, and almost all of them said they like responses in the comment section. So I do that now, though occasionaly I get so busy I can't even do that (though I do read them all, of course!) I enjoy when other bloggers email replies to my comments, so I'm fine with whatever the blogger wants to do. I also make a point of commenting on the current post of each blogger who comments on mine.

    I keep the blogs I most often comment on on my sidebar. I never use my dashboard, I don't even really know how. Commenting on the blogs on my sidebar will hit almost everyone who leaves comments on my blog, but if I get a comment from someone who's not on my dashboard, I'll got leave them a comment. If they come back a few times, I'll add them to my sidebar so I can keep up with them regularly.

    I usually write a post the day/night before and post as soon as I wake up in the morning (which varies greatly - used to be super early but since I finished my latest revision, I'm having a harder time getting out of bed so early).

    I took off my verification a while ago. And I believe my comment box is separate from my post, but I haven't really paid attention. I agree that those are much easier to deal with, though.

  7. Hmmmm.... lots of questions :-)

    I usually post spur of the moment/I read every comment but hardly ever respond/I use Google Reader.

  8. Do you have a posting schedule? Schedule posts to automatically post at a given time? Fly by the seat of your pants?

    Mondays are usually my book review days. Tuesday, I like to feature an author but I haven't been doing that lately. Sunday is my Addison's essays. I've been learning a lot from those essays about life back in Austen's day.

    Do you respond to comments? In your post or by emailing? Or by visiting that person's blog?

    I try to visit as many blogs as possible but I have my set daily reading routine. Your blog is one of them. I try to comment on all the blogs I read. I answer my blog's comments on my blog. I don't email unless they ask me to or they asked me a private question.

    How do you go through your bloglist? Using Google Reader? The Dashboard? Your side bar? By folllowing comments?

    I still use my dashboard.

    What is your commenting tool of choice? Catch-phrase? Owner verification? Comment box that opens separate from blog?

    I don't have comment verification or anything. You comment and leave. I like to make it easier for my readers.

    When do you post? Morning? Afternoon? Evening?

    I do have a posting schedule. I usually try to post every afternoon but I'm thinking of changing that to night...we'll see. I think there are more readers at night.

  9. I always fly by the seat of my pants! I am random, I have no set system or theme on my blog :) I'm totally ok with that too!

    I always try to respond to my comments, I love them, I love knowing people are actually reading what I'm rambling.

    I have no schedule. If I have a thought I want to share, I post it. Some days I have several posts, some I have none. I probably need to work on that..

    I look at the updated blogs first..they show up at the top of the list...

  10. First of all congratulations on all your new followers. It was looking like you'd hit the 250--I kept checking yesterday to see if you were there yet--almost!

    I post daily according to a generalized thematic schedule. I have a general plan mapped out up to a month in advance and try to get as many specific topics laid out up to a month ahead of time. I've written some posts up to 3 weeks in advance, and I try to stay a few days ahead and schedule them to post automatically. Most of the time I put my article together the day before and schedule it to post at 2 AM Pacific Time (while I'm asleep).

    I get up first thing in the morning to make sure everything posted okay and check comments. I usually respond to comments on my site so there is a sense of interactive conversation going on. Sometimes I will respond by email and on rare occasions I will respond on the commenter's site.

    I use the separate comment box and I've removed word verification and, for now at least, owner verification except on older posts.

    I try to always check blogs of those who commented on mine. I will also go thru my dashboard and since A to Z I use my sidebar more frequently. I don't use my blog list because it's too long. I thought dashboard was the same as Google Reader but I looked today I realized it was different. Don't know about it I guess and will have to study it to see how it works. I learned something new today!

    Tossing It Out

  11. I have a couple themes, but sometimes they don't occur on the choosen day. I usually schedule a post the night before.
    I respond to comments on my post.
    I use by blogroll and dashboard and I try to visit commenters as well.
    No catch phrase at the moment.
    And my posts go live in the morning, but I do check my blog off and on during the day.

  12. Nice to see others who use their dashboard - I thought I was the only weirdo! The blogs in my sidebar need updating, so I can't go by that - plus they link over directly to the blog rather than opening a new window, so it's a pain to use.

  13. I do have a posting schedule. I started it a few weeks ago and it's so much easier. It's nice knowing what it is I need to post every day, and I can write them ahead of time! I always respond to comments in my post, and I go through my blog list using my blog roll on the sidebar. I do use a word verif. I usually post my blog and check out other blogs in the morning after I've completed my writing! Then I have an afternoon writing session and check out the rest of the blogs after that's completed. Blogging is my reward for reaching my daily writing goals!

    These are all great questions! I like knowing how other people blog!

  14. I post every week day but take the weekends off. If someone leaves a comment, I will leave a comment on their blog. Otherwise I scan googlereader and reply to posts. I also have a few select favorite blogs that I look into every day no matter what.

  15. Enjoyed hearing how you handle the task of blogging.

    I schedule an automatic post every Monday. I went to one day a week because of the time factor.

    I try to respond to comments on my post and by visiting that person’s blog if I haven't been there already. Some days, however, I simply don’t have the time to do either. Although I do read and appreciate every comment.

    I usually use my sidebar though I think I should start using my Dashboard or another method as my approach isn’t very efficient.

    I use a comment box that opens in a new window. I don’t use any catch phrase or verification.

    I schedule my posts for 5 AM.

  16. I'm still blogging every day. It's not easy, though. My goal is to pre-schedule. Doesn't always work that way. I comment on blogs that comment on mine, then I try to go out to a few followers who haven't commented. I'm up to about 380 people following me. I love them all, but can't do that many every day. I know that sounds horrible, but there's not enough time in the day.

    Straight From Hel

  17. Helen, I totally understand! Now that I'm almost to 250, I realize that it will be impossible to comment on each and every one - without sacrificing my entire day to do it!

  18. Whew--These are great questions!! I think your answers are fantastic as well...My big thing is responding to comments. I have really tried lately to make it my goal to respond in kind--ON the comment page, NOT email. I get enough email! If a person wants to sign up for email response, that's a personal choice.

    The other great question here is commenting tool of choice. I used to have a captcha reader on mine--thought it would be good to weed out the riffraff and so on...But a blogger noted once (on my blog or their's, can't remember) that they have lost SO many comments with captcha! I didn't want that to happen on my blog, so I got rid of it. Lo and behold--comment #s went up!

    I've seen bloggers copy (and cite) your post...and I may do the same. Love this post idea, Diane!

    Southern City Mysteries

  19. I simply comment on blogs that I have read and that have interested me from the dashboard. I don't keep track on whether I have commented on blogs who have commented on mine. That's no fun. I don't see the point in reading a blog post if I'm not going to enjoy it. Even some of my most favourite blogs post things that don't interest me sometimes, in which case I'll skip their post that day.

    I try to reply to people who comment on mine as much as possible. Sometimes I manage it, other times I don't. If I don't have time to reply to everyone, I will only reply to those who have actually asked me a question. Sometimes I do it by email, sometimes in the post. It really depends if it's something personal I don't want to share with everyone, or it could simply be what mood I'm in.

    I guess I don't have a 'strategy', I just do what I feel like doing in the moment.

  20. Michele - thanks - and really? Nice to know what I post matters to others.

    Allomorph, sometimes I don't comment as well for the same reason. Sounds terrible, but I just don't have that kind of time.

  21. I post daily - well, except for the rare "blogcation" like I just took, lol ... and yes I do reply to most comments that are interactive and require a response to complete the interaction.

  22. AnonymousJune 01, 2010

    Whew! That's a lot of questions there, L.

    I post when I have the chance, at least twice a week, maybe three times if I'm lucky. I try to respond to each commenter individually within the post's comment section but sometimes I just have to do a mass response. Time and I are not friends. I try to get to the people who leave comments on my blog but sometimes I just scroll and pick blogs at random, that way I can get around to some obscure ones, too. I like pop-up comment boxes. I have to post in the evening because that's when I'm home during the week. Though you might get a morning post out of me if I'm out of bed on the weekend. :o)

    Interesting questions!

  23. This is sooooo interesting. I try to blog three times a week and then will blog on the weekend but don't feel I have to. Since I divided my blog in half and now have TWO blogs I can concentrate my writing all in my Crazy Jane site. That has made my life somewhat easier but I may have lost some lurkers that I love. My blog roll lists the blogs in order of who has updated most recently. I don't always comment on those that comment on mine and I don't feel bad if I comment on someone's blog and they don't on mine.I really only like to comment if I have something to say and sometimes (like now!) I go on for far too long. I do try and respond to every comment because then it feels like a proper conversation.
    I have also stopped posting blog awards and passing them on. I feel quite ambivalent about this whole thing and it isn't why I went into blogging so...one always feels churlish not to be grateful and I suppose I am but I don't want to be seduced by that whole game. Too much like highschool I think. Thanks for hosting such an interesting diversity of answers!

  24. I love how everyone has their own style!

  25. I'm all over the place with blogging. Sometimes I post every day if I have enough stuff to write about.. sometimes once a week... sometimes I comment back, sometimes I don't (not through email usually). I also just sign in whenever I can. I can't really get on much at work because our networked computers hate blogger... I often get pop up windows galore and have to use the button of death! So I get on at home every other day or so, sometimes daily. Lately, a couple times a week.

    It does look like every one has their own way of handling the blogging world. LOL.

  26. Great post! I'm always curious!!

    I post Monday thru Friday (each day has a scheduled topic, well sort of, lol)

    I comment on all of my favorite blogs, then those who comment on my blog, then all my other favorites! I comment in their comment sections because it's what I prefer.

    Sometimes I don't have enough time but I do my best!! Happy Tuesday!

  27. Terrific questions Diane - I love seeing how everyone does things so differently!

    As you well know, I don't follow a blogging schedule - but I usually post 2 or 3 times a week. I don't have any kind of plan - just blog about what I find interesting at the time :)

    I respond to comments on the blog. (Thanks for the shout out on that! :))

    I didn't realize the dashboard had a limit. I use that to find the posts I haven't read yet. I'll be very sad when I can't do that anymore!!!

    I eliminated word ver & (touch wood) haven't had any problems at all... yet :)

  28. I love reading this kind of thing! I've got a post on it coming up, too.

    I use Google Reader and schedule posts into folders to read different days of the week. I respond to comments on my blog.

    Great post!

  29. Dianne: I blog too much.
    Your readers may be interested in my new book on blogging, Your Blog, Your Business. It's niched for retailers but the information in it will work for anyone. (www.budurl.com/Blogging4Retailers)

    Carolyn Howard-Johnson
    Sometimes taking time off from writing to blog at www.warpeacetolerance.blogspot.com, just 'cause the cause is important to me! (-: Guess that's still writing, huh?

  30. Thank you for posting this as it's always interesting to read the behind-the-scenes of how others blog.

    On this blog I post 3 times a week. On my other blog I post when I can find the time.

    I try to respond to all comments in a timely manner on my own blog. Most of the time I visit their blog & read either their most recent entry or another recent 1 that I may be able to relate to better.

    I use my dashboard.

    My blog has no owner approval or catch phrase as I like to make it simple for people to comment. I've seen very little spam on Blogger.

    My posts go up whenever I find the time.

  31. I'm impressed by how you keep on top of your posts, commenting and reading the blogs you follow. I always have good intentions but something always seems to derail me. Keep up the great work!

  32. Great tips for blogging. I'm not at all a consistent blogger, and lately my commenting has fallen short, but I think you deal with this whole blogging business very well. I should try to follow some of your methods for sure.

  33. I post randomly, but strive for at least once a week. The time of day is random as well. Where I can, I reply to all comments via e-mail, except for those who don't allow it and in those cases I post a follow-up comment. I do use a word verification method because I have been hit with SPAM several times. :)

  34. I'm pretty certain that you can tell everything I do blog wise is by the seat of my pants. sigh. But I do like to answer comments in comments. Lately I use my dashboard a lot because I don't have as much time to read blogs as I would like.
    Your blog is always a treasure. Cheers~

  35. Debbie, some days I know I could do better, but I do try!

  36. I need to set a schedule, but usually blog whenever I get a chance or when something inspires me. I've been writing so much lately, that my blog posting has suffered. If someone comments on my post I go to their site and comment also. I don't get a large number of comments, so that is still easy to do. I feel if someone takes the time to read and comment, then I should reciprocate. Of course, I realize if someone gets tons of comments that would be hard for them to do.

  37. AnonymousJune 03, 2010

    Loved reading about your blogging habits, I always find it interesting to see how other people blog :)
    So, here are my answers :)

    I used to blog whenever I felt like it in the past, but started posting more regularly in 2009 and from 2010 I made a posting schedule.
    I now do my best to post every other day, the list being:
    * Mondays and Tuesdays – weekly post of something homemade with instructions/recipe on how you can make it yourself
    * Wednesdays and Thursdays – random post
    * Fridays and Saturdays – weekly, a new piece of fiction (or poem) for #fridayflash
    * Sundays – Recipe of the month, and random posts on the other Sundays
    * Throughout the week whenever I have some additional interesting topic to write about, you’ll find those too aside from the scheduled stuff.
    This helps me a lot, especially because I currently have 3 jobs, so I most certainly couldn't post every single day.
    Pre-scheduling isn't really my thing. I write posts in advance whenever I can, but like it better to post when I can during the day and tweet about it, update FB, etc.

    I like to answer comments by a reply in my comment section, that way, when I don't really have time to do so separately, I can reply to more comments at once.
    I also do my best to visit those people's blogs and comment on posts I like.

    Going through my bloglist is sometimes rough... I use Google Reader and there are constantly over 100 unread posts (and it's just terrifying when I have to skip a few days).
    I love to comment on other people's posts, even if it's just a few words saying how I loved the post, because I know I love feedback, so imagine they like it too.
    But unfortunately I sometimes only have time to read and have to run to work before I get the chance to also comment...

    I have the basic embedded Wordpress comment section, and because of certain happenings, every comment need to be approved by me before they appear. I know this way they may stay awaiting moderation for half a day, but this works best for me.

  38. I look at the updated blogs first..they show up at the top of the list...
    Adsense Alternative

  39. AnonymousJune 11, 2010

    - No set posting schedule. I make a minimum of one post a week to my blog.

    - I try to respond to all comments left on my blog. Sometimes individually, sometimes a few in one comment, sometimes one comment for ll who have left me a comment. I also try to visit all the blogs I follow.

    - I use my sidebar to keep up with all of the blogs I follow. The list is always updating as new posts are made to blogs.

    - I like having the comment box separate and I like to verify the comments left for me. I do this because others I know have had to delete comments that were not so nice.

    - I like to get my posts made in the morning.
