Sunday, May 17, 2009

DC Here I Come!!!

I am on the road today, bound for DC and the opportunity to speak at an event with Michelle Obama.

This event could be life-changing. (It could be a bust, too, but I prefer to think positive!) But from the recomendation of a PR person who did some work for me in the past, I went from exhibiting at this event to being included with the speakers. I will have approximately 10-15 minutes to talk about (you guessed it!) Overcoming Obstacles with SPUNK!

So please keep Spunky in your prayers today. After beating my head against the brick wall for so long, it's time I broke through!

An Ounce of Prevention Health Seminar
SUNDAY, MAY 17, 2009 FROM 2:00 P.M TO 10:00 P.M
201 Waterfront Street, National Harbor, MD 20745

Visit the website- An Ounce of Prevention Health Seminar - for more details!

Yes, I will take photos!

(And yes, the First Lady is receiving a copy of my book!)


  1. AnonymousMay 17, 2009

    WOW! That's an AWESOME opportunity! Go on out there and NAIL it, Diane - no worries!

    Ahem, an aside here, kind of a guy thang, but one of the fringe benefits of Obama's being the president is ... Michelle is HOT! Finest first lady since Jackie, fo sho. (wink)

    You HAVE to post about your experience there, ok? Not only how well YOU did (and you're gonna be awesome), but what is Michelle like - as a person? Really curious.

  2. Fantastic, Diane! I hope you get to meet the First Lady.

  3. Awesome! and good luck- let us know how it went. Cheers!

  4. Hi Spunky, Hope you have a good time and you make a good impression on everybody.

    Morgan Mandel

  5. Hi Spunky, Hope you have a good time and you make a good impression on everybody.

    Morgan Mandel
