Sunday, May 10, 2009

No Mother's Day For Me...

You read that right - no Mother's Day for me!

But before you extend sympathy, read on...

I receive no Mother's Day treats or gifts because I am not a mother. I've been a foster parent, and we jokingly refer to our cats as our parent's "grandkitties," but we have no children of our own.

Being a mother is hard work. It's an incredible commitment and sacrifice. Having a child consumes your entire life for many years. It adds new stress and worry as you strive to provide the best for your kids and be a good example. I admire all of the people who so willingly give of themselves in this manner.

So while there is not Mother's Day for me, I salute those who took on the challenge and slipped into the role of mother. You have helped raise a nation, and entire world of people. Without you, none of us would be here! You've given of yourself out of love and so rarely receive appropriate appreciation. And just like the mother in "A Christmas Story," you probably haven't eaten a warm meal in years!

So thank you for all the sacrifices and never ending love. Hugs to all the moms out there - Happy Mother's Day!!!


  1. AnonymousMay 10, 2009

    Excellent sentiments, and I share them with you. But you did HAVE a Mom, so go give her a hug today. :)

  2. Happy Mother's Day to your mother, Diane.

    (We have two kids and a grand-dog.)

    Straight From Hel

  3. I can hug my mother-in-law - she's visiting right now - but my mom lives on the West Coast.

  4. We don't really do mother's day, cards are only given for birthdays or exceptional circumstances in our family. We tend towards spontaneous gifting rather than scheduled. I think it's because we are all rubbish, so we have all become delighted by gifts whenever they come.

  5. I like that approach, Hagelrat!

  6. I think people who have the courage to make hard decisions on matters like this should have a day of their own. Our culture should not pressure people to have children nor, in my opinion, even reward them with tax breaks for having them. These things should be private. What is best for adults in this case is obviously best for the culture at large.

  7. For me, the best reward for being a mom was becoming a grandmother!

    Jane Kennedy Sutton

  8. "When I was young, I used to admire intelligent people; as I grow older, I admire kind people."
    ~~ Abraham Joshua Heschel
    Nice Comment!
