Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Tips from Blog Master Jemi

For those who want to know how to increase blog traffic, look no further!

Just Jemi is a fellow blogger buddy. She and I have about the same amount of Followers, but there's one big difference - comments. Jemi usually averages 70-80 comments PER POST!!! Yes, you read that right. (And here the couple times I've gone over 30, I got excited...)

So I asked her to share her secret with all of us...

Thanks so much Diane for inviting me to guest post over here at Spunk on a Stick. I really appreciate the invitation!

Diane asked me to talk about blog networking and how to generate blog comments. So, here’s the deal... um, I don’t know. I actually don’t pay a lot of attention to numbers. But maybe I can guess. :)

I think the key is fun. I know some people view blogging as a business, as a required activity for writers, as a time-suck. I don’t see it that way. Not at all.

For me, blogging is a great way to meet new friends. I’ve always liked people (and people watching), but I’ve also always been very shy. So meeting people through the written word? Awesome! No worries about awkward pauses. No worrying they won’t remember me – they can just check my name at the top of the blog. No sweaty palms. No... well, you get the idea.

People fascinate me. It’s amazing how people take the same idea (promote yourself as a writer), the same tool (a blog), and yet the products are infinitely diverse. Very cool. I like discovering who bloggers are through their colour schemes, blog layouts, photos, & arrangement of the items on the blog. I find it endlessly fascinating. I’ve met so many great people. So it’s natural for me to ask a question at the end of the post. I want to know how you think. I think that encourages people to respond. At least, I hope so!

Whenever a new commenter shows up at my blog, I get a little thrill of excitement. Who is he or she? How does he or she blog?

When I pop over and check out the new blog, I’m invariably drawn to follow. After all, this person found some connection between us. Otherwise he or she wouldn’t have bothered to comment or follow.

I put all the blogs I follow on my blog roll. I’ve got it set up to show more recent posts at the top. When I have some time, I open all the new posts. Sometimes there are 50 or 60 of them. They open on top of each other, so after I read, comment and close, the next one pops right up. I got this tip from Elana Johnson and her handy-dandy speed blogging tips :) Here’s the link if you’re interested Speed Blogging Tips

I’m also a good multi-tasker. My laptop tends to follow me everywhere. I do bloggy stuff (reading, writing, responding) while I’m: blow-drying my hair, putting on makeup, eating breakfast, chatting with kids, making supper, cleaning up supper, doing laundry, watching TV...

There are a few activities during which my laptop is nowhere in sight. Not too many though :)

I follow well over 100 blogs, and comment on most people’s posts at least a couple times a week, if not more. This probably encourages them to come back and visit me. Don’t know for sure. I do comment on every blog I read. If you’ve said something interesting enough to keep me reading, I think you deserve a comment. Otherwise how will you know you touched me, made me laugh, made me feel less alone, or that you taught me something new?

I also respond to all the comments on my blog. Right now I comment on the blog itself. I know most people don’t go back to see if they’ve gotten a response, but for now I’m going to continue doing it this way. It seems more like a group conversation and I like that. Some bloggers are responding to blog comments via email now. I like this idea too. Anything that makes a connection between you and the reader. Because if there’s no connection, what’s the point?

So, in summary, I think in order to generate comments on your blog, you have to multi-task like a crazy person, read quickly and have fun!! Any tricks you use that I’ve missed?

Thanks again, Diane! I’ve enjoyed the visit.

No, no - thank YOU, Jemi!

Please visit Jemi at her blog - Just Jemi


  1. Thanks again for having me over, Diane! It's a pleasure to be here :)

    Can't wait to see what tips your visitors share with us!

  2. Wow, you are the queen of blogging, Jemi! I need to respond to the comments on my blog, I always read them but never respond. Good advice!

  3. Jemi really is the Queen of giving and receiving comments. And she deserves the title!

    Nice to meet you, Diane :)

  4. Great post and very helpful tips. I enjoy visiting both this blog and Jemi's. I find that you both have great tips and insight for a beginner like me. Thanks again to you both.

  5. Hi Diane. I agree with Tara. Jemi is such a great blog friend. And thanks, Jemi, for sharing your tips with us.

    I have to say that I do, if there's time, pop back to a blog I've commented on to see if it's been acknowledged. If it hasn't I feel a bit let down so now I always try to comment back when people have commented on my blog.

  6. I'm getting better about commenting - it does spur more comments!

    Thanks so much for visiting, Jemi!

  7. I always appreciate Jemi and Diane's visits to my blog! Y'all are both really wonderful writing friends and very giving of your time! Thanks for the tips, Jemi!

  8. I know Jemi!
    Thanks for the tips and I will check out Elana's post as well.

  9. Aubrie - I do like that personal connection with my readers - I feel like I get to know them that way

    Tara - thanks - you're a sweetie - You'll enjoy Diane's blog too!

    Mason - you have a great blog as well! Glad you found the tips helpful :)

    Rosalind - you're so right - going with how you'd like to be treated is always a good choice!

    Karen - nice to 'meet' you! I probably won't be able to get back to my own blog until after work - I'll see you then :)

    Diane - hi! & thanks again!

    Elizabeth - it's fun to see you here as well!

    Alex - have fun with Elana's blog - she's awesome!

  10. Excellent tips! You helped me refine my own system to try to stay on top of things. I always get excited when I learn more efficient ways to handle reading and commenting on blog posts.

  11. I need to become more of a multi-tasker. I work off a laptop, but don't take it everywhere with me. I do, however, have an iPhone. I could be using it when I'm away from the house. Thanks for all the tips.

    Straight From Hel

  12. Great post. I'm bad about commenting because my schedule is so packed and a lot of the blogs I follow I get in my inbox, which is probably why I only have a handful of loyal commenters (whom I love dearly!) I'm working on freeing up time to do more blog visting and commenting. Definitely planning to check out those speed blogging tips and of course your blog. Heading there now. Thanks Jemi & Diane.

  13. "I like discovering who bloggers are through their colour schemes, blog layouts, photos, & arrangement of the items on the blog..."

    Oh, boy. This worries me. I've never been motivated to move beyond the simple classic look or whatever. I just figure my scintillating insights (and most of the time, quite frankly, my epic stupidity) says enough about my personality, so I don't have to bling it up. :)

    I guess it boils down to "you give comments, you get comments," for me. So, um... here's a comment. See you around!

    And, uh... hi, Diane. Nice blog. :)

  14. Trying to make more blog rounds today, as a usual I tend to read a weeks worth of post at a time when I do go visting. B Miller did a great post on commenting last Thursday and I had to come back here and share the link with you.


  15. Tony - so glad I could help with some tips! :)

    Helen - you're so welcome - the multi-tasking is fun & crazy!

    CC - thanks for the link - I haven't visited there yet! Awesome :)

    Simon - you always crack me up! I'll never let on what I've learned about your personality from your blog!! :)

  16. Jemi, ya' know I adore ya'. And Diane, I'm now following you too. Interesting posts on your blog. I just thought I would comment on this one, in particular. ;)

  17. Wonderful post and advice! Thanks for this entry, it was really useful! Another good tool to put in my writer's toolbox.

  18. Great tips! Thanks, Jemi, for the info and thanks, Diane, for bringing this to our attention.


  19. Hi Jemi! Yes, definitely you're the queen of blogging! Since it all seems to be intuitive, it only proves what a nice and caring person you are. :)

    I love your blog and advice! But the mention on being watched... mmmm *heh* ;P

  20. Great tips from an obviously experienced and master blogger. thanks, Jemi, and Diane, for sharing today!

    Marvin D Wilson

  21. Hi Simon!

    Glad everyone got so much from Jemi's tips.

  22. Hey Jemi and Diane (*waves*)...while Jemi is indeed one of the best commenters in the 'sphere ( you sweet, sweet Jemi, you), Diane, you are pretty great about leaving comments too. :o)

    Great post, ladies.

    Happy Tuesday!

  23. Jemi forgot to mention that she's one of the sweetest, coolest people to get a comment from too. She's amazing!

    Thanks for the tips, ladies!

  24. Lisa - thanks - I knew you'd like it here - Diane's great!

    B - Thanks - what a nice thing to say :)

    Jai - thanks! Glad you found something useful!

    Mari - you're such a sweetie - thank you - and I'm not trying to scare anyone. Really! :)

    Marvin - thanks - hope you found something useful!

    Lola - you're a doll - thanks so much :)

  25. Jackee - we must have cross-posted! You're so kind - thanks so much :)

  26. I really enjoyed this post and I am in awe of your multi-tasking skills. I can’t imagine what I’d come out looking like if I tried to do anything while putting on makeup or drying my hair or what our dinners might taste like! I see I still have much to learn about making the most of blogging.

  27. Thanks Jane - my kids laugh at how I multi-task. They don't think I can do just one thing at a time anymore :) It's a bit crazy, but fun!

  28. Hey Jemi *waves*. Now your going mobile on us? :) Great post!!

  29. Excellents tips that work. I think most of the participants of the Blogging From A to Z April Challenge are putting much of this into practice now and finding that it definitely does work.

  30. Hey DL *waving back*! It's fun going mobile - I don't get to travel much & this works :)

    Lee - Thanks - it's fun getting to know so many people - and your challenge is sure putting more folks on tour!

  31. Jemi, this is why I follow you. You're warm, friendly, and give good advice! I'm so glad I found your blog and can learn from you. :)

  32. Oh. My. God.

    Did you just say you follow around 100 blogs? Wow. Your commenting and following has paid off in your comment numbers.

    I would say that commenting on other people's blogs helps, for sure. I would also like to say that your blog posts are short, sweet, to the point, and also interesting. You put a nice spin on your topics, keep it fresh, as well as find a way to spin it back to your readers so we WANT to comment. We want to weigh in. We want to share what we think about the subject.

    I bow down before you. I have no idea where you find the time--even though you just told me. Uh, do you sleep?

  33. Kathi - awww - thanks so much! It's fun to meet so many new people :)

  34. Thanks everyone for stopping by today! Obviously Jemi knows what she's doing.

  35. Jean - sleep is definitely optional! I like short posts - anything too long and something is sure to interrupt what I'm reading/writing! Thanks Jean - you've been a very good buddy since I got online :)

  36. Thanks Jemi, for the tips and thank you Diane, for providing the format. Great blog (love the name). I, too, like to respond to comments on the blog itself and always respond to a comment. The commenter may not come back to see if you've acknowledged them but I, myself, usually do. Email is OK too. I agree if there's no connection, what's the point?

  37. Yvonne - I think a lot of us do comment to all our readers. It just seems right, doesn't it? Glad you popped over!

  38. That's how you seem to be commenting everywhere! I guess I'll have to carry my laptop around more.
    Thanks for the tips Jemi! I think the most important was "care about people". That's always the best advice for making friends.

  39. This is a great post! Very enlightening. Love your generous spirit, Jemi. It comes through every sentence. :-)

  40. Thank you everyone who visited from Jemi's blog!

  41. Lorel - yes - it's too easy to see through fake people - even on the internet! And it definitely helps to be a little obsessive :)

    Prill - I'm so glad you found it helpful. Thanks so much for the kind words :)

  42. Jemi, with you and Elana both posting on blogging this week, I'm learning tons! Thank you!

    *BTW: Great blog Diane! :)

  43. I love Jemi! She's awesome.

    Thanks for the great interview!

  44. VR - Elana is truly the blogging queen! Love her advice :)

    Talli - thanks - you're such a sweetie :)

  45. Wow, I applaud her commitment to blogging and commenting. I don't know how many blogs I follow, but it's starting to overwhelm me so much that I have to cut back...

  46. Wow! Whatever you're doing, it must be working. 70-80 comments a day is amazing.

  47. Great interview - I love Jemi's blog, and she always leaves such thoughtful comments on mine!

  48. Yvonne, thanks - I know it draws attention!

    VR, thank you so much!

  49. Christina - it is a big commitment - but I also find it a lot of fun :) And multi-tasking helps!!

    Kristen - thanks :) I don't blog every day though - only a few times a week - that probably helps too!

    Susan - thanks so much! You're so kind!

  50. Kimberly - thanks :)

    It's hard to keep it up - my family thinks I'm a little batty with my laptop all the time, but they know I find it fun too!

  51. Hmmm, I was here yesterday and thought I left a comment. Anyway, I agree blogging is a great way to make friends. I don't have to worry about what I look like or if I smell a bit funny on a particular day.

    Stephen Tremp

  52. Great tips. Thanks so much. I really can use them.


  53. Stephen - LOL :) Never thought of those advantages! I heard a few people around the bloggyverse saying their comments weren't showing - must have been a glitch.

    Bev - so glad I could help you out a little! :)

  54. I admit to failing to comment back when someone is wonderful enough to leave one for me. Great advice and amazing time management!

  55. Great post Jemi!

  56. Terry Lynn - you have a great blog :) Thanks - glad you enjoyed!

    Carolyn - Thanks so much! :)

  57. Great post, Jemi! I remember I put you in my "must read" folder in Google Reader the first time I "met" you! I love your comments on my blog, and I always enjoy reading your posts. You ask such great questions, it's hard for me to leave without commenting!
