Friday, March 12, 2010

And Now For Something Completely Different...

Winter changed into Spring. Spring changed into Summer. Summer changed back into Winter. And Winter gave Spring and Summer a miss and went straight on into Autumn...


Got a lot this week!

Carol gives a warning about the Google coupon A Book Inside

Vivian gives some great tips on writing for children Sharing with Writers

Stephen guides us through the Seven C’s of Mystery Writing Breakthrough Blogs

Are you using Bookbuzzer? Marketing Tips For Authors

J. Aday media kit series, part II A Writing Playground

Penny Sansevieri give tips on blogging and articles Susan Whitfield’s Blog

Helen Ginger discusses character growth The Blood Red Pencil

And since St. Patrick’s Day is coming up, Yvonne gives us a little history… Writers in the Sky

Day four of Spunky’s Virtual Tour and I’m visiting CC Chronicles today!
For a full list of appearances go HERE
A big thank you to my hosts this week!


Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs
For some reason, we missed this in the theatre - which was a total shame!
Based on the book by the same name, this movie is just cute and fun. It's a sweet story (no food pun intended) and an original idea. There are a TON of stars voicing the characters, from James Caan to Mr. T. to Bruce Cambell. The funniest character? Steve. Steve the monkey! You have to see it to appreciate it.
Not deep, not even the best animation in the world, but just good fun.


There were some good ones last Sunday!

However one stood above the crowd - and had I been drinking, water would've come out my nose...

"Sigh, being a Muslim feline has so many restrictions." - from The Old Silly


Spring is coming!


  1. Awe, cute kitty. And I'm a sucker for a rose. Nice photos.

  2. Great links this week. Luckily I get a few of these in my inbox.

  3. That is a perfect caption for the kittie picture.

    Thanks for all the links. I see a couple that I missed and will link over!

    Straight From Hel

  4. Love the caption, it fits perfect. Thanks for all the great links to check out and the photo is beautiful. Your closeups show so much detail.

  5. 'Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs'? I haven't heard anything about it. I'll have to look out for it.


  6. Thanks for the links and the sight of spring :)

  7. Thank you, Mason. CC had asked me about my photography in her interview today, and I really enjoy closeups.

    Karen, we're in the 70's here now!

    Thanks everyone.

  8. It's been in the high 50's to low 60's all week here in SE Michigan and I got me some BIG time spring fever! Love the flower bud shot. Great links again, thanks - and HEY! I WON! YAY!! Thanks for the shout out, Diane. :)

    Marvin D Wilson

  9. "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" did have some great characters, voice actors, and a nice story, but I think it missed a good opportunity to teach kids about food. It would've been nice to see more emphasis placed on making healthy choices, not wasting food, and not being greedy. But it was nice to see Mr. T in something!

  10. You made me laugh, Marvin!

    Christina, that was a lost opportunity. Wonder if it's in the original book?
    And Mr. T is so cool! So is Bruce Campbell.

  11. Thanks for the links and photos, Diane!

  12. Yes, that was a funny caption!
    I hadn't noticed this post by Vivian, so thank you for pointing it out! Great resource here.

  13. Great line up, as usual. My 4 year old twin boys actually loved Cloudy... Now, if I can get my wife to watch it!

  14. Enjoy the links!

    Your twins are now four, Tony? Gosh how time is flying...

  15. Diane, Thanks for the mention.

    We like Cloudy witha Chanceof Meatballs. A good solid story. Steve the monkey was up for best supporting actor.

    Stephen Tremp
