Thursday, April 08, 2010

Odds & Ends & That's a Wrap

Mostly odds... I am an author after all!

Thanks to everyone who visited Tuesday for Jemi's post about successful blogging. She is amazing.

There are a couple other bloggers doing it right, too:

Elana Johnson
She has over 1000 followers and her posts garner over 100 comments each. She replies to all of them, too! I am in awe...

Alex J. Cavanaugh
He's a new blogger, but barely two weeks ago he had 30 followers - now he has over 60! And he generates 20-30 comments per post.

Arlee Bird
He threw out an A-Z Blogging Challenge that not only increased his traffic, but those participating are enjoying great success as well.


Wrapping up my virtual tour for Book V this week! Which is good - after four weeks, the Spunky is out of things to say.

There's two book giveaways still in process - La Femme Readers and Find Your Next Book Here - feel free to sign up. (I'd love it if one of my bloggy buddies won.) And Friday boasts the final two stops - a Writers in the Sky Podcast and an interview at A Novel Journey. The podcast is 30 minutes long - and it was the second take! Yvonne's machine stopped recording the first time, so we had to do a take two on Monday.

Thanks to everyone who hosted me on this tour and those who have offered me a chance to visit their site in the future!


The 'monthly' newsletter for The Circle of Friends will go to bi-monthly after April. However, I will continue to feature another author (preferably YA but will consider others) in each newsletter - and the slot for April is still open. If you are an author with a book that appeals to teens and adults, please contact me!


The last odd...

The next two weeks, Spunky will be on the road - a lot. I have (starting tonight) three full seminars, three administrative professionals appreciation luncheons/dinners, a TV program to tape in Greenville SC, and a book festival. So during these two weeks, Spunky will be cutting back on her blogging and commenting because I will be physically unable to do it all. Followers new and old, don't give up on me though! After the 22nd, I will return full force and with some changes to Spunk on a Stick's Tips.

Thanks everyone!


  1. Good luck on the tour. Wishing you much success.

  2. Good luck on the road :)

  3. Good luck, Diana! Sounds fun and exciting. I'm sure you will do well. :)

  4. Sounds like the next 2 weeks will be busy for you. Try to have some fun as well!

    Straight From Hel

  5. Hope the touring goes well, Diane. We'll be here when you get back!

    Mystery Writing is Murder

  6. Thanks for you continued support. Oooh, I love being on the road-- have fun and increase your customer base.

    Look forward to the changes you're talking about. Now you have us curious.

    Blogging From A to Z April Challenge

  7. You are an inspiration. Wow - good luck on your next tour. The blog tour was great. I managed to visit a few of your guest posts. Way to go Diane!

  8. Best of luck on the touring, Diane. Can't wait to find out about these changes... We're a curious lot. :)

  9. Thank you, everyone! Yes, I try to remember the journey is just as much fun. Sometimes it's just a bit overwhelming.

  10. That's awesome! Thanks for sharing. Have a safe trip and when you come to Greenville, think of me! :D

  11. Thanks for the mention. I'm really not how the follower explosion happened, either.
    Happy trails!

  12. Good luck with the tour, Diane. I'll be rooting for you.


  13. Have fun on the tour! Thanks for mentioning those blogs. I'm always looking for more zany zigzaggers to follow!

  14. Thanks again for the opportunity to post here, Diane - it was fun!! :)

    Elana, Arlee & Alex are great bloggers - love their stuff!

    Enjoy the tour - sounds like a lot of exhausting fun! Take care :)

  15. You are a busy lady, Diane. Enjoy the road trip.


  16. You deserve the best, Diane. Glad everything is going so well.

  17. Love your opening line. Too funny. I follow Alex and Arlee too. They have great posts and quality comments. Think I'll stop by and leave one myslef.

    Congrats! on a very sucessful blog tour. Looks like a lot of work, but the payoff is worth the effort. Hope you received lots of new exposure and sold some books.

    Stephen Tremp

  18. Aw, thank you for linking to me! I'm not really sure what I'm doing right, but it seems to be working.


  19. You are an inspiration! Sounds like the next two weeks will be fun and crazy. When it rains is pours.

  20. Thank you everyone! I'm already exhausted after last night but will recharge today.

  21. What a great virtual tour you had!! Thanks for letting me be part of it. Be safe on your travels. Can't wait til the summer when you are back here. Bring your walking shoes so we can hit all those cool stores.
