Friday, January 22, 2010

And Now For Something Completely Different...

"It's just gone 8 o'clock and time for the penguin on top of your television set to explode."


What to do when you have too many books! Good Golly Miss Holly

Great YA site! YA Highway

Spotlight on authors published in 2010 thru small & independent publishers Write About Now

Send a book or Ebook to the troops! Sharing with Writers

Meet Molly the horse - an amazing Katrina survivor and inspiration! Snopes
Courtesy of Bibliophiles by the Sea

Five subplot blunders to avoid - Chatterbox Chit Chat

Remember to check out the contest - Mystery Man Contest

* I just found out that Teens Read Too has given Book V a FIVE STAR review, claiming it's the best of the series!!! Woo-hoo!!

And I received a wonderful award from CC Chronicles!!!
I feel so honored.
All I did was prod her to begin - CC did all the work.
Thank you so much, CC!
You one awesome chick.

"This one is The Blogger Buddies Award and it's for those blogging buddies I have who have helped me make this blog what it is."

I have several people who really helped me get this blog going.

Marvin Wilson at   The Old Silly- I know I pestered him to death via emails!!
Helen Ginger at Straight From Hel
Dani at   -Book Blog Tours I am so glad I took her class last January!

And thanks to everyone who comments - that's what continues to shape this blog.


Wow - I didn't see any new movies or purchase any new CD's! I do have an ITunes gift card burning a hole in my pocket, so new music is in my very near future. Next movie on my list is The Wolfman next month. Nixon/Frost arrived from NetFlix, so will watch that by Saturday.

Otherwise, the show of choice in our house is American Idol. My husband started watching several years ago because he enjoyed the train wreck of really bad auditions. Well, he got hooked, so now he watches every year. I catch some of it. I don't like watching the idiots, but some of the stories are so moving. And is it just me, or is Simon just a little less mean this year? Anyone else an Idol addict?


For my newer watchers who've never seen Steve's Bad Day - this is my husband's short computer animation movie. And yes, I am two of the voices! Enjoy - it's funny! (And for those who wonder - it took him about eight months to do this piece.)


  1. Aw, thanks for thinking of The Old Silly, Diane! Your blog has come a loooooong way, baby!

    I saw that "Steve's Bad Day" some time ago - it is SUCH a stitch! lol

  2. You are welcome, Marvin! You really helped me out a lot.

  3. I am a big Steve fan and am waiting on the sequel....

    Thank you so much for the award. I've not seen this one before and am proud to be a blogging buddy!

    Straight From Hel

  4. You are very welcome Diane. You are an inspiration!!

  5. Hi, Congrats on your great review!!

    I agree you have a really good blog here, and I like to stop by whenever I can.

    Hope you have a good weekend. Cheers~

  6. Congratulations on the award. Thanks for all the great links to check out and a really awesome video.

  7. Thanks for the links and kick-ass video!

  8. Great links, Diane. And thanks for the Steve introduction...that's amazing!

    Mystery Writing is Murder
    Mystery Lovers’ Kitchen

  9. What a fast-paced blog. Sending books to the tropps is a must. I sent a few over for the holidays. Have a great weekend.

    Stephen Tremp

  10. Oh, and great video. I'm going topost it to Facebook and Twitter.

    Stephen Tremp

  11. Oh, golly, what a wonderful, creative, and well done video. That was just masterful. I can't give it enough praise. Very nice.

    I love the line at the end, "Uh, we don't eat." Very clever. As you know, I'm just barely into videos. I'm not sure now if I should contine... or give it up in shame! Again, great job.

    Best Wishes Galen.
    Imagineering Fiction Blog

  12. Helen, he has storyboards for "Crazy Giant Robot" so I'll let you know when he finishes!

    Thank you Nancy, Karen, Mason, Alex, and Elizabeth!

    And thanks os much, Stephen!!! That would be awesome.

    Don't give up, Galen! My husband's a professional computer graphic artist - been doing it for years. And he's an uber perfectionist.

  13. Thanks for the links, they sound great!

  14. I'm not a dedicated viewer of American Idol -- I only watch when it gets down to the last 10 contestants. But, have you seen Glee? I love that show! It's like a fictional version of AI, set in high school.

  15. Keep posting stuff like this i really like it
