Wednesday, January 20, 2010

"Mystery Man" Contest!

Book V of my series will be out in less than two months.

How would you like to get a copy a month earlier???

Enter the “Book V - Mystery Man!” contest!

Each book revolves around a relationship, and Book V is no different. However, while the other books overlapped, thus revealing the second main character, Book V’s story does not begin until after the end of Book IV. The young man who will change Heather’s life remains a mystery! Hint - his name has been mentioned in an earlier book.

Do YOU know this person’s name?

Would you like to make a guess?

A free, autographed copy of Book V…Heather will be given away to one lucky winner!

Contest Rules:

* Send your selection to wolferock AT & include “Mystery Man” in the subject line.

* One entry per person.

* Contest open to USA and Canada residents only.

* Early reviewers of Book V not eligible to enter.

* Contest runs from Jan. 20 to Feb. 18, 2010.

* In the event of a tie, winner will be drawn at random.

* Winner will be notified by email and announced next month.

Good luck everyone!


  1. Sounds like a good contest, Diane! I like the idea of this mystery man...


  2. A mystery man, a great way to draw attention. The book sounds interesting. Congratulations and good luck.

  3. This is a terrific contest idea, I've been trying...with little generate some ideas. You've found a great one.

    Best Wishes Galen.
    Imagineering Fiction Blog

  4. Congrats on the next book! This will be a fun contest. I imagine it will be interesting for you to read all the different guesses.

    Straight From Hel

  5. I always joked I should do a contest of "Guess the author's first name" but I liked this idea better!

  6. Good idea. What if we do guess your first name?

  7. Sounds like a fun contest!!

  8. I don't have a clue who the mystery man could be. I'm sure someone will figure it out.

    Morgan Mandel

  9. Is this mystery man Chase Manhattan?

    Stephen Tremp

  10. Diane, just wanted you to know I'll miss you in the next few weeks. I'll be out of the country. Let's talk about this promotion when I get back.

  11. I can't enter because I already know, but good luck to the rest of you. Any book of Diane's is a fabulous prize to win!!
