Friday, August 14, 2009

And Now For Something Completely Different!

"We apologise for the fault in the subtitles. Those responsible have been sacked.”

Wow, there was so much going on this week!!!

For todays stops in my tour, please visit Jamieson's site - Jamieson Wolf (and be sure to click on NightWolfDesigns for video he designed and surprised me with today!) and Genevieve's site -Genevieve's Blog
And don’t forget the giveaways in my sidebar.

12 Places Authors Should Look To Develop a Strong Web Presence by Ryan Frank Marketing Tips For Authors
And be sure to enter his contest - Twitter Contest

The Dark Side of Blogging – an outlandish attack! The Story Siren

Some grammar tips on joint & separate possession - Crystal Clear Proofing

Marketing to libraries- A Marketing Expert

Placing Your Books in Stores- Stephen Tremp

The Future of Books? Straight From Hel

Is it poor book marketing to compare one book to another? My Friend Amy

What is true self-publishing? Walt Shiel

How to do a Twitter party! Jane’s Ride

And for news of the fun - world wide movie grosses for all time: IMDB
Now THOSE are the numbers that matter!

Speaking of movies, a review will definitely be posted next week - hitting "District 9" tonight! And I've been excited about this movie since the beginning of summer...


Def Leppard/Poison/Cheap Trick

Short & sweet - Def Leppard was fantastic and the screens behind them constantly showed video. I've seen these guys at least five times now and they are master showmen. Poison - they were fine, but I guess I'm the only one on the planet who never liked Posion. And this was my first time for Cheap Trick, a band I've always loved but never seen live. Wish they'd gone second and had a light show - and got to play more songs! - but I really enjoyed them.

Which leads us to....


Def Leppard!


  1. You're right - there was a lot going on this week! I've visited a few of these sites, but will definitely have to check out the rest. Thanks for the mention!

  2. Awesome photo. And a BUNCH of goins ons, eh? lol - thanks for all the links. I've been to a few of them, but several others seems worth checking out, too.

    The Old Silly

  3. Enjoy the links and glad to link to your site, Jane!

  4. It's been a fun ride so far, Diane! I've been enjoying your tour immensely! Thanks for the blog mention too! I appreciate it!

  5. LOL! Karen, I wish I was still that young so I had more energy! I am so overwhelmed and tired most days...

  6. Coming from someone who always looks for resources to share with others, I wanted to tell you how much I love the resources you share. I learn a lot from your blog. Thanks!

  7. I love Cheap Trick! And I especially love the Monty Python reference in the post's title.

  8. That's a very good picture. Looks rather professional, Diane. Mine would have been mostly black and fuzzy. Every Friday, you have great links. Thank you for gathering them and sharing with us.

    Straight From Hel

  9. Tony and Helen, I'm happy to supply the links!

    And considering how far away we were from the stage, I'm stunned any of my photos came out.

    Cheap Trick was great, Kitty! Rick brought out all of his signature guitars, too.

  10. Great informative links, Diane! Thanks for sharing them.

  11. Great links! (especially on marketing...LOL you know how I feel about that-)

    Thanks for sharing, and for your wonderful continuing support!


  12. Thanks for the links! I'll be sure to check them out.

    Mystery Writing is Murder

  13. Wow! what a line up! New names for me. And old ones. Keep 'em coming.

    Carolyn Howard-Johnson
    Blogging at Writer's Digest 101 Best Website pick
