Monday, January 25, 2010

Visiting Today - Author Beverly Stowe McClure!

Please welcome author Beverly Stowe McClure!

When Beverly was a child, she hated to read. Even though her eighth-grade teacher sent her poem “Stars” to a high school anthology, and it was published in Young America Sings, she hated to write. In spite of her rocky relationship with books, she attended Midwestern University, graduated, and became a teacher. Reading Dr. Seuss and other great children’s books to her sons and to her students made her realize what she’d been missing: reading was fun. Now, she reads and she also writes. Her stories and articles have been published in leading children’s magazines. One article was reprinted in a Scott Foresman PreK/K Anthology. Her “Breakthrough” article appeared in the June 2007 issue of Writer Magazine. She has four novels published: Listen to the Ghost, Secrets I Have Kept, Rebel in Blue Jeans, and Just Breeze. Six more of her stories are under contract.

Beverly lives in the country with her husband and cat, where deer, skunks, and armadillos occasionally visit. Her three sons are grown and have given her lovely grandchildren.

Just Breeze, for tweens and teens, is Beverly’s first book from 4 RV Publishing LLC.

About Just Breeze:

Eighth grade starts out the same as every other year for Breeze Brannigan. She’s still the tallest student, boy or girl, in her class, wears shoes that would fit an elephant, and her smile reveals dazzling braces that blind everyone within ten feet. Then she meets Cam, the new boy in school who speaks with an accent and must be from another planet, for none of the earthling boys she knows are so polite. He also has a secret, a secret that could mean life or death for Cam and his mother and that Breeze must help him keep.

Just Breeze can be purchased from the publisher, 4 RV Publishing, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble

And other leading bookstores such as Book-A-Million and Powells.

Good news: 4 RV Publishing is currently editing Life on Hold, Beverly’s forthcoming novel for Young Adults:
A paper found.
A secret revealed.
A girl’s life changed forever.

Also, watch for Beverly’s Young Adult historical novel, Caves, Cannons, and Crinolines, this spring, from Twilight Times Books.


  1. Thanks for introducing me to another interesting author. Sounds like another book I need to check on.

  2. I love hearing about other authors...thanks for the post!

  3. Thank you for hosting me today, Diane.

    And thanks to Mason and Kristi for stopping by.


  4. Thank you for introducing me to another great author. I live out in the country, too, so we have that in common.


  5. I'm always happy to see writers of children and young adult getting new exposure. Best wishes for your continued success.

    Stephen Tremp

  6. Hi, Nancy. Ah yes, the wide open spaces, the sweet scent of cattle. :) I love the country.

    Thank you, Stephen.


  7. Sounds like a great book! I think it would be a great fit for my classroom :)

  8. Thanks for visiting here today, Beverly!

  9. Hi Jemi. It would be a great fit for classrooms. I've had many comments from people saying Breeze reminded them of their middle school years where they felt out of place and recommending it for their tween/teen children. Thank for your comment.

    You're welcome, Diane. I've enjoyed meeting some of your friends.


  10. I didn't think I could like a YA book more than Just Breeze, but Life on Hold may be that book.

  11. Nice to hear you say that, Vivian. I'm delighted you like Life on Hold. I wonder what Aidana will do with this cover. She's so creative.


  12. Did you see the cover she created for my book Stolen?

  13. Breeze sounds a lot like me in 8th grade! :)

    Thanks for the introduction to author and series.....

    Mystery Writing is Murder
    Mystery Lovers’ Kitchen

  14. I saw it, Vivian. Awesome.

    Hi Elizabeth. I think a lot of people can identify with Breeze and her feelings about herself at the tender age of 13. Thanks.


  15. Hi there, Bev,

    You'll be happy to know that my daughter LOVED your book AND she will give a presentation on it for her English class next month. The students are supposed to discuss a favorite book--and she chose yours!

  16. Oh Wow, Mayra! That's news every writer loves to hear. I'm honored and deeply touched. So happy she loves Breeze. You made my day. :)

    Thank you.

