Sunday, September 13, 2009

iMeme - What I Read

Okay, saw this over at J. Kaye’s Book Blog and thought I'd give it a whirl. J. Kaye had shortened her list of questions (original can be found at Psychotic State ) so I did the same:

1. What author do you own the most books by?
Anne McCaffrey, Preston & Childs, and Terry Brooks

2. What book do you own the most copies of?
The Five Love Languages – we loan those out to people all the time and I think we still have three on the shelf.

3. What fictional character are you secretly in love with?
Would it be really wrong if I said Matt from Book II of my series? Would it?

4. What book have you read more than any other?
Watership Down - probably a hundred times

5. What was your favorite book when you were 10 years old?
Watership Down - which is probably why I read it so much!

6. What is the worst book you've read in the past year?
The Heart of Marketing – it got such great reviews, but I thought it was awful! No meat or details, all mental fluff.

7. What is the best book you've read in the past year?
Calling All Authors by Valerie Connelly (Yeah, I read a lot of marketing stuff, don’t I?)

8. If you could tell everyone you tagged to read one book, what would it be?If you've never read The Five Love Languages, then it’s a must! Greatest relationship book ever.

9. What is the most difficult book you've ever read?
Lovecraft is challenging due to his style and the differences in language from 70-80 years ago, but I love his books!
Challenging in a bad way was Old Man and the Sea. BORING!!!!

10. Short Story?
The Mound by Lovecraft – gosh that SO needs to be a movie!

11. Nonfiction?
Life is Tremendous! by Charlie “Tremendous” Jones

12. Science Fiction?
The White Dragon by Anne McCaffrey

13. Who is the most overrated writer alive today?
Besides Stephen King? (Still wonder what childhood trauma he suffered that was so bad it shows up in every novel.) Starting to think Stephanie Meyer is overrated too…

14. Best history?
Twelve Days of Terror- true account of the famous 1916 New Jersey shark attacks. (I really dig sharks.)

I won't tag anyone - feel free to tackle this on your own!


  1. How insightful!

    As for #3 - No, it's easy to fall in love with a character, and sometimes they're embodied from someone we know...mmmm? Wonder who Matt might be a little like?? He DOES have a very appealing personality...I can't imagine anyone NOT liking Matt!

    Oh look what I've done! If you haven't yet, now you'll just have to read Book II to find out about him!!! I suggest starting at the beginning with Book I though! :)

  2. I'd have to say Danielle Steel for the overrated one.

    I read a lot of marketing books too, actually, I use them for reference. I skip the parts I already know. There's so much I don't know still.

    Morgan Mandel

  3. Enjoyed reading these things - and this one-

    "3. What fictional character are you secretly in love with?
    Would it be really wrong if I said Matt from Book II of my series? Would it?"

    LOL - not wrong at all - totally fair game. (wink)

    Marvin D Wilson

  4. Yes, Danielle Steele came to mind, too.

    And glad it's not wrong to say I love Matt! Hate to disappoint though, but my husband is NOT a Matt. He's more like Jason...

  5. My husband LOVES the Terry Brooks books. He hasn't read them for ages, but he was a huge fan when he was a teen.

    I love memes. Good way to learn more about people.

    Mystery Writing is Murder

  6. I thought this an exceptionally good game. I rarely (never?) read a book twice. Too many lovely ones to read to double up!

    Anyone interested (who wouldn't be?) in this reading game might be interested in my most recent blog over at, too. You found it and left a comment, Diane! Thank you!


  7. This is great. I'll have to get over to j. Kaye's blog and check out her imeme.

    Everytime I follow your question & answers I find more things we have in common!

    Chris C

  8. Elizabeth, my husband even has a signed Terry Brooks book!

    You perked my interest, Chris - where else do we jive? LOL

  9. Well I knew we both loved McCaffrey. But I didn't know we shared a love of Preston-Childs and Terry Brooks.

  10. I'm so with you on #13. Over-hyped and publicized authors rarely deliver, in my opinion.

  11. Chris, we need to explore one another's bookshelves one day!
    And I saw that photo of yours - impressive!

  12. Sadly I moved and no longer have a library, so all my books are in boxes in storage. In the photo, that just showed one wall, there were three others. I think I have over 3000 books at this point. Think I'm addicted much? ;)
