Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Tales From the Bookshelf

Couldn't decide, so posted two reviews today -
The Forgotten Beasts of Eld by Patricia A. McKillip
Personality Plus by Florence Littauer

The Forgotten Beasts of Eld
by Patricia A. McKillip
Young Adult

Paperback: 352 pages
Publisher: Magic Carpet Books
ISBN-13: 978-0152055363

A young wizard named Sybel lives alone in her mountain home, surrounded only by the beasts she has 'called' to live with her. A young man named Coren brings his enemy's infant son to her and she raises Tam to a boy. His father, King Drede, comes seeking Tam and tries to convince Sybel to his kingdom as well. When he employs another wizard to force her to comply, Sybel marries Coren and plots to use his house and her beasts to destroy King Drede.

This was one of the few 'young adult' books available when I was a teen and I thoroughly enjoyed it! Most fantasy seems to have a familiar feel and storyline, but this book is refreshingingly unique. It's a tale of revenge and love - will Sybel sacrifice one for the other?

The cover art is the original - I felt it was better than the current reissue!

Personality Plus
by Florence Littauer
Paperback: 208 pages
Publisher: Baker Publishing Group
ISBN-13: 9780800754457

Littauer defines the four basic personality types - choleric, phlegmatic, sanguine, and melancholy - and describes their strengths and weaknesses in detail. It is designed to help us understand both our own personality and those of the people around us.

This is one of my key resource books for writing! When I design a new character, I select one of the four personalities that best suits his or her nature. It helps me to define that character, understand his or her motivations and behaviors, and set that person on a logical course. For me, it provides a basic foundation from which to build a complex and real character. I highly recommend it to any writer or author!

Thanks once again for visiting the bookshelf!

 FTC disclaimer - I own both of these books, paid for by my own money.


  1. Loved the reviews. I like the two different genres at once. The YA pretty neat, didn't have anything like that when I was young. The cover art is very catchy.

  2. The Personality Plus book seems like an excellent source to have on hand in order to better understand the characters we create. Thanks for the idea.

  3. Mason, there was virtually no YA when I was a teen, either. The new version of this book has a different cover - and it's not nearly as good as this one!

    Jane, it's an excellent book!
    How are you doing?

  4. Sounds like I need that second one.

  5. The latter has great potential for me. I have a book outlined that will require me to get inside people's psychological makeup, their fears, and what triggers the fear. Thanks for the reviews.

    Stephen Tremp

  6. I've enjoyed others of Patricia McPhillip's books. Need to look for this one. The personality book as a writing tool is definitely an interesting idea. Thanks!

  7. I enjoyed looking over your blog
    God bless you

  8. The Forgotten Beasts of Eld sounds like a facination book. I love anything with dragons and magic. As a published author of a fantasy trilogy, I invite you to check out my latest book, The Magic of Fuller, book one, "Keeper of the Stone". http://www.strategicpublishinggroup.com/title/TheMagicofFullerBookOne-KeeperoftheStone.html

  9. Good post and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you for your information.

  10. Forgotten Beasts was a great book!

    And I can't say enough about the personality one as a vital character development tool.

  11. Love the cover of Forgotten Beasts :)

    Personality traits & styles always make for an interesting read!

  12. Jemi, that cover rocks! The new one is so pedestrian...

  13. What an awesome cover! A dragon in my favorite color. You know I'm going to have to hunt down a copy of this.

    The personality book sounds like a great resource to keep on hand. Thanks for sharing it!

  14. CC, I JUST found a brand new copy of Personality Plus on my shelf - think I'm gonna do a giveaway on Friday!!!

    And find the original cover. New one is so lame. But Beasts of Eld is really cool.

  15. I am sure I read the Forgotten Beasts of Eld. The summary sound so familiar.
    There was a time I could not get enough of dragons, so I probably did read this one. Great recommendation, I am going to try and revisit it.
