Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tales From the Bookshelf

Today's tale covers marketing books for authors!

I was hard pressed to narrow this list to just a few books, as so many great ones reside on my shelf. But I've selected five marketing books that cover the aspects of book promotion in full detail.

Publicize Your Book: An Insider's Guide to Getting Your Book the Attention It Deserves
by Jacqueline Deval

Publisher: Penguin Group
Paperback, 320pp
ISBN-13: 9780399534317
This book starts with how to write a marketing plan and runs through hiring a publicist and online marketing. It's geared toward the author with a publisher, but self-published authors will also benefit.

From Book to Bestseller: An Insider's Guide to Publicizing and Marketing Your Book!
by Penny Sansevieri,
Publisher: Morgan James Publishing
Paperback, 364pp
ISBN-13: 9781600370854

Penny's book packs in a lot of different ideas in short, easy to follow chapters. She also lists addresses and websites.

1001 Ways to Market Your Books
by John Kremer
Publisher: National Book Network
Paperback, 700pp
ISBN-13: 9780912411491

The most concise and detailed book on marketing. John updates this book often to keep up with addresses and websites. A 1001 ways means that every author will find a plethora of ideas in this book.

Frugal Book Promoter : How to Do What Your Publisher Won't
by Carolyn Howard-Johnson
Publisher: Star Publish
Paperback, 288pp
ISBN-13: 9781932993103

Not just frugal - deatiled! Tons of ideas, complete with websites for further exploration. (Which means it could take months to get through all the information - but that's a good thing!)

Jump Start Your Book Sales: A Money-Making Guide for Authors, Independent Publishers and Small Presses
by Marilyn Ross, Tom Ross
Publisher: Communication Creativity
Paperback, 328pp
ISBN-13: 9780918880413

Covers a lot of great ideas, with quotes and blurbs to further spur your imagination. The side notes alone are worth the price of this book.

All of these books are excellent resources for any author or writer, especially those who've not yet embarked on the journey of promotion!


  1. Thanks for the recommendations! I can always use all the marketing help I can get. :)

    Mystery Writing is Murder

  2. Thanks! I need the help, too.

  3. Can one ever have too many marketing books?) I own a couple of these and plan to check out the others on my next trip to the bookstore. Like the previous commenters, I need all the help I can get.

  4. Awesome, thanks for the advice and recommendations! I'll definitely put these on my list.

  5. Thanks so much for these! I've read the Frugal Book Promoter and it is very thorough. Looking forward to checking out the other ones you mention!

  6. the Frugal Book Promoter sounds like a good one.

  7. I'll have to look for these books and check out their tips.


  8. I've so many of these books and had a hard time narowing it down to just five!

  9. Hi! I followed a link to your blog from Jai Joshi's. Thanks for these wonderful resources! I've earmarked this page :) I look forward to reading more from you.

  10. Great recommendations! Thanks!

    BTW, I followed you over from Jai Joshi's blog. Now a follower as well ;)

  11. Those look like great books!! Hopefully I'll need them someday :)

  12. Wonderful suggestions and I like that they're ones on your bookshelf.

    Straight From Hel

  13. Great resources, thanks! Now to get a reason to use them...

  14. Glad to see Jane say that you can never have enough. Each book marketer has slightly different viewpoints and different promotion ideas. Plus, reading a new book always gets us jazzed for what's next.

    Jemi: Don't wait until you THINK you need them. It won't be too late (it's never too late!) but you'll miss some really important work you can be doing NOW, like building your lists.

    Talli, thanks for the endorsement of The Frugal Book Promoter. REALLY! And Janet! Yes! Frugal is always better than paying someone to do something you can do better yourself. Or worse, not doing it at all.

    And, Diane! What a nice surprise to be featured on today's blog. Thank you sooooo much.

  15. PS: Diane, I'll run a big thank you and info on your blog in my newsletter. (-:


  16. I have a few of these already and the others on my list.

    Personally, I think your followers just need to find time to come to NC and take your seminar on promoting. Shame we can't teleport.

  17. I have Kremer's 1001 Ways to Market your Book and need to order the Frugal Book Promoter. Thanks for the links and reviews.

    Steohen Tremp

  18. Got a few here I didn;t know about. thanks! See ya tomorrow, will have a post up to direct my readers over here.

  19. I've got the 1001 ways to market your books. I've done some of them. If I only had time, I'd do more.

    Morgan Mandel

  20. Didn't realize just how much one has to put into writing and promoting a book! I'm overwhelmed already.

    Thanks for the info. Be looking into them soon.


  21. Carolyn, you knew I couldn't do this without mentioning your book!
